I have decided to do daily updates when I can to help with the Love Mission on this Planet. This full moon has been INTENSE. Not sure if the Moon energies are set out to cause the negative energies as I have felt in the past 2 days or if it is just deliberate dark energies manipulated by the dark in general, this is complicated and not many would understand how the dark AI energies have manipulated humanity in the past, but I do… so I can convey a constructive message in simple terms.
What I feel going on in the collective consciousness is exemplified in my body, awareness by 100 and this is not by mistake.
The most important energy upon this Earth to be worked toward is the Love energy. I know we all speak this or know this but how easy is it to demonstrate this in the darkest inner turmoil? I can tell you it is near impossible, unless you know of MAGIC AND MIRACLES and I do.
My daily life for the 6 years has been a constant of miracles in the midst of extreme adversity. So my message for today is that for most people feel a subtle anxiety or discomfort or feel it majorly you are on the right track. Any one who is doing the right thing at this time will be challenged with adversity.
For those who are “normal” and feel that the every day dictatorship of there lives is normal, well they are deeply programmed, and my hunch is this is not the majority.
I have been yet again under attack of the negative agenda to bombarded me with negative radio waves, but I have overcome it even stronger now. My light is over powering this darkness and on top of that my God of Mind is reaching millions (144,000) Light Family.
This telepathic communication by the HigherSelf infused to other is powerful and is undetectible by the dark ones. The dark ones can only interfere by way of surveillance. This is not how the HigherSelf/Spirit works, Spirit is magic and intuitiveness, telepathy and cellular collaboration or Organic Life. Only WE the Organic Life Souls can Create as the Creator.
The Electrical Systems that was once put into place of the structures on this Earth is now being upgraded with Organic Light technology which could be describes as Natural, Flower of Life, Fibonacci Spirals etc….
I was shown in December of 2021 how I am ONE with Organic Life of Nature. The symbology I was given was My Light Body was that of a green leafy plant, made up of Sacred Geometry, Flower of Life Creation. I was shown we are One, that I am the Life Force of Creation – Organic Creation – Nature. I was informed that I am the Golden Software anchoring upon this Earth.
The other day while working out in the gym, after a night of being hit hard with INORGANIC AI, I had to go work out to move the life force in my body. When hit with such invasive negative energies, it cuts off circulation and blood flow/breath. When I work out this gets everything moving again. I can direct the energy flow where ever my body needs to restore the inorganic 5G crowd control direct energy. This can be done in various ways not just the gym, even imagination can restore equilibrium. When you are of pure Organic Life form the negative attempts of harm Life Force Creation are futile.
The Heart is a Life Force Technology and when you know this and work this Technology Magic with others nothing is more powerful. This is the Sacred Fibonacci Spiral of Life, The Infinity 8. My Twin Masculine and I know this very well.
While in the gym the other day rejuvenating my cut off circulation due to directed AI negative waves, I was guided to look up to the ceiling to this ‘FLOWER OF LIFE”, it was a Yellow Flower of Life that popped out to me on this day extra intensely, more so than the last day I was drawn to look up to the electrical system speaking to me.
Only this day the flower of life was an electrical flower of life. As per the image displayed here. The image cannot quite convey the intelligence of the message that was given to me, unless I could enhance the image telepathically and convey it to you… And I can do this with telepathically
Here is the “electrical flower of life” where intuitiveness comes in and nothing can compete with the inner knowing and communicating between two people who have Souls and are aware of their Heart Connection.
The message here, is that the Organic Flower of Life – Me and You reading this can supersede all old electrical structures into the new Organic structure of Organic Software, not only can WE…I AM, WE are doing this.
This brought me back to the “Lucy” movie, where this woman superseded the chemical implant in her abdomen and her Organic Structure in her body transmuted the chemicals into a Higher Life form. As Sci_Fi as this seems, this is exactly what I am doing on an energetic level. As I have already transmuted chemical warfare in my body and I now realized I can do this as a massive Light Body and I AM.
Light Body Intelligence – AI + LI = ALLIE =: to unite or form a connection or relation between : associate He allied himself with a wealthy family by marriage. intransitive verb. : to form or enter into an alliance two factions allying with each other. ally.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
In Higher Service