Divine Love and Divine Government

I love how in sync this vlog is by Patricia Cota Robles is with the Seventh Ray Mission aka The Divine Beloved Twin Flames Mission. The Divine Sacred Twins are ONE pair of the Divine human Record Keepers & Record Keeper Activators for this Sacred Earth and her Mission.

Without a doubt I know all I have been through leads me to this Victory: To Spiritually hold the Sacred Space for the New Order of Governmental Divine Consciousness to take hold on this Planet Earth.

I will never forget the Dragon Being that worked with my HigherSelf around the Washington DC White House for the purification to lead up to this monumental time upon Earth. I am so grateful to God/Source, for all the Archangels, Ascended Masters, Angels, Benevolent ET’s, my Divine Masculine and all the Earth Angels that helped US to get to this point.

When I listen to this Decree spoken by our Beloved Patricia it brings forth the Destiny of our Planets New Conscious Governmental System that will lead our Planet into the Golden Age.

The image above is the closest I could find to depict the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine Light Body/Sun in Creation. I would add into the image all white diamond gold colours, the right hand of God, slowly spinning in creation like a massive clock, sequences numbers of mathematical codes of Creation in Gold to show what Our Light Body looks like as the never ending Gold/White Diamond Source Codes flowing into us like a Niagara Falls of Light, eternally Creating the Codes of Perfection.



Published by Shelly Sullivan @ 14:44