Since I started to discuss and share my Angelic/Extraterrestrial connections and Beingness I described it as “Angelic Disclosure”, since 2014 I have been aware of this and have a whole book and “Spirit Script” as Spirit showed me back in 2014. I am given the intelligence and information on a need to know basis. I have been very aware of my Angelic heritage from the time of birth and was reawakened to this after “programming” was cleared in 2008, August 8th 2008 to be exact. The Angelic codes and blueprint came back online.
Since this time I have had inner personal disclosure ongoing for 15 years. My connection with Angels of the Celestial Realm has been strong, the Archangels, Cheribum, Ascended Masters and the Seraphim most predominately. As I mention what I need to know comes to me in perfect timing. In 2015 when I asked of my connection with another that seemed to be very Angelic yet Extraterrestrial at the same time. I asked after I was blown away time and time again of this out of this world connection. When I asked “what are WE?” I was informed that we are the “Greatest Beings Ever Created”
I have like I said a whole book to write on my disclosure, but have not yet been able to organize it as it has been extremely overwhelming integrating with the My Seraphim Light Body to much else but survive this. Most Ones when they Ascend into the Rainbow Light Body/Solar Crown of Enlightenment seem to have various transitions that are very unique. Mine seems to sum up all of them.
So now at the end of the “Hero’s Journey” just as I entered this human life as a Angel who could and does fly, so to now do I have my full Angelic Template in place for Galactic Travel. The video below is very interesting and describes much of my truth of who I am and at the end of the presentation William Henry mentions disclosure for the Seraphim, which is what I AM also. The information that is given to me is always synchronistic and not coincidence.
Not only the Seraphim Family and my connection and embodiment but also the Spiritual Technology that I behold for Disclosure. This Disclosure I AM is far beyond the Disclosure being discussed. I feel the important part many disclosure communities are missing is the Angelic/Christ link, and this is imperative.
In Love & Light
Shelly Sullivan