Seven Rays ~ Sum of All Creation

Over the years I have been slowly being shown with precisely divine timing that which we are. We are the Seventh Ray(s) The Sum of all Creation. This means all of Us the family of Light 144-444 = Unity Consciousness.

It all started with the White Blinding White Diamond Light that appeared before me revealing himself as my Twin Creator/Flame. Here is a excerpt from my book describing this:

Dream Message, August 28th 2016 – Dream of my Twin Flame

“I was in a building at an elevator door. I was dressed up in a long beige overcoat, sort of dressed in undercover Central

Intelligence Attire. I was practicing not feeling nervous and I was doing a good job. I remembered how to be in the NOW which was taught to us by our Angelic family in 2014.
Someone very special was coming to see me. But there was a catch, I was not sure how or when he was showing up. Would he come off the elevator or take the stairs? It was a typical dream like feeling at this time.

I paced around for a while and suddenly I heard him walking up the stairs. But I was not sure if it was him for certain. It could have been anyone.
I watched as the final step was taken. A ray of white diamond light appeared and it seemed to be a human within the light, but the light was predominant, diamond blinding light. Then, through the crown of the light, there was an electrical charge, like a lightening electrical charge, and where I saw the head and face is of my Beloved Twin Flame.
After the charge, my Twin Flame’s face started to come through. This is where it changed from dream experience in the higher realms into the Earth plane reality. Parts of his face were coming through to me. My Twin was ready to bring forth the light into the Earth Realm. It was real, but I was sleeping until his face came through; I was fully awake experiencing this meeting. He was coming through stronger and stronger. It was him, his beautiful face, whiskers and all. Then his whole body appeared.

My twin and I can meet in the Earth Plane, now he is ready.
Note** (damn linear time means nothing and I still needed to be ready yet). LOL

I was told we are the 7th Ray of Light. We are safe as long as we follow Guidance of God. It is an honour of The Family of Light to Guide and protect us.
Remember who you are and know thyself. We are not necessary in being the Gatekeeper any longer but we are the Bridge for all who want to walk into the light and accompany us.”

I continued to do research and learn about who we are and have written much on this in my book and sharing on my website and facebook. Here is one more exerpt from my book on the Seventh Ray(s) and the Time of the Magicians. But first what brought me to update this is I found a post by Grace Solaris (Facebook) and she shared more synchronistic information on the Seven Rays that is bestowed via the Light upon Earth and in all its forms. I will share the link below.

Here is the excerpt from my book Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being, Chapter 13 & Trinity.

Connecting Heaven and Earth

“We are the Seventh Ray. We are coming home, back to our Seventh Dimensional home of Earth after millions of years. This is the most incredible time on Earth. Millions of Souls in the Astral Realm are begging to come be a part of this monumental experience on this unique prototype of the New Earths.

I have been seeing lately what represents the message that “Humanity is in the Sun in Aquarius, the Aquarian Age” and Abundance is just beginning for humanity. Humanity is ready for teachings of Manifestation Mastery not just on the Earth Realm, rather manifestation mastery Universally. Earth is the chosen planet to experience manifestation on the largest scale.

Having the privilege to come to Earth is essentially like winning the lottery. We have been awaiting this experience to go back to the original 7th dimension planet being for millions of years. Beings in the astral realm are practically begging to be a part of this galactic history in the making.

No orchestration is by accident. The Planetary Crisis needs you to step up now in order to reclaim the birthright of Abundance. Abundance in all its forms will be taught by example by the Manifestation Masters- You and I. This will be taught by living examples, these ancient teachings by the Masters themselves. We have reached the advanced stages of development. The Universal Mind is awake and active, our body mind and Spirit are one with the Universal Mind. We are in a constant state of meditation, conscious of the seven rays of Being-ness that we live and embody, fully aware of the divine plan. We are made of the image of God, feminine and masculine as ONE.

The Seventh Ray of Light is Active, and has been Anchored. Note**(as of Jan. 5th 2018 the light has been adequately anchored.

It is time to unveil the Magicians of the Seventh Ray: The Bestowers of the White Diamond Light, The Creators of Form, The Twin Flame White Diamond Elders, The Manipulators of the Magic Wand. God is forcing this fulfilment as the diamond light has been created through the obvious pressure of the past labour. We are producing qualities that will bring the will of God into completion.

We are the sum of all souls within the solar system. This order of Magic is now coming into power to make the supernatural be known. All the pressure we have felt is the becoming of the Diamond White Light Carriers. The Seventh Ray of the Seventh Dimension is responsible partially for world affairs and dictatorship. Thus, this truth demands immediate recognition in the Physical Earth Realm by the NEW Seventh Great Angels.
Once we step fully into our mission, anything that is not of the light will disappear.

Here is the link that further explains the Seven Rays and the bestower of Light, which I am grateful for Grace Solaris sharing.

Maha Chohan – Great Lord

Also wanted to add, yesterday I held a personal ceremony in the forest to clear away all old contracts that were not of the highest good and that have been coming up as of late from past lives for clearing, this will be in book or a movie most definitely. I physically tore up and burned the contract, a contract with a person acting from a negative energy toward me. Funny enough his company name is “ARK construction”. He had been bringing up much needed pain triggering past lives (of mine and the collective) wounds for me to heal. I dissolved all contracts with any archonic energy not of the light to make way for the new divine light creations.

I woke up this morning and me and this fellow from ARK were actually talking in a friendly manner and in harmonic energy. This denotes for me that many of the Archonic fallen ones have chosen the light and are ready to help construct the new earth in Unity consciousness with the ONE. Magenta Pixie published a video depicting this last week and as synchronicity would have it once again, the One Mind is speaking out in Love and Light.

Word count

In Love and White Diamond Light, Sealed with the Golden Sun

Saishorie~Grace As Above
Shelly Sullivan So Below