Chapter 1 of my book Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being – Book 1, Creators of Destiny.
Somewhere off in a far, far away land there once lived a girl. She was not just any girl, this young girl was an Angel, she was an Angelic Princess. Unbeknownst to her, this girl would one day grow and evolve into a Powerful Queen. This Princess possessed magical powers. This princess longed for her Prince. Her Prince also possesses extraordinary magical powers just like her. He is her Twin Flame.
This boy and girl share life together. One lifetime together, as young adults, they knew real, unconditional love. This last Earth life experience together was witnessing a miraculous war of the Gods in the Solar System. The Gods grew very angry and held a large battle in the sky for control of this Planet called Earth, for this Planet was significant and magical as well. It was the Planet of magic and physical manifestation of the seventh dimension.
After the war was waged, the Planet fell into the darker part of the planetary system, into what would be known as a very dense and distorted 3rd dimension, where free will was terribly abused. This God and Goddess vowed to bring back their planet to the seventh dimension however long it took. They created this beloved Planet through their love in the cosmos. These Twin Flames who witness the past and create the future knew there were dark times ahead and were prepared to separate for lifetime upon lifetime to get this mission done.
The masculine twin incarnated many times upon Earth to become a Master many times over and earn his Archangel status. Not only was he a multiple award winning Ascended Master, he was also a Archangel. While she, the feminine Twin Flame, spent some time incarnate on the Earth earning her mastery during these dark ages, most of her time was spent in the Milky Way as a Supreme Archangel. There she was seeding the physical manifestations for the New Earth that they would one day create together once the Planetary alignment was ripe and the placement of the Earth was back into higher consciousness of the Solar System.
The Angelic Princess, who we call Saishorie~Grace, met with many Ascended Masters in Higher Dimensions to get the updates of how Earth Realm was doing. She did not meet with her Twin Flame counterpart very often over the dark ages. In order for him to be able to bear the denser consciousness of this plane, he had to descend to withstand the life force in the Earth’s Dark Ages. His feminine counterpart, existing in the higher realms and yet forever joined with him, could not withstand to interact with this lower vibration. Their separation was stretched to the very extent it could be wrought, for this mission was of great importance and they sacrificed their love for millions of years.
The separation betwixt this pair of Twin Flames allowed the mastery of the flow of dark and light between the two. Just as the Moon is dense and the Sun is bright, they two had to learn the to wield the ropes of dense and light masterfully, just as Mother and Father Creator. They are the child of all forms and non-forms and they love to play.
Their unconditional love was so strong that nothing could tear them apart! No matter how fragmented and damaged the soul became throughout their myriad experiences, their Union together held by their Higher Self reassured them that it was a safe mission and they would be joined as One again in their final incarnation of Earth Realm. This incarnation would take place during the shift of ages, known also as the Age of Aquarius ~ Ascension of The New Earth and surrounding Planetary Systems. These Twin Flames are God creators and no force could take them down permanently, though adversaries did attempt so over and over. Believing deeply in the trinity of all things, some of their lifetimes were experienced as Being the light and yet others as receiving the light, though throughout them all, still connecting to Source as the trinity. In time throughout their adventures, this pair of Twin Flames worked in masterful tandem: the masculine mastered the duality of the earth matrix with his physical lifetimes and the feminine mastered the Milky Way with her lifetimes on higher dimensional planets. Upon reunion, they will become ONE completing the trinity and connecting fully back to Source.
From time to time as needed throughout millions of years, the Twin Flame Soul aspects would have the ability to fly around together and create in the Milky Way. They created other planets, suns and solar systems. Not only could they create these, they were creating also matter on Earth. These Angelic Sentient Beings of Light were so powerful they evolved into their own Universes. The masculine mentally knew exactly where they were going with his millions of neutrons making up the mental brain and the feminine using her intuitive heart without the need to use mental thought but instead utilizing her millions of neutrons for her heart space to sense and enjoying the adventures.
These ancient God creators created with their pure consciousness of love. The Divine Plan for the New Earth has come. Mr. Extraordinaire and Mrs. Saishorie~Grace are more than prepared for their mission at hand for the New Earth Realm. They are the future of the New Earth and its reformation for the planets new grid field into the pristine vibrant green and blue planet that it was once upon a time.
These two Gods at times became lonely and had the desire to procreate. They configure to create, seeding the Universes with all the wonders of the New Earth, replicating over and over. Mr. Extraordinaire creates with his acute third eye flower of life, measuring out precisely with his magnificent binocular vision. He knows the rule of third energy, the oneness and the trinity, and uses its supremely. Universes create by using the trinity energy to manifest. This is the Earth, Sun and the Moon procreating along with the feminine Saishorie~Grace Mother energy.
Saishorie~Grace assists on spreading their legacy across the galaxies and stars. Her energies propel her speed of light to move her swiftly through the biosphere. Her delivery system makes strides across the Milky Way. This manifestation would take centuries in lower dimensions, but where she resides here in the 7th – infinite dimension, it is instant manifestation.
Saishorie~Grace received her God Creator Archangel Status by demonstrating her trade mark of balance and speed that teleports her planets where they needed to go, by gracefully orchestrating the Divine planned trajectory moment by moment.
Together this Extraordinary Twin Flame pair predicted the future using his imagination to give options alongside her acute ability to see the options and piece together the worlds around them. They recognize everything in the atmosphere, not missing a single molecule, atom or light particle. He senses whatever may be out of view from the masculine third eye and she senses through the vision of God Source Creator’s mind.
Together they will remove the limits from the Human genome, thus allowing the humans to now build through the One God Mind of Unity Consciousness, using the human’s minds and hands. This is the turning point in human history. The Twin Flame pair are ready to take their physical place together and take their place in history. Other Colonies in the Solar System will follow this prototype as the New Earth inhabitants begin to awaken like sleeping beauty. This is the time of Triumph!
Their wisdom and spirit will live on in their children, the millions and billions of Soul Chards they have created and continue to create and the millions of worlds they give life to. Humility is on the shoulders of this giant sentient being.
What they have worked so hard for has and will pay off. The personal Plan of this last dance on Earth will bring the two Key Twin Flames together in this lifetime. Every minute detail has been seeded, planted and manifested of their lives from birth to the extent of their origin of birth as it is in the very close vicinity on Earth Realm. Mr. Extraordinaire incarnated in Earth’s year of 1962, following Mrs. Saishorie~Grace’s incarnation in 1967.
These beautiful sentient Beings of light are so powerful their Soul Being had to incarnate into two physical bodies and millions of Soul Shards, aspects of themselves incarnated into millions of physical vessels. Their mission was to become their original Sovereign Beings of Light and to raise the consciousness of the New Earth, breaking the karmic cycle of the dark ages once and for all.
From day one, they knew of their superpowers, for these two Twin Flames are Master Manifestors of the Universes. Saishorie~Grace enjoyed her Earthly childhood years flying around and was aware of her Masculine Counterpart in spirit. She could see and change the future, she could make it rain, create a storm or bring about sunshine with her heart-based intentions. They could shape shift, they could read minds, they had knowledge of just about everything under the sun. They lived off the Sun and flowed with the rhythm of the moon. This was just the beginning of their remembering of who they truly are and soon, by the Earthly age of seven, it would be the end of their Remembering for a long while. All of the inhabitants of this far, far away land called Earth, had these abilities, but there soon came a time they would all have amnesia.
When a soul would incarnate onto the Earth, they would very soon after birth get amnesia. Saishorie~Grace remembered who she was until the tender age of seven. By this age and this time, the dense programming from society and authority figures was what brought the onset of amnesia.
This Planet Earth was far, far away in quarantine because of abuse and destruction. The Earth planet’s sentience, Gaia, endured it and had to be shielded if she were to survive these constant attacks due to the wars of control. Prime Creator had it protected as everyone wanted a piece of the beautiful Planet Earth. The game was: Who will control Earth?
The placement of Earth within the Solar System had shifted vastly. Earth was no longer in the same place it once was in the Milky Way. Very few know about this fact, but Saishorie~Grace does. She witnessed the birth of the New Earth, The New Sun and the New Solar System. She was well informed while this birth was taking place. She was well informed of the knowledge of the Astronomy. A fellow ally of Planet Earth worked with Saishorie~Grace in the Milky Way. He was once an inhabitant of Earth and was given the Soul name of Carl Sagan. He was one of the greatest astronomers to ever incarnate. He mentored Saishorie~Grace and prepared her for this monumental time on Earth just in time when her amnesia was lifted in 2012.
Development of Masculine Persona and Feminine Persona
The explanation of the New Earth location sounds like it could be a scene out of a Sci-Fi movie… and it is.
Mr. Extraordinaire, being the Master that he is of the Matrix Earth, did not have as much amnesia during this incarnation of Earth. He came well prepared and manifested the first half of this incarnation from childhood to win the hearts of a billion human beings on Earth. He was extraordinarily talented with many gifts to entertain and make people laugh. The people saw something in him: they saw themselves, the authentic childlike part of themselves. His gifts showed the world the many faces and personalities, the aspects of One Self.
He manifested what every human being has birthrights to. He manifested great wealth, health, joy, he manifested great prosperity and love. His connection to the millions, however, came with a price as he compartmentalized many of the Collective Consciousness’ thoughts and feelings. This was part of his mastering the Matrix experience. This sacrifice was on-going.
And so, just as any human life experienced these fluctuations and ups and downs, his experience was to the extremes.
While the Masculine was Mastering his life on Earth, the Feminine aspect was Mastering her moments mostly in the etheric realm. After the age of 7 and her amnesia programming began, her life was not so joyful. She felt very out of place on Earth as she had not been back here incarnated for thousands of years. She knew this life would be the most painful one for her yet. But she was quite well prepared. A plan was sought out for her to endure and numb the pain she felt. It was not pretty but it was effective.
As soon as she was independent of her parents and made her own choices, she chose to self-medicate. These addictions were implanted into her soon after her arrival to Earth. The dark adversaries knew the powers this Princess beheld and wanted to suppress her as soon as possible, from a very young age. They used schooling tactics to make her feel worthless, the government and media bombarded her with negative messages. This is where she learned what the most elite celebrities were taking on to escape the painful sense of reality of dense Earth. She manifested these substances to numb her “on-demand” when she needed to escape. Just like any master of manifestation, she knew she could manifest anything she wanted.
After years of this abuse, she decided it was time to clean up her life, and she was bequeathed the help she requested. A powerful Soul Mate would join her on Earth. Saishorie~Grace gave birth to a long time Soul Mate and made him first priority. She became obsessed with optimal wellness to the extent that she became a personal trainer, registered nutritionist, Yoga teacher and meditation master. This was the strong platform which held the stage for her to step into her powerful spiritual awakening.
All of her superpowers (and then some) would be awakened by the Source Sun in June of 2014. The rays of White, Orange and Red laser-beamed into her third eye while she was claiming her I AM presence under the Sun. This powerful ritual was witnessed not only by humans but by the Extraterrestrials, the Angelics, Her Higher Self who is God Prime Creator. All were present for this ritual. This was a monumental ritual for the New Earth, for the New Earth Queen had regained her super powers. This was a time of great triumph in the Higher Dimensions, but went unnoticed to the realm of density as the Old Earth was still transitioning into the New.
Not all of these advanced Beings were of the Light. The dark adversaries were watching as well. This is when they planned their latest attack. Little did they know that she would use this attack to her advantage and, just like Mother Gaia, she would prevail with victory and Ascend. No one would beat her at her own game.
Not only was she implanted with false beliefs and false programming, which she eventually conquered, but upon her spiritual awakening, the dark adversaries tried to suppress her again and planned and executed an attack on her. This attack was very subtle but very effective. They intravenously forced venom into her blood system. The venom was darted into her arm by way of a drone type wasp insect that was full of liquid toxins and created disease in her body. This venom is known to the human race as “Lyme disease.”
One day, while she was joyfully driving down along one of the main streets near her house and going about 60 km an hour, out of nowhere a wasp darted onto her left arm from resting on the open window. The attack was rapid and forceful. Immediately, she looked at this wasp injected into her arm and shook the drone like insect off her limb. The stinger remained and she had a heck of a time pulling it out. Her arm was so irritated that she drove right to the medical clinic. They prescribed her antibiotics but she never filled the prescription as she knew the serious side effects of this other pharmaceutical killer.
The following many months she questioned this incident and instinctively knew this was not natural. She eventually received answers from her Higher Self that this venom would act as a wakeup call in one sense, that adversaries were indeed on her trail.
But, at the time, this beautiful, strong Princess had no idea this was injected to her. She kept her body so healthy that symptoms did not appear until 3 years later. The symptoms started to appear when her journey was at a peak of stress in her personal life and as Gaia shifted into her 5th dimension.
You will find out, as this incredible story unfolds, this Queen has been given much help on the Earth Realm but this help did not come in physical assistance. Most of the time it was Angels, Higher Dimensional Beings and Guides and her Higher Self which is direct Source Prime Creator. Her team is huge to assist her for this huge mission. She never really felt alone, although to a fellow human being who could not see these beings, they would consider her to be living a lonely life.
The infectious virus deliberately shot into her bloodstream was about to be revealed to her. Just as her Higher Self has been carrying out a dialogue with Saishorie~Grace to help guide her on the adventure of all lifetimes, the Higher Self used signs and synchronicity such as license plates, bill boards, people and songs as cairns to light her path and to help her along her purposeful mission. At this particular time, she questioned why was her health was feeling off track. For the past few years her immune system was compromised, and her colds and flu were now happening on a weekly basis. She prayed to her Angels for help every day.
Eventually, signs came pouring in that her mission included uncovering her health issues once and for all. On her quest back to optimal wellness, Saishorie~Grace sought out natural practitioners and found a system and healer that gave her some answers. She was guided toward a machine which is used to read consciousness, the chakra system and the physical body and it revealed that Lyme disease was found in her blood system. Not thinking much of this at the time, she continued to work to strengthen her immune system. One day, while she was talking a walk in Nature barefoot, as she does to recharge and rejuvenate herself (one of her favourite things to do), a lady appeared with a message for her. She said, “Don’t walk barefoot in this forest as it has been tested positive with Lyme disease.”
Saishorie~Grace had now heard this twice and it was starting to sink in. She knew she needed to research this disease. What was it, how could she have possibly contracted illness when she was an expert at optimal wellness? It just did not make any sense to her at all. So, she went onto technology and researched information on this disease. What she found out was very unsettling to her. She found that this disease is manmade and is poisoning people and animals via ticks, mosquitoes, and she discovered to her dismay, could it have been transmitted to her from a wasp bite.
The story started to become clear. She recalled 6 years ago when this very peculiar event took place with the wasp. Her intuitive knowing shouted to her, it was the wasp that was darted into her arm that poisoned her. She started to take this very seriously and did more and more research. She learned that every symptom of the manmade disease was showing up in her body. The biggest tell-tale sign was her compromised immune system that her body was constantly battling, and yet, she always held herself in a perfect state of health and treated her body with the most respect and integrity as it is her temple. She used methods that ran the spectrum from mindful meditation, to exercise and yoga, maintaining a superfood diet, juicing, positive and creative visualization, cellular healing, vitamin therapy and everything under the sun to keep her temple healthy. The most important factor is this Angelic Princess was ecstatic by her very nature as she was a happy angel and not much could get her down for long. This was finally starting to make sense.
This venomous attack must have been a huge dose, and she questioned if this could be an ongoing attack. Are there other ticks and mosquitos affecting her system to this day? Now she was on a
mission, and she felt the anger welling up of adversaries attacking her and this fueled her focus to get to the bottom of this. She prayed and called upon her Creator and Angels to get this figured out. Her prayers would be answered. Saishorie~Grace was driving along one rainy evening, her mind confused at how this all can be happening. She was worried and not in the present moment, until an old beat up farm truck swerved before her and cut in front of her. She slammed on her brakes and boom! saw in front of her windshield a license plate with “LYME DIS.” A feeling of utter revelation came over her. She was out of body with her Higher Self to accompany her while she received this sign as if it were straight out of a movie, an unbelievable event transpiring here in front of her eyes.
She has seen hundreds and hundreds of signs via listens plates (as you will soon read about) as these magical messages have been orchestrated by God. But this one was over-the-top incredible. She snapped a picture of it and drove off, feeling blown away with awe. Saishorie~Grace absorbed information intuitively through the heart space first, and it could take days for her mind to analyze the information. When she was ready, she allowed the mind to absorb the information.
Whilst in the midst of these couple of days, she would still be getting confirmation of her insights and signs from Higher Self. She was at the post office and at her feet was a business card. She picked it up and knew it was a sign her to follow. The card read “The Hedge Witch ~ Psychic Readings.” She was familiar with this metaphysical store and pondered the idea of visiting it to see what message they had in store for her. That day she went back home to research on the computer again and her mouse navigated to “Psychic Reading” before her very eyes without her touching the mousepad. This happened with her very often, as her Spirit does this for her often to help guide her, as on this journey there is no manual, Saishorie~Grace is the pioneer creating the 7D Manual. She knew she must visit the Psychic at the Hedge Witch, but did not know why.
The following few days, on a Sunday, she had shelved all of this stressful thinking aside and was very much in the moment of Now, not thinking at all. She was guided by her Higher Self and her heart to spontaneously turn into the driveway of the Hedge Witch Metaphysical store. She had no particular plans on this Sunday, only to Be in the moment. So, when she found herself in the store, talking with the owner and showing her the business card she had found 3 days before or so, she quietly laughed to herself knowing that her Higher Self was in full control. “Who is on duty for psychic readings today?” Saishorie~Grace asked. The owner replied “Angela, the very gifted Psychic Angela Donnelly.” Saishorie~Grace knew of her as she had met with her years ago and her sister in law’s whole family went to her quite regularly for very accurate mediumship visitations with their crossed over beloved souls.
Angela and Saishorie~Grace sat across from each other and looked authentically into each other’s eyes. Angela was very to the point, a no-nonsense kind of gal. Saishorie~Grace liked this as she was the same. Within the first minute, a soul known as Jerry came powerfully through with messages to Angela letting her know of his presence. Saishorie~Grace knew Angela was a truly gifted Psychic when her information from Jerry, her beloved teenage first love and now Angel guide, came through with very detailed information on his death and how he used to bug Saishorie~Grace with specific gestures. Next, Angela’s mediumship would prove itself very clear and precise when she pinpointed Saishorie~Grace’s purpose as a Spiritual Teacher, a very powerful healer and Angelic here to help humanity. “But,” she said, “your guides are now telling me you know all this already!” She looked with bewilderment at Saishorie~Grace, as if to ask with her eyes, “if you know all of this, why are you really here?”
Without really knowing what would come out of her mouth, Saishorie~Grace sat up straight and looked deeply into Angela’s eyes and asked the questions she had been holding in her heart. “I am here because I have questions that need answers regarding my health.” She went on to say, “I know I have Lyme Disease and want your insight, Angela.” Angela double blinked and said, “I happen to be very well educated on Lyme disease as my sister and brother in law both have it and I have helped to heal them and are assigned to their recovery.” The energy in the room was very powerful; two psychics were being brought together by Spirit to help this Angelic Queen, Saishorie~Grace, regain her full potential once again.
Their eyes lingered into each other’s for this very mind blowing occurrence and incident that was transpiring. Angela explained to Saishorie~Grace that she is in recovery. “You have healed yourself and you are now in the last months, if not only weeks, of recovery.” This Hedge Witch was the Witch that had the knowledge to the healing potion that would heal Saishorie~Grace once and for all.
Saishorie~Grace was experiencing a great feeling of satisfaction at a job well done, and Angela was writing out all the details for her to further pursue and get her hands on the miracle supplementthat would heal her. Saishorie~Grace knew exactly where to go to get her potion. It would take some time to get it into her hands as this miracle supplement was not made popularly known as a miracle healing supplement, for if it were known, the whole world would begin to heal everything that was not too deep into the decaying bodies of manmade disease.
She continued to do research while waiting for the magic potion in the mail and indeed this supplement was a miracle healing supplement. In the meantime, a few days had passed and she went back to visit the other healer with the Bio-Feedback machine that reads consciousness, blood, organs, chakras, thoughts, blocks and beliefs that help to uncover these things to start the healing process. This is another unpopular device held down by the adversaries who did control the Old Earth, but awakened ones knew better.
The healer confirmed, “Yes, the machine scan is showing up in detail. Your Lyme disease is in Stage 2 out of 4. You do have Lyme disease and you don’t need a blood test to confirm it. In fact, this disease is screwed so deeply into your cells like a parasite that the blood test probably won’t even detect it.” She also went on to say that all of the chemicals that the adversaries in control of the Old Earth are releasing from their airplanes (known as chemtrails) are feeding this parasite called Lyme disease with heavy metals and chemicals that will cause bacteria to grow in the digestion system, thus making humans really sick. “So,” she concluded, “your situation needs attention and healing for sure.”
Saishorie~Grace knew that a healthy digestion system was the key to a healthy immune system. If the adversaries were doing their best to suppress these systems, this explains why so many are getting the flu and cold so easily and so often. These greedy ones who only care about power and control were trying to make the world sick and helpless. She knew this to be true. Her knowledge was as a Nutritionist who studied the Digestion and Immune system in depth. She knew exactly what was going on here. She knew the truth, so help them, God.
Finally, the miracle supplement arrived. Full recovery was in her near future. She would become better, healthier, stronger than ever!!!!! This curse was a blessing in disguise, for all her extra rest and rejuvenation beheld her in the dream state more often, much more often. She was connecting with the Prime Creator and all of her Allies on a regular basis, strengthening her connection with her Angelic Family and doing the much-needed work in the Higher Realms. This was very much needed by her at this monumental time of Ascension while she was volunteering herself on Earth.
She had many lifetimes in other realms and Planets alongside these adversaries where she was once their ally. She did spend lifetimes abusing her powers, not only using her power for good, but to also to control others. However, in this Earth lifetime, she was committed to helping the Angels in this time and space to correct this negative Karma on the Earth Realm as she is a true Angelic Being and not fallen. As a God Creator, she needed to have both lessons of the dark and the light to be able to fulfil the Mission of Earth and Planetary Ascension. Prime Creator needed her powers on Earth now, for this New Earth that has been created will be the New Earth of the Seventh Dimension, just as it was before its fall millions of years ago.
The adversaries never dreamed this Princess would grow into a powerful Queen of her own right. They never dreamed she would survive all of the attacks. They never anticipated the power of the Light and ancient wisdom she held and with which she incarnated. They never predicted this Princess turned now Queen was more powerful and more intelligent, smarter and gifted with psychic powers from the Universe and Earth. It turns out that they had amnesia too, for they had forgotten just how powerful Saishorie~Grace is and that no force could beat her at the game of life on The New Earth. They had failed to figure out she had a Twin Flame, her greatest ally, her greatest master of the Earth Realm who was always on her side and would stand beside her in all of their glory when the time was ripe. They had forgotten, or perhaps never did have the knowledge that she and her Twin Universe created the Earth as well as the New Earth and that they could not win at their own dark game that she and he knew all too well.
She could sense when something was not of the truth as she is a human lie detector. She had the answers to everything she needed to know at the Divine Perfect Time. She remembered the truth, the whole truth, so help her God! This spiritually mature Queen is ready for the greater mission. All of the intense purification and preparation she had successfully cleared in her body in order to hold the highest amount of Light. Between her and her Twin Flame is the White Diamond Light of the 7th Dimension. The Twin Flame Elders of the original Earth have returned and will reunite to carry out the mission. She also carries the Diamond Rainbow Frequencies protecting her wherever her adventures may take her.
The Year 2017
2017 is the Year of the New, it is the year of Oneness of Unity Consciousness. 2017 is a “1” year (2 +0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1) and the start of the brand New Earth Cycle. It’s the start of the New Year and New Creations for infinity. The codes have been downloaded and our original creator selves have been recreated into the highest light potential here on Earth. The light bearers who have worked tirelessly for the past 9 years of completion are the new energetic leaders who sustain the New World’s Consciousness existence.
This is all part of the Divine Plan for a New Earth and its creations by the God Creators. We have left the old behind and move forward, creating moment by moment with a clean slate and clear body vehicle. Along with the Lightworkers, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Higher Dimensional Light Beings, all of Earth elements and animal kingdom, the New Earth will victoriously prevail into the 7th dimensional sentient light, thus being the first prototype of the Holographic that the Earth once was.
Saishorie~Grace became aware while writing this Spirit Script that she is God Creator and her Twin Flame is as well. They are the feminine and masculine god creators. When she was not busy escaping the lower dimensional reality, she was in dream state working away in Higher Realms. While he was diligently mastering his Earth Realm craft during the day and taking in the Sun light, he was as well working with the rhythms of the dark moon. They are the continuum of Life force flow of life, they are the sacred geometry flower of life. They know the rule of trinity. All things are created with third energy just as the Earth, Sun and Moon, just as the Mother, Father and Child, just as the Prime Creator Feminine and Masculine and the third energy, the Child.
This photo symbolizes a sign from God that the etheric merge would be complete when her masculine counterpart is 54 years of age, although not physically merged yet, still they are ONE.
The masculine counterpart’s work in this planet of duality created much karma for this Prince. He is very courageous, talented and skilled at his craft and this materially rewarding life did come with a price that no amount of money could fix. His last life and current life on Earth had him playing a “lead role in a cage” with tons of Karma to resolve. As powerful and loved as he was, he also had adversaries to deal with and judgments would take a toll on him.
For the feminine aspect, Saishorie~Grace, her mastery in the higher dimensions was no walk in the park either. In fact during this lifetime, she chose to “Walk through the war” while her male counterpart was taking the lead role in the cage. Do you see how the duality plays out here in a polarized world?
In her most recent incarnation and current lifetime, Saishorie~Grace has decided to correct the adversaries wrong doing to the Earth and make light of the shadows. She partook in the lifetimes in higher dimensions with these ET adversaries and quickly mastered their game. She learned the ropes and would make things right again by transmuting any of her Universal Karma. This included many initiations, and the final war took place in the sky with her Higher Self Spirit and the Adversaries Spirit. This was a war that played out while she was physically flying home from a trip in Mexico 2014.
War in the Sky
It was 2014 and Saishorie~Grace spent a lovely 2 weeks under the Sun, on the Earth and flowing with the rhythm of the Moon cycles. This was very healing for not just the physical vessel but the mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric body. Rest and rejuvenation are imperative for humans to honour their bodies’ cycles.
Upon extending her vacation, Saishorie~Grace witnessed her Higher Self synchronicity transpiring over the course of 2 days of attempting to re-book a flight. She could not escape the feeling of a perfect flight time being orchestrated in Divine Order. Each time she spoke to an agent, some weird incident would happen and no flight arrangements could be made. Some type of stalling was taking place; even her name was being misspelled on the booking. She started to realize something else was at play here, something bigger than her physical action toward rebooking a flight home. Instead of resetting it, she went with the flow.
To take a break from extending hours on the phone back and forth with the booking agents, she went for a walk on the beach to recharge her energy fields. A man selling jewelry approached her. Immediately a pendant caught her eye. It was so shiny and gleamed into her eyes from the reflection of the sun. She asked him, “What does this symbol mean?” The man explained to her, “This is a beautiful symbol of the Hand of God, it is protection.” Immediately Saishorie~Grace bought this pendant as it felt very right at the time. It also was the exact symbol she had on a sweater she wore on the plane to Mexico. However, she did not know it was the Hand of God, she thought it swore of feelings of jealousy toward her. She could feel this negated vibration of jealousy whenever it was projected to her and was learning to protect herself from this low vibration that beautiful Princesses often deal with. So, for her it was very synchronistic and meant to be.
Later she returned to attempting to arrange her flight. Finally, all fell into place. She booked her flight and her seat, and knowing her seat was a sequence number gave her a sense of safety. The next day she was off to the airport feeling really good to be on her way back to her Earthly home with her soul mate son and her angelic embodied dog. Much healing had taken place on this vacation and she felt great.
While sitting at the airport, she was going to have a cerveza beer when a lady sat near her and peculiarly asked about her sweater with the “Hand of God” on it. Saishorie~Grace almost fell off her chair, staring in disbelief that this lady was asking, and the feeling she got around this woman was intense. The lady who brought up the “Hand of God” symbol on her shirt began to explain where this symbol originated from in more and more detail. She went on to explain that it originated from Israel and the name of it was Hamsa Hand, an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. She said, “In all faiths it is a protective sign. It brings its owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune.” She was laughing with joy. This interaction and dialogue was very unexpected and well received by Saishorie~Grace, until this lady started to explain the shadow side of this symbol, the Evil eye side. She said, “The evil eye is a look given to inflict harm, suffering, or some form of bad luck on the person that it is cast upon so wearing this symbol will protect you from any enemy.” As Saishorie~Grace looked at her, her vibration immediately dropped and she sensed this. She ended the meeting and dialogue with the words, “You are safe and protected,” and then she left.
From that moment, Saishorie~Grace antennas went into full receptivity. She opened her senses on every level and her keen third eye examined the surroundings every level of consciousness. Saishorie~Grace put her full beer down and did not take another sip of alcohol for a very long time. This game has gotten serious. She continued to proceed to the boarding of the airplane, very conscious. She found her seat and sat down calmly, until a big foreign man approached her and said “Miss, you’re in the wrong seat.” Bewildered, she looked up and replied, “No this is my seat, the agent told me when I checked my luggage in and confirmed B22.” The man pulled out his ticket and showed B22. Saishorie~Grace’s head started to spin, cold sweat took over her body and she left her body to scan the airplane and get answers. She connected with the pilot’s energy and the other assisting staff. Soon her physical body would follow and her eyes locked into the woman’s eyes whom she met while almost having a beer before boarding. The lady’s blue eyes pierced into Saishorie~Grace’s eyes and were telepathically communicating to her “You are protected. You are safe.”
This moment was surreal. Saishorie~Grace, on an emotional and spiritual level, was preparing for an attack, a war in the sky. Her intuitiveness captured the truth of the energy that was transpiring. There was a force that would interfere with this plane’s flight. This was an attempt on Saishorie~Grace’s life, to take her out of the physical reality of the Earth Realm. Her power would be significant to the New Earth and a threat to the ones who have previously been in control. Her adversaries were here in physical form as well as in the other dimensions. She knew she needed all of the assistance she could invoke from her family of light, the Archangels and Ascended Masters. This was War in the Sky. She was not sure what kind of force they would use to try and take the plane down, but she knew what powerful forces she would use. Sounds like something out of a Sci-Fi movie? Well Sci~Fi is reality.
Saishorie~Grace went back to the stewardess to get her seat. The stewardess politely took her to the seat that is the main seat over the emergency exit. Saishorie~Grace was in complete parasympathetic mode, fighting in her mind for her life. The male steward walked by her this time, giving her a Alien like look, and she felt he was an Alien for sure, and of the adversary kind. Things were very strange, quite surreal and intense. Let the War begin, she thought. She visualized her Spirit above the plane with all of her other Angelic family of rainbow light. She called upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Raphael. She called upon Archangel Uriel, Archangel Azrael, Archangel Gabriel and all of the nameless Archangel family as well as all the Ascended Masters to help her during this War that would transpire in the Sky, the Final War… or was it?
She sat with her eyes closed in meditation for 4 hours, not moving. Her physical body was in the seat, however her mental body was in the Galaxy and her Spirit was everywhere. The plane ride was tumultuous, the passengers at many times were asked to stay belted in their seats while the plane and pilot worked feverishly at maintaining its flight. The War was in full sway. Saishorie~Grace knew this but the Pilot and the passengers did not know. The passengers thought it was an uncomfortable, shaky flight, and the pilot was using every bit of his training expertise and known tactics to keep the plane in control. Saishorie~Grace did not physically speak with the pilot but she knew psychically what was going on.
Finally, as the flight landed, the whole plane of 225 passengers clapped extensively while the pilot rushed out and immediately connected with Saishorie~Grace’s eyes; he was sweating, flush red like a tomato, and in an extreme state of disbelief. This woman he gleamed at, had raised a big stink when her seat was changed and he had heard all about it. The pilot knew. He was fully aware that he was the pilot who just help to survive a War in the Sky.
Saishorie~Grace got home that evening and hugged her dog and son so tightly, hoping she would never have to let them go.
In Love of the Highest Light
Saishorie~Grace As Above,
Shelly Sullivan So Below