Revealers of the Seventh Ray ~ Rise of the White Magicians

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo, January 31t 2018 is the true beginning of the New Era which is the revealing of the Seventh Ray and the time for the White Magicians to create the New Heaven on the New Earth. This morning I named my photo shoot “The Rising of the Phoenix” and now it is the time for the Phoenix to fly. I received confirmation of the Divine Rising by my visit with the Peacock at breakfast, like the Phoenix the Peacock symbolizes the rise from the ashes, the rebirth from the death = Resurrection.

(above image: Peacock visit with me at breakfast in Jamaica this morning)

The resurrection of the Masculine and the Rise of the Feminine now fully underway, ushers in the ceremonial order of Magic. This Ritualistic Synthesis made manifest from the desire of love and the power of light is the driving energy that has produced beauty, order wholeness, divine relationships because the Law of One is “As above, So Below. The seeds of creation have been well seeded the organization for which has been created ethereally is now underway.

The White Magicians alchemize qualities like a ripple effect of Beauty, Balance, Wise Vision, Awakening, Immortality, Spirituality, Self-confidence, Awareness, Leadership, Self-love, Resurrection, Laughing at life from depths of darkness, fear, pain and suffering. The Solar Logos are pleading with humanity and commanding the masters of earth to bring the spirit of law and order into material conformity. The Seventh Ray of order is responsible for the world affairs toward government dictatorship and control of a central new governing body.

This Magic is transpiring in divine perfect order of a time of planetary crisis. I wrote about this magical time approaching in my book. Chapter 13 “Connecting Heaven and Earth” was inspired after I had a dream experience with myself and my Twin Spirit/Divine Masculine and it was revealed to us who we are, The Seventh Ray. Here is a excerpt from my book “Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being, Book 1”, Chapter 13, The Mythical Number 13, Connecting Heaven to Earth, this is appropriate with the new incoming codes of wisdom for the Age of Aquarius.

“Dream Experience:
I was in a building at an elevator door. I was dressed up in a long beige overcoat, sort of dressed in undercover Central Intelligence Attire. I was practicing not feeling nervous and I was doing a good job. I remembered how to be in the NOW which was taught to us by our Angelic family in 2014.
Someone very special was coming to see me. But there was a catch, I was not sure how or when he was showing up. Would he come off the elevator or take the stairs? It was a typical dream like feeling at this time.
I paced around for a while and suddenly I heard him walking up the stairs. But I was not sure if it was him for certain. It could have been anyone.
I watched as the final step was taken. A ray of white diamond light appeared and it seemed to be a human within the light, but the light was predominant, diamond blinding light. Then, through the crown of the light, there was an electrical charge, like a lightening electrical charge, and where I saw the head and face is of my Beloved Twin Flame.
After the charge, my Twin Flame’s face started to come through. This is where it changed from dream experience in the higher realms into the Earth plane reality. Parts of his face were coming through to me. My Twin was ready to bring forth the light into the Earth Realm. It was real, but I was sleeping until his face came through; I was fully awake experiencing this meeting. He was coming through stronger and stronger. It was him, his beautiful face, whiskers and all. Then his whole body appeared.
My twin and I can meet in the Earth Plane, now he is ready.
I was told we are the Seventh Ray of Light. We are safe as long as we follow Guidance of God. It is an honour of The Family of Light to Guide and protect us.”

Connecting Heaven and Earth

“We are the Seventh Ray. We are coming home, integrating the Seventh Dimensions and higher, back home into Earth after millions of years. This is the most incredible time on Earth. Millions of Souls in the Astral Realm are begging to come be a part of this monumental experience on this unique prototype of the New Earths.
I have been seeing lately what represents the message that “Humanity is in the Sun in Aquarius, the Aquarian Age” and Abundance is just beginning for humanity. Humanity is ready for teachings of Manifestation Mastery not just on the Earth Realm, rather manifestation mastery Universally. Earth is the chosen planet to experience manifestation on the largest scale. The Planetary Crisis needs you to step up now in order to reclaim the birthright of Abundance.

Abundance in all its forms will be taught by example by the Manifestation Masters- You and I. This will be taught by living examples, these ancient teachings by the Masters themselves. We have reached the advanced stages of development. The Universal Mind is awake and active, our body mind and Spirit are one with the Universal Mind. We are in a constant state of meditation, conscious of the seven rays of Being-ness that we live and embody, fully aware of the divine plan. We are made of the image of God, feminine and masculine as ONE.

The Seventh Ray of Light is Active, and has been Anchored. It is time to unveil the Magicians of the Seventh Ray: The Bestowers of the White Diamond Light, The Creators of Form, The Twin Flame White Diamond Elders, The Manipulators of the Magic Wand. God is forcing this fulfilment as the diamond light has been created through the obvious pressure of the past labour. We are producing qualities that will bring the will of God into completion.
We are the sum of all souls within the solar system. This order of Magic is now coming into power to make the supernatural be known. All the pressure we have felt is the becoming of the Diamond White Light Carriers. The Seventh Ray of the Seventh Dimension is responsible partially for world affairs and dictatorship. Thus, this truth demands immediate recognition in the Physical Earth Realm by the NEW Seventh Great Angels.
Once we step fully into our mission, anything that is not of the light will disappear.” ~ Saishorie~Grace.

Note: The Rainbow frequency Rays of Light that encompass and embody me are the Seven rays in which I have depicted through out my journey their divine presence via my book, blogs, images and messages. Here are another example of the Rays that are with me on my mission here in Body, Mind and in Spirt.

(above image in my suite the presence of the Rays of Light)

The initiates who will lead the New Earth into order have completed the work this is the beginning of Truth, Union and Justice for the Celestial Soul Families who encompass planet earth from the solar system and materialize with the desire and will to move forward with the seed that have been planted. Cropping up on all sides of natural conditions where man may have what he deems appropriate for New Earth Order.

These pioneers have removed the obstacles of mind and emotional control in the astral realm by successfully integrating the one mind of god with the Spirit and thus the Soul into the physicality of their reality. This is the victory of the battleground in the astral realm. Humanity if passing the test of the “Crisis” I bear witness to this Great work as the analyzer of the human mind from the God Mind.

This whole test has been about balancing the polarities of which I have written about much in the past from my experiences in the etheric and physical plain. Twin Souls experience all firstly for the collective consciousness. The masters find the path of the dark and the light and become the path giving way to work with the world forces manifesting this balance from the etheric into the physical. Upon entering this gateway of the New Beginning at this time of the Full Moon Eclipse, I was gifted with a “Birthday Gift” named “Genesis” waiting for me in my hotel room 5 days ago along with a birthday cake. It was not my birthday but I instinctively new this was a gift from sprit for the New Birth. Genesis meaning God Created Heaven and Earth, Light and Dark as Above so Below. And as aspirants of the New World we are the co-workers of God = Masters of the Light and the Dark.

Stepping up into the next level of evolution on the straight and narrow understanding with the left and the right and compassion for all. Staying neutral with forward thinking of the future consideration for the past and present. From here on in a rapid realization of the liberation of the worlds. The more purified we become the more sensitive and highly evolved remembering that victory descends from above and cannot be worked up to from below.

From now on the next level is for the rest of humanity to embrace and understand the importance of merging the Spirit into the Soul and into the Mind and Body. This sounds cliche, however I can assure you this is not cliche, it is the purpose of all living BEing’s upon Earth and it is no easy task, but is attainable with the knowledge carried and shared en mass. Not cliche but very simple in fact that it is time to bring Spirit into Matter aka “Love into Matter” as in a video I created below years ago inspired by God’s desire and Love for the greatest creations ever made…The Magicians of the White Diamond Sun.


The Seventh Ray is the next Ray up for human evolution, all other Rays preceded have succeeded and played out the timely roles, upon Earth and in the Solar System to get us to this point of the Seventh Ray order. The Sixth ray preceding was the Ray of the Third Eye, the sixth ray see’s the truth in all things Earthly and Ethereally and will destruct and destroy all falsity in form. The Sixth Ray is the purifying work ~ The all knowing third eye of the master of creation is also the masculine eye that does not miss a thing within the Galaxy. The work of the Sixth Ray was mostly carried out in the Astral, Mental and Emotional Body which the Feminine was busy moving about and destroying old forms and breaking down false barriers and limitations so the Spirit may enter into the Soul. The Seventh Ray will integrate this purified Soul into the Physical.

The Seventh Ray is the “Event” in process. The Seventh Ray is the Ray taking charge and power upon the Earth and Solar System at this monumental time upon Earth. Its Ray is made of Ultra Violet Purple and Ultra Violet Pink Light of the Creators Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies integrated and merged into ONE creating the Orchid or Lavender Ultra Violet Ray of Light. These two rays of great potency function simultaneously at a time after a rare log interval (26,000 years) but yet as it has been pre ordained for the ushering in of these Rays after the prior 6 Twin Rays functioning primarily in the past and present.

All of these Rays exist in the Cosmos and the Seventh Ray now embodies all wielded by the Solar Logos. Not one thing in the Solar System or of Earth exist without the One or more of the Seven Rays. All of Creation belongs to one or the other of the Seven Rays. The “Event” all speak of is the completion of the Seven Rays work being brought forward onto Earth.

Here is writing taken from an excerpt of the Book – The Seventh Ray, Revealer of the New Age by Alice Bailey which I was guided to recently AFTER many years of downloading, experiencing and researching first hand this light, reality, wisdom, truth and knowledge.

“The Seven Rays Beings unlike man, are fully conscious and entirely aware of the purpose and the Plan, who have reached the stage through their advanced stage of development. They are fully self conscious and group conscious. They are the sum total of the Universal Mind. They are awake and active.

Through the Seven Rays, the life or spirit aspect flows, cycling through every kingdom in nature and producing thus all states of consciousness in all fields of awareness. The divine purpose and goal is to subject the material forms to the play of the life aspect, thus producing those qualities which will carry the will of God into completion.” ~ Alice Bailey.

White Magician

P.S After writing this blog I left to go for a spa treatment to take a break and the first thing I found in the bathroom was a small brown old leather New Testament opened faced down on page 471, the Revelation of St. John the Divine Chapter 1,2 of Revelation 1 & 2 explaining some of new birth after death and end of evil. Just one of the many signs and gifts from Spirit Family. I wrote about how when I arrived here I was greeted with Birthday gifts and wishes and messages of Genesis which also is message of Gods creation of Earth and Heaven etc…. So I AM feeling beyond grateful with love and surrounded with the ALMIGHTY I AM PRESENCE.

(above images all tangible signs of magic and seventh ray)

As Above, Saishorie~Grace

So Below, Shelly Sullivan