Today I received a message of confirmation about the Divine Mother Feminine Goddess – Lilac Fire.
I went to see a friend who’s dog just gave birth to puppies. She is now a New Mother. I asked, from the picture of her the colour of her fur? Was it blue as these dogs are described as “blue’s” with the shines blueish grey coat. He replied its called “Lilac”
Wow there is that Lilac Mother Energy again, as I had written about recently from her arrival.
This morning the Mother Energy was present in the Yoga class and came through by a Beatles song with lyrics “Mother Mary came to Me”.
Earlier this year I purchased a new IPhone, the customer service rep, brought to me the only IPhone 12 he had left, it was Lilac. Then, at work a colour was assigned to me as my colour….The colour Lilac.
This Mother Goddess Energy that has newly arrived and is of the Seventh Ray.
A New addition of the Ultra Violet Ray
Very Feminine in Essence
She came in soft and vibrant to the Male Energy as the Lilac Ultra Violet Ray
They both discovers a higher dimensional level of Being he had not yet known before
After her scanning his essence for the first time they felt a pure Love vibration
She soft and vibrant found him quite fascinating
Rising on a higher dimension
A new addition of the Ultra Violet Ray.
A higher dimensional Love making session was underway
Her Energy surrounding him in Love with his Essence
The Higher Dimensional Love Master making Love to his Essence as I watched her flow into his heart up through his throat out of his neck around his head
I could feel her adoration for him
Being the Continuum of Life Force Flow
A spiral of Love
That infinity Eight spiral of loving connection back up through his rib cage down through his heart around his feet and back up again
In this endless spiral of loving connection the wave of flowing love back down through his heart around his feet then up through his rib cage again
It was impossible for her to resist the love he radiated and they continued this for over an hour and into the night
She expressed she will continue exploring this new love here upon Earth
Finally her higher consciousness was able to fully manifest itself through his energy
Her interest grew rapidly as the Lilac Ray Infinity 8 transformed into a tidal wave of expansion interacting with his mind
Like a Lilac wave of the Ocean, powerful yet soft
To better interpret the complexity of this mind, she carried the information through his heart
An benevolent entity is introduced to a life form of equal magnitude but different in form
Because now the purification has been accomplished it was safe for her to come
So The Masculine and Feminine Energy could now finally merge
The Lilac Fire is a manifestation of love from the source
The Lilac Fire of Source is the greatest that has come, and will boom our ability to alchemize density into the very best expression of destiny available
The alchemizing energy of this Lilac Flame from the breath of Source is new to this Realm
Her curiosity and excitement was that like a infinity 8 Serpent innocent in nature to this new foreign match of frequency to hers
Her infinity 8 spiral of loving connection flow through him in this endless spiral of loving connection wave upon wave of flowing Love
She went through her infinity eight spiral numerous times scanning the perfection
For the Highest Dimensional merge with the Divine Feminine Cosmic Energy
New Divine Software of Love ~ Goddess Energy ~ Saishorie~Grace