A New Consciousness of Love Enters our World Now

New Light Consciousness Enters the Earth Realm – First the Dark Template has been removed.

This Love Consciousness is the third energy of the Masculine and Feminine in Balance. It is ALIVE Life Force of the Feminine Goddess that has been birth now and will grow and expand across every atom upon Mother Earth. Safely and freely she will take over. The Star Parents of this New Love Energy know this energy.

The Universal Divine Mother started the clean up of the darkness intensely in 2017. Within the fire she merged into each layer and realm between the Cosmos and the Earth. Burning away all that needs to be transmuted. This has taken place. To the point of the Anti Christ false light template finally being disintegrated from the consciousness of all life now and forever. 

Similarly the Rainbow Light Team devoured the Yaldaboth dark entity 3 years ago in August 12th via my Light Body with the help of the Rainbow Archangels whom I have been working with since 2012 for this Light mission. However this latest victory went like this:

A Universal false holographic system was transmuted by the Cosmic Heart through last week (week of Nov. 11/2024.) This false light construct was a massive universal image of a distorted man, made to look like Jesus with a 2 foot scar vertical on his torso, hand and feet wound scars and horrific eye and face construct, of a very dark anti-Christ. This of course was made by the dark evil force of our world and this goes back thousands and thousands of years. The correction of this will restore the source connection of the Father and Son, that the Mother (Spirit) has been working on all this time.

It grew into an actual distorted life creation via the tricked minds of the masses over centuries. So the false massive holographic construct that was not only in our Earth consciousness but our Universal construct kept being fed by the people over and over and grew in consciousness. It has been destructed now via the True Light Source of Creation/God/Universal Love.

Now a new seed of consciousness has been anchored. This high frequency of Love consciousness has never been in this Universe or Earth as of yet. It is the Universal Earth Rainbow Light Body, now available for all living sentient beings. 

I have anchored this light to the level of this new light seed within my heart, that is a white/pink diamond heart from the source of all creation, known as Love. This Earth has not experienced this level of Love consciousness as of yet. However the seed has been placed and blossomed in my heart and will be the seed to activate Earth and humanity.

This creation consciousness of love is a Angelic Light of consciousness that I behold within my heart is the highest frequency of Light possible on this plane of consciousness. In order for it to expand and blossom across the hearts of the masses and within Earth it must be nourished, exercised, protected and nurtured. This Rainbow Light body is eternal however like any life force it must be taken care of. 

In Love and Light
