1.17.11 New Sun Codex

Blinded By The Light ~ A New Day of Oneness

January 17th New Sun Codex were purposely anchored upon the Planet Earth for Gaia’a Ascension and Planet Earth to gradually raise this Planets frequency and humanities collective consciousness. 1.17.11 is January 17th 2018, the Sun Codes are fully and completely anchored upon the Planet Earth. 2018 being the 11 Master number and 1.17 being a 1 and an 8 = 2 (0) 1 8 =2018 all synchronistic sacred geometry.

January 17, is a very significant day especially in the Year of 2018 the master number 11. This is a year of ONEness with the Light of the Galactic Core, and January 17 is the day that great Ray of Light was anchored into the Planet Earth from the Galactic Central Sun. This day has been very synchronistic with in the higher dimensional community as it represents the ONE sacred union of male and female. This activation sequence number is coded as 117,717,1717 1117. This day is also super auspicious in the Galactic Realms as one of the the brightest Cosmic bodies of Lights anchored into Earth as a Sun, a brilliant sure ray of light to activate millions.

This date is significant for a great Light of Christ Consciousness has been anchored to the Earth destined to reach the millions with it’s transformative light. This Ray of Light is the Primary Masculine energies fully balanced with the Feminine energies of the OverSoul that has created the first polarity of the masculine and feminine embodied on the Planet Earth in our life time of 2017, Ascension Zenith Point.

A enormous, great Sure Ray of Light is to be remembered on the day of 117. January, 17 2017 is extraordinary as this is the year of Ascension. For the Twin Flames, Light bearers, all of humanity of the world have been gifted with a abundance of light. For over a semicentennial this ray of light has been blinding bright on Earth. Either you embrace this light or you would shun if you could not withstand it. Either way this Light was purposely anchored here in a human body as the Divine Masculine light that would be the living example of what all humans could and will attain as there birth right as a divine child of the God creator ~ As as Star or a Sun.

This Being arrived anchoring this light, shortly there after the Primary Feminine counter part of the one Soul arrived. Her position was to anchor the remaining light and sustaining this connection to the Etheric Realm from where she arrived. The two together the complete balance of feminine and masculine energies here on a mission to bring back the balance between them on this Earth realm. Because the feminine had arrived from the etheric and not being on the planet earth for thousands of years, she maintained her feminine qualities intact. However, the masculine energies upon Earth is what needed adjusting and correcting. This transition/event is happening now the Old Patriarchal System is dying off.

This 117, 717, 1717, 1118 = 888 which also equals the mastery of physical abundance upon Earth. For all to BE destined and so blessed as this Ray of Light. To add magic to this equation the August 8th date is to be remembered also, as this is the day the feminine aspect arrived to fulfill the earth mission. Both number representing abundance sacred union and now infinity.

Over half a century of ever present powerful masculine light which primarily desired additional information on how it may better manifest it’s life’s purpose and does so with his many personas coming to life and shedding for new life to birth over and over again from within. Fulfilling and overcoming the matrix world. Unlocking the possibilities and potential of the unexpected, teaching us to “Expect the Unexpected”. Dismantling the damaged masculine persona in time. Which of course is key task upon our New Earth for complete healing of the masculine and feminine.

Half a century of the ever present feminine powerful light striving for homeostasis of the feminine. Staying very much under the radar on this planet Earth and preforming most of her work seeding in the etheric realm for the future.

Many familiar with the New 5D template of unconditional love know this number 117, 717,1717,1117 (= 888) as coded as the sacred union of the unconditional love between the balanced masculine and feminine the blue and pink flame. Unbeknownst to them there is a deeper meaning to where this Sacred Union has been seeded. Setting the pattern for every man on this Earth in transition to the New Earth be blessed with the frequency of Christ Consciousness and Abundance Mastery.

These Light Rays arrived with this codes onto the Earth. The oversoul of this Being of light is the OverSoul of the first ever creation of masculine and feminine aspects. This Monad of the Central Sun Light is now ever present via millions of Soul Shards from this Soul Group of White Diamond Elders of the Seventh Ray and Galactic Guardianship.

This Soul, the Elder brother of humankind has been and is deeply committed to the oneness with all that is. The activity, the mind, the relationships, the alchemy of fear into essential child like laughter shared with others. Always mindful of friends, very sociable, loving, kind, gentle. Gaining more and more strength with age. Made Strong — in Body, in Mind, in Soul and in Purpose. Delivering transformative consciousness power to the New Earth Grid.

Here to simply BE the example by just Being Love, Truth, Beauty, Peace, Harmony and Grace You become that. Only positive thoughts come from this way of BEing and that is what manifests, and you know you just won the game.

May you be blinded by this light to all you thought was your only reality and evolve into the Star and Sun your are meant to BE. #Evolution.

I Love You

Saishorie~Grace as Above

Shelly Sullivan so Below