Arcturians ~ Earth Star Alliance
I have connected with the Arcturians tonight following my experience (below) I went to look up my past writing on the Arcturians in my website (here), what popped up was “EARTH STAR ALLIANCE ~ MISSION” those words and that was it, not picture to follow like my search would usually pull up. After seeing these words “Earth Star Alliance ~ Mission” I smiled because the message from them came through even clearer now. After the realization of there communication to me then the Sirius Lion Head image came up. We have many Extraterrestrial Teams working with us now for our ultimate mission. Here is the brief explanation of my experience earlier and the article I pulled up in archieves about the Arcturians our Beloved Family of Light
I have connected with the Arcturians Brethren once again. I felt how much I have missed them once I WE reconnected with our Family of Light. Firstly connecting our Male and Female 12 rainbow chakra system up a massive crystal temple in the centre, creating our larger 12 star rainbow temple of Light with in the crystal. Raising this Light up to Source and anchoring its Blue and Purple Lights into Gaia.
The Arcturians Team of Light gathered around and the circular portal of communion is created.
The familiar family of Silver shimmering light entered our fields. I remembered their presence after what feels like too, however long my family of Light that has been with me all along they say. The Silver Metallic Light Beings of such gently and pure Light danced around and throughout, reminding me.
I felt the integration physically and remember they have been with me all along. The last time I saw there presence was last summer, while driving. The silver being beside me in my peripheral vision..
The Arcturians are here with us for the Earth Star Alliance Mission and they have shown me this many times over.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan