In the Beginning God Said – “Let There Be Light”
“An enormous, great Sure Ray of Light is to be remembered as it has superseded the last Christos/Sophia anchoring of light here upon the Earth. This consciousness it is extraordinary at this time for Ascension for the Divine Partnership – Flames & Light bearers. All of humanity of the world have been gifted with an abundance of light. This ray of light has been blinding bright. Either you would embrace this light or you would shun it if you could not withstand it.
This Light was purposely anchored here in the human body as the Divine Masculine Light that would be the living example of what all humans will attain as their birth right as a Divine Child and God Creator.
This Being arrived anchoring this light, and shortly thereafter the Feminine Counter part of the One Androgynous Soul arrived. Her position was to anchor the remaining light and sustaining this connection to the Etheric Realm from where she arrived. Together this completes the balance of feminine and masculine energies here, as is their mission to bring back the balance between them on this Earth realm. Because the feminine had arrived from the etheric and was not presently Being on the planet earth for thousands of years, she was well maintained in her integrity, her feminine qualities intact. However, the masculine collective consciousness energies having been distorted throughout innumerable experiences upon an imbalanced Earth were what was needed more adjusting and correcting” ~ excerpt from Adventures of Saishorie~Grace.
In The End There Was Dark
When it came time for me to be the conduit of Light to help dismantle the negative darkness (I refer to it as negative darkness rather than using the word evil as not all darkness is evil). I publicly share some of my journey into the underworld. Many people can not resonate with the dark realities as it would just be to devastating, so it takes a Being that can accomplish this, in doing so must face the darkest of darkness. If you do not believe that evil/darkness exists in this dimension and has been previously (pre-cleanup) then it simply was not your responsibility. How ever millions have been and are part of this clean up and it is very real. The masses could not withstand to know the truth of what is really transpiring.
This is difficult to comprehend unless it is part of the “clean up” mission you are here for.
It took me along time to embrace this, actually not until it was over could I really start the personal healing for what my Spirit had elected me to take on. I am in the final phase of a full recovery and a great Victory has been accomplished of astonishing work for the Light Forces.
Before the New Beginning the Dark must be Embraced
The connection I have with the “Divine One Mind of God” never leads me astray and in fact always leads me to the truth of the matter.
Over the years while writing my book I would see signs via license plates, this is one of the ways my Spirit chose to work with me. I was gifted sign 2 years ago SHADOW28 and DARKSYDE. Finally, after years of alchemizing and purification for the Galaxy I was gifted yet another message explains exactly what I had been preforming for “initiation”.
While organizing my thoughts for writing to share with the public I was able to relate my guidance and experience via messages of other books. The messages came from a book called the Gene Keys, channeled by Richard Rudd, who I later found out he teleported his Mind with his Spirit, (as I do often) into the cosmic realm to download this sacred knowledge for humanity. Other messages were coming through from the Book of Revelations as I will explain.
Some next paragraphs is written based on my personal experience that has lead me to the the Gene Keys and written off reference of The Gene Keys that correspond in nature with what I have learned by personal experience.
I am writing about this as it is key in our truth for past, present and future. I am grateful to have been guided to this information to help articulate this truth for these times here upon Earth. The transition back into the Golden Age is being documented by various authors at this time. This is the time referred to as “Revelations” – Truth being revealed and the purification, clearing, transmuting, cleansing or as I refer it to the “Final Clean Up” has been transpiring and will be written in our true history books for our generations to come.
The information of the 28th Gene Key – 28th Shadow – Embracing the Dark Side hit me all at once and the words written by Richard Rudd came to me as a divine source message coinciding with my work and the signs in the pics above, when the time was in divine order I would find what I needed to further understand what I was completing in the etheric and physical realms.
There are and have been various dimensional Beings that their sole purpose is to keep you from your soul’s purpose and make it challenging to find it let alone follow it, this path is not for the faint hearted. This is the “Shadow” and the core fear is the fear of death. As we have all been pre-programmed to believe death is final when that is the furthest from the truth. The fear of being extinguished is what most people are motivated to live their existence from.
Demonic forces from around the world are emerging carrying out evil tasks right before our eyes, yet the 99% of the world cannot even sense it let alone see it. The ones that do are not “negative beings” they are the ones that chose the difficult path to see it, clear it and tell the truth.
The Animal kingdom plays a big part as they have already transcended the fear and live from a place of unconditional love even if they have been seriously abused by a dark entity. Their awareness operates from the immortal field and have come to Earth as a sacrifice, which suggests an evolution higher than the Humans. So we must be-friend all of our animal kingdom and put them on a pedestal from here on in. Not only are they here to teach us unconditional love but they are here to teach immortality.
The time of Revelations is a time of remembering our Immortality by surrendering to our deepest fears and dying to be reborn in pure true love. This is the time we face our shadow selves. I have been in this shadow initiation for many years and most intensely now for 3 years. Specifically, my Spirit & The I AM presence has been guiding me and protecting me through this extreme path. I was shown the sign SHADOW28 2 years ago and many time since along with the sign the DARKSYDE and today I fully realize what it all means.
This is the GodHead becoming One again with all that is. With all that has not yet been accepted and is referred to as Evil. I have been researching this in more depth and the book the Gene Keys found me, while walking in the isle of a book store looking for answers. Before opening the book I asked Spirit to open it to the page most important for me now. I almost fell off my chair again when it opened to Gene Key – Shadow28 – Embracing the Dark Side. How ever on the Light side I asked again after reading this dark side for the next most important writings for me and it was incredibly confirming of my initiation, as is all the signs I receive. It is pure magic and synchronicity, proof of our higher forces at work.
Here is some more beautifully written information I found in from the Gene Keys from the Shadow 28, “The Immortality requires that the individual surrender him or herself into his own deepest fears, he or she is reborn as pure consciousness. Such a Being realizes their true purpose of life itself, to live immortal truth of its own nature beyond time and form. When a being takes on the Shadow28 their specific gift is to highlight the fears of and in others wherever they go. Thus they hold the gift of casting out demons, because this is precisely what their aura is capable of. Through its Grace, it highlights the darker, unaccepted aspects of one’s nature and absorbs them into its deathless state of consciousness. Or as I call it their inner Sun. This is Destiny.
Ascension our Destiny as Spirit embodied here on Earth is manifesting immortality in form aka Ascending in body. Thus creating our future light body. In essence the animal soul and the human soul of Gaia will synthesize and create the whole immortal body. Only then will we see the true nature of the beast.
The Old War is changing as now everything is obviously energy. The population that is unaware of this and must become aware, and they will. The choice is what path will it come down to? Further Chaos … to keep playing out in 3D? Or Love, balance of the men and women which is also rising now into 5D.
It is at a critical time of cross roads here for humanity, this is revelations. The best and most beneficial path to Mother Earth, Humanity & the Galactic Family is to choose from the Heart and teach the masses on how to merge the brain into the heart and work from that space that connects with the One Mind of God instead of being lazy or afraid and relying on AI – Artificial Intelligence.
As hurtful and demonic the Evil/Dark Side comes across to our human brain and body we must remember this is our creation. By becoming aware of the state humans are in/mostly taken over by some negative force, whether it be subtle or not so subtle the awareness must be granted to those who do not understand of there very own creation and help them find their way back to the Source of their Being.
“Dark will not exist when you realize and come to know it and that at its deepest core is the Light. To Be the Light you must embrace the Dark.”
Finally Revelations
Here is my writing from personal experience and guidance regarding the Book of Revelations.
In the following I will touch upon and vaguely summarize a very lengthy broad experience of mine over many years, which I will be including in a next book or some form of message.
The New Testament which was laid out upon my path precisely for me to find the pocket size New Testament at the opened page of 471 the beginning chapter of “Revelations”. That was last year in February just before my death and resurrection. Last night I was surged with a epiphany again that the time of Revelations is here now, after close to a year of preparation from the I AM Presence. Here is excerpt from the Book of Revelations cryptically describing what is happening now within these End Times and A New Beginning which is being written.
“Behold, he cometh with the clouds and every eye shall see him. And they also which pierced him and all kindred’s of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so amen.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which is to come. The Almighty. “
I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last: What thou see shall write in a book and send it into the Heavens (New Earth). Write these things that thou see and shall see there after.”
He had in his right hand the seven stars out of his mouth a sharp two edged sword and his countenance was as his sun shineth in strength.
Fear not I am the first and I am the last. I am he that liveth and was dead. And behold I am alive for ever more. Amen.”
I have the keys of Hell and Death. Write these things which thou have seen and the things which are and the things that shall be here after.”
The mysteries of the Stars (suns), the Flames (Twins) and the Angels will be revealed.
Revelations in the New Testament somewhat cryptically states when the Alpha & Omega approach there will be a Angel(s), (1 gigantic Sentient Being of Light) upon Earth who is the embodiment of God, who preforms the work of transmuting the evilness, simultaneously while the other half of the Androgynous God “hearth” the story and filters it through the One Mind Of God via the gigantic Sentient Being of Light – Family. “The Spirit Script story will be written and one will listen.” Through the Spirit the Light Family will telepathically be downloaded and share the story as it plays out. This is the second coming of the Christos/Sophia, this is Final Revelations.
This is the One Androgynous Creator God, split into Two = 1 of 1, 1 of 2, 2 of 2 and so on and so on, making up the millions of Families of Light. God said “Let there BE LIGHT” and now the Light will be activated through the whole Family of Light.
We are at a time of Revelations.
Natures catastrophic events taking place all over the world. The fires in California, the deep freeze in Canada and the Electrical Storms in the UK, the Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Tornado’s and all the chaotic weather activity. Whether you feel or believe it is Global Warming or Geo-Engineering is your truth. Either way the message comes indicating the time Revelations.
The weather conditions upon Earth are natural and manipulation manmade fueled by controlled weapons and this is all playing out as God intended for Final Revelations.
This is all prophesied in the End Times and the New Beginning. The Fires are purification and the Deep Freeze is purification, all is purification. Along with this catastrophic events taking place around the world we see the nature of the beast being revealed through many. The beast I refer to is the dark energies who are at an all time high working through whom ever is venerable enough to host them.
No matter who is good or who is bad the winning game here is to transmute/alchemize what no longer belongs in the New Earth and bring forth all that we created into a balance once and for all.
We win this game with Love and Awareness. When they say that God will “speaketh” through the Apostles this is referring to the One Mind of God Creator. All of which the Way showers of Light know within their heart speak from this ONE mind of God.
The opposing polarity at this time is the false light acting form the Negative Dark Side. The difference between the two is one is the immortal love & light frequencies and one is mortal transmutable darkness. We see this with the Co-Creators of Light and within the “Sheep” of the surface energy of materialism.
The War being played out and has been playing out for as long as I have been alive and many lives before me. This is the Light being interfered with by the Dark and causing destruction instead of paradise. We are nearing the end of this war and it is intense.
The Dark Ones aka “Reptilians” are jumping into any body that is venerable to fear and causing havoc for the bodies who have released all the fear and are of pure vessels of light. This is what it has come down to. And the masses need to become aware of this, in order to Win with Love.
Dark Interference Within Humans
My experience with demonic forces jumping into bodies of “good” people close to me is extensive and has been going on all my life. The good news is everyone can learn the tools to successfully deal with this and take full command of ones own bodies.
The unaware host of this entity is usually a closed love one that at some point become venerable and taken over to hurt you or lower your vibration, however your love for that person presses you to remain in the relationship. This has come to my attention in various types of relationships ie: Mother/Child relationships which is the strongest bond that cannot easily be broken hence the Light Being Mother Energy is jeopardized by the demonic energy. These scenarios are from energy of the higher dimensions as well as the Earth human plane by puppets who are being controlled by the dark forces.
This interference can come in the form of drug or alcohol addiction, suicidal tendencies, evil or very negative behavior from a son/daughter to his mother to attempt to dis-empower the Divine Mother Energy here upon the Earth. Here is a small example I have seen with many son/mother relations. The son will act out of his loving character and attack the mother. He may manipulate and make her feel badly about carrying out responsible motherly duties and just plainly act out of character, immature wounded fully grown men will act this out on there female partners (the fathers of the son’s could be compromised/out of balance and cause the mother figure more grief and chaos.)
This is one of the most serious issues that needs to be tackled on a global level for the empowerment of the Divine Feminine Mother energy all over. All addiction is implanted and manipulated to feed the dark side. Children must be taught about this before they get thrown into the teenage programming of drug and addiction.
On The Light Side
On the Light side we have millions of walk-ins and messenger Of The Light working throughout the Light Beings here upon Earth. I have witnessed and watched this over and over in the past years. I have phenomenal stories and proof to share of this and the New Adventure into this is exceptionally exciting and “Out of this World. I look forward to sharing more of the Light Side.
These HighLight Signs I received have been over the past 3 years, showing up as my Light has been expanding and the advancing merge of the 1 of 2 into 1 again as it was in the beginning.
In Love and Light
Of Higher Service
Saishorie~Grace, As Above
Shelly Sullivan, So Below