Commencing 2017 and entering into 2018 the Golden Age is here. The unprecedented coronial mass eruptions (CME) from the Galactic Central Sun have reached Gaia, Planet Earth to embody all those who are clear enough to be the conduits of such multitudes of Light. My vision is EARTH SUN THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN. As I share in my message via written and video.
I have been remembering my Galactic life and heritage more and more each year, up to now where we are preparing for the Final Event. I am sharing what I predict is the Event that so many have been speculating. The commonality belief is “Great Flashes of Light” will implode upon Earth and our Solar System. Ascending the energetic frequency to such a peak and heightened dimensional state where only Love can sustain this light frequency. Where Beings are transparent in all their lives and endeavours, living out ones desires. Heaven upon Earth is created, such as re-creating a 7th Dimensional Planet similar to where we left off in Atlantis. The days of Magic and Instant Manifestation of Abundance Joy, Harmony, Prosperity, Health and Beauty.
The work I carry out is in the Etheric Realm(s) where all of creation begins, I witnessed and partake in the spiritual manifestation, planting the seeds so to speak. This Event we all have been anticipating has already transpired in the higher realms. I know this as I was there and remember as clear as the Sun, who I AM and what Creator Beings are capable of – Creating Planets, Universes, Suns, Galaxies, Infinity…
As a part of a gigantic Sentient Being of Light of the Galactic Core, those here to help Planet New Earth Ascend into the New Galaxy ~ Sun Planetary System. The time is now, all is prepared and awaits Hu-manity to take the leap. This starts with the unity of the Light Forces upon Earth, Union of the Power of Light Twin Beings, Twin Souls, Soul Family and so on.
Back in 2014-15 I started to remember my travels as a I AM Presence Creator Being within the Galaxy. I was instructed to “BE, ALL OF YOU, BE THE CONTINUUM OF THE LIFE FORCE FLOW” along with this message was the Tree of Life and the Flowers of Life. Following that message months down the road came the message “WE ARE ALL OF, BUT THE SUN AROUND THE EARTHS CRUST, I made the BUT bold as I was clearly shown the word “BUT” but I didn’t not quite understand until today why the BUT was important to be in the message. I now understand BUT meaning a conjunction in the sentence this but was defined to connect the Earth and Sun however all in due time. The time has now come. As you notice in the video below I took the “But” out of the message today.
Many of the Awakened people upon Earth have been aware of the changes of our Sun, its location change as well as the energetic shifts, Schumann resonances spikes, and that the magnetic fields are dissolving and reforming into to a higher frequency (a sun frequency), which is preparing Earth for this dimensional shift ushering us to the Event.
There has been ongoing frequency changes in the magnetosphere and it is all part of the planetary dimensional shift process. The dramatic change in weather patterns resulted in the increased activities of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on. These Earth changes are quite normal for planetary ascension. The Earth’s Old Magnetosphere is dissolving and is replaced with a powerful light of the central sun which dissolves the Old Earth programming, scientifically this is being proven now as well as being seen by the Awakened Ones, the New Ones, in way of Magic and Synchronicity. The falling apart of our Government and economical structures, the fallen ones soon to be serving justice etc…this is the beginning of all structures dissolving. We the Light Workers around the World are the NEW Electromagnetic Field of the NEW Earth and the System Busters.
Personally the Light Body Process I am going through along with the shift, this along with the galactic knowledge upgraded into my crystalline light body, ancient knowledge downloaded into my body systems and higher mind, this includes all the 700-800 Egyptian Hieroglyphs Symbols/Codes (Ancient Egyptian Alphabet) specifically downloaded into my 3rd Eye in 2015. Point being the awakening and augmentation of my galactic, ancient wisdom, past, present and future multidimensional Beingness, from God, Goddess, Angelic, Extraterrestrial, Alien, Human, Animal Family etc…We are Galactic Beings and more and more people of the Earth will remember it the years to come. We will also meet our Galactic Families. Here on Earth and by StarGate Travel.
Below this video is a excerpt from my Book “Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being where I discuss my travel in the Galaxy as a Angelic Spiritual Being working with my Masculine Spiritual Being as Two Universes to Create Life in the Galaxies such as Planets, Solar Systems Suns and Galaxies. The New Earth(s) Planetary Sun System.
We Are the Creators of Galaxies, Universes, Planets and 7th Dimensional New Earth
“Planet Earth is now well on its way to be able to be a template for others and or join in, once again, with the other Galaxies, Universes and Solar Systems of higher Dimensions. We have successfully cleared the protective field that Earth desperately needed for her healing for the past thousands of years. The Sentient Being Earth needed this shielding as she has been so often and so brutally hurt time and time again from being attacked and teleported over and over. I have witnessed and accompanied her travels in Dream Space.”
March 28, 2015
“It’s 3:32 in the morning and woke up with electrifying energy. I bolted out of bed to remember the most amazing, miraculous experience. I had just witnessed the New Earth splitting from the Old Earth. I was viewing this miraculous event from what seemed to be an ultra-big screen set in the Universal Galaxy.
I was in a seated position just like one would sit in a IMAX theatre, however I was in space. Before I actually witnessed the split transpire, myself and my Twin Flame were doing some preparation work on the New Earth’s Grid.
Set in a secret location of the New Earth Grid, we were preparing the electrical field. It was as if we were in a hidden cubby of space, doing top-secret work. This is the feeling I had while performing the final touches to the Grid.
Once the work there was finalized, we teleported to the “IMAX” screen. Keep in mind, this was an actual multidimensional experience, not a regular sleep dream.
I experience my multidimensionality portrayed as God would witness His creation, as though it were displayed like a giant movie.
There I was, suspended in the galaxy of our Universe, seated in prime position, watching the New Earth split with the Old Earth. Displayed like a huge IMAX display, I saw a split screen in the
center of the massive screen, capturing the size of the Universe. The Old Earth was wholly before me and I could see what appeared to be a holographic New Earth creation around the Old Earth prototype. The New Earth version was holographic in nature and larger. Slowly, I witnessed the holographic New Earth duplicate of the Old Earth start to rise up off of the Old Earth.
The New Earth continued to rise until it was completely separate, existing on its own to the right side of the Universe. While this was transpiring, my Twin Flame and I teleported through what seemed to be like an earthquake while the split was taking place. We were actually teleporting along with the New Earth to the new Destination in the Galaxy.
Once the New Earth was set in its place, it had its own new Sun and Planetary system around it and there were more planets to be born. The Old Earth was over to the left of the Galaxy accompanied with its own original sun and planetary system. What was obvious to me was that the left side of the movie experience correlated to the left side of the brain of this galaxy, the side holding the masculine energy.
The New Earth was located on the right side of the galaxy, the feminine side. This is what was indicated to me telepathically, not with words but with senses, like a God Transmission.
Once the New Earth was formed and then split from the duplicate, it went through a gestation period. This was a type of birthing process, where the child leaves the womb after the embryo period and learns to walk and talk on its own. This gestation period for the New Earth was finalized in December 2015.
Since we have reached the consciousness of the 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th dimensional world, we are tuning into our dreams much more vividly. We are receiving many messages in our dream time as well as remembering our experiences.
Likewise, this is happening within our meditations. It is all part of remembering ourselves existing multidimensionally. Your day dreams are real. Your night dreams are real. Your meditation experiences are real. Your imagination is real.
The New Earth in its fully-matured form is here. The actual birthing of the New Earth took place Dec. 21~22, 2012, however a re-birth took place March 18th, 2014. By rebirth, I mean the New Earth matured into adulthood. The New Earth evolved from its infancy stage, separating and splitting itself from the Old Earth, went off on its own as the New Earth duplicate of our Earth into higher dimensions. The New Earth is finally fully independent of its prototype. Earth is NOW in its fully matured form. This 2015 fruition exceeds the expectations of the Galactic/ Cosmic Family from their Higher Dimensional perspective.
The incredible energies flowing into our New Earth from the Solstice of December 21~22, 2015 begins the opportunity to bring those etheric seeds which have been planted onward into physical manifestation. This gestation period allowed for the integration of the masculine and feminine to fully integrate. The merger of the feminine and masculine energies began last year at Solstice, December 21~22, 2015. This year, the merge of masculine and feminine is in its completion stage for 2016.
Essentially, our New Earth will be a balance in harmony with the masculine and feminine energies. The Divine Feminine Energy has been anchored on our New Earth by the Goddess energy. The Divine Feminine is the Goddess energy body of Gaia, the awakened soul that honors the Spirit within the self and others, living in Union with the Sacred beauty of Creation. This energy is awakening in Male and Female gender bodies upon our planet. The feminine energy brings about Union between polarities as well as balance, justice, transformation, nurturing, wisdom and intuition to our Earthly experience.
This force awakens the Divine Masculine. The masculine will feel safe to let that old paradigm programming go, because within his divinity, he knows that without her being in her true position of power, we will not be able to survive as an evolving “new” human species. The two masculine and feminine energetics exist within each other. The threat of death that the masculine had perceived is gone, now replaced by the true knowledge that these two energies, working together as a balanced team, is more powerful. This ancient wisdom is now being restored.
This stage of evolution is honouring the divine movement of the masculine and feminine together as one, as it was before. In the beginning of time, these energies, perceived as masculine and feminine energies, were as ONE. Then, separation transpired and Twin Souls were split from each other. We are now in a time of reestablishing this oneness in order to become a planet able to hold higher vibrational consciousness, a planet aware of communication on all levels, a planet of unity consciousness.
The divine unions will support the New Earth’s balanced energy and New template of Love. These reunions and connections will sustain the higher consciousness of the New Earth Planet of 7th Dimension.”
I feel we are replicating a Sirian Nation as a New Earth Nation.
Presently I am acknowledging my heritage back to Sirius & the Lion Kingdom; Remembering my Twin Flame spiritual ancestry/lineage connection with Isis/Osiris and Horus, the Trinity/Third Energy of Creation for the Sirius Star System. Sirius is twenty times brighter than the “Old Earth’s Sun” and over twice as immense as planet Earth; BUT remember we are in the New Earth Now!
Currently many of our K-9 Dog species embody the Lion Soul/Spirit of Sirius and Orion, these Beings of Pure Love Consciousness are here to assist us to replicate and anchor the energy needed to sustain such a planetary shift. Sirius has the most significant association with Earth and connection with its human race more so than other Star System in our universe. Sirius is, the Higher Presence of our whole nearby planetary group, into which Earth and all its co-planets must ascend to return to a Sovereign Being. Sirius through the Twin Flames Love seeds are planted and Planet Sun’s are born of Light that finally connects all light-forms to the Creator God.
BE excited about all that has been manifesting for the highest good and we are now sustaining this New Earth Consciousness with the Highest frequencies of Love.
In Love and Light
2017 Shelly Sullivan All rights reserved.