Wow! Once again a great and undeniable confirmation of my recent channeling of the God Head ~ The Earths Hieros Gamos. The God Head is the original Creation when the Divine is One, where the Divine Feminine Mother and Divine Masculine Father are One in Creation. For years My Beloved Masculine Hiero Gamic partner and I have been merging the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Principle as far back in the dimension to the Creational God Spark. We have been doing this from the Celestial Realms, into the Cosmic REalms, into the Universal and Galactic existences.
In August I was strongly guided to Ryan Melchezidek once again. It was last year I first came across him on Soulogy at a time when I started to fully connect with the Halls of Amenti, I intuitively knew he was Family of Light. Any way I questioned Spirit why am I being guided to Ryan once again? So since have been connecting with his work and on a Spirit he got my attention and here I found his video below on the Amenti Arc – DNA which is very pertinent to the Mission and the codes we behold.
Tonight I was watching a video (below) where a lady says she was strongly guided to Ryan Melchezidek and she ended up getting a activation by working with Raia and Ryan, where now she is in a Hieros Gamos Union tapped into the Architectural work of our Divine Matrix. “I just happened” to come across this information after releasing my download or channeled message with the God Head and Hieros Gamos Union. Listening to her talk about the God Head as the Divine Feminine and Masculine creation point as well as her Union is confirmation that the world is indeed ready for the work being carried out between my Twin and I.
This work is for the over all collective consciousness of humanity and the Earth for Divine Templates of the New Blueprint of Divine Unions on Earth. Every one doing the work is doing there part and this is it. Watch this video at 26:39 min where Todd asks the question about Hieros Gamos…
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service