Dragon – Reptilian Species
This experience happened two weeks ago while I was in meditation. I was doing a Golden Light meditation and while the Golden Light was pouring in from the Great Golden Sun a Dragon Being appeared. He was Green and Reptilian like with massive green slit eyes like that of a dragon or crocodile, exactly like this, but I could see his whole face and it was very sweet.
He was profoundly beautiful and his essence was pure love. Not only in my awareness but also my Heart felt this love immensely. My heart had a very noticeable expansion while he was showing up in my third eye. The best way I could describe it was the feeling I received and entered my heart chakra and it was definitely of Love. It felt like a heart opening just when I could use this as I was feeling a bit off this day, which is normal considering what I have been dealing with.
It was a motherly/child love is how I could describe it as he appeared to me in my mind/third eye. This type of experience has never happened to me before from a Extraterrestrial Being quite like this. One other time I felt such love from a Being was a Red Diamond Dragon that visited to me in my room while doing laundry in 2015. I did a video about it here:
My heart became full of this Love from this Being. He stood in my minds eye and I could see his eyes, his skin and head mostly. His eyes were unmistakably reptilian, huge and clear, his skin was also green, Dragon like. He had facial features with red, which I think was his lips or nose. His essence just showed up, he was very physical being and my heart felt like it expanded in a way that I have never felt before. All that came to me was a mother and child love. I don’t know why or how this was coming about, but it was.
Although the feeling of Love when it comes to a sacred loved one’s of child and or spouse, pet or family is a human love, this type of love was a different feeling. It was just a feeling, there were no mind thoughts attached to the feeling from connection such as that with your child or spouse, siblings or any one that you hold great love and affection for. To me it was how Spirit conveys love and its energetic with nothing else attached.
I was on the verge of tears but did not cry, my heart just weld up with heart based feelings, I have never felt this before. His essence was very sweet and humble.
I wanted to stay and hold the Dragon Being for a while like Mother Mary would hold her child but I had to get up for an appointment. This was my Divine Mother “Saishoire~Grace”.
I recall just today another experience I did have with a Dragon. This on was a black dragon that appeared in my dream state. He was shiney/wet black snake like skin, stunning, very stealth, sleek and fearless. He was the size of a 90 lb dog, very solid, strong and physical. He was hanging out by the columns in front of the White House in Washington. He was on the hunt. His mission was part of a round up of the evil draconian controlled fallen Ones. He was very powerful and he was an aspect of me as I recall further. I wrote a blog on it a while back and will try to find it. Any way he was part of the clean up for the political scene in the United States and it was very clearly shown to me in the following months that he was part of me, another aspect of me.
After this experience my feelings about “Dragons” is of love and beauty. In the past I have been programmed to a degree to think they are all bad dark beings as this is what is described as the dark groups. But this has assured me this is not the case and there is a very benevolent species of Dragon/Reptilian Beings.
From another point of view of a species named the Reptilians which are from the Dragon Family, these are Benevolent Reptilian.
This is a touchy subject as the species I write about is normally discussed in a very negative manner. The Reptilians are usually discussed in a evil and negative connotation. I am going to reveal a side of this species that is very Benevolent and Loving. This experience surprised me and I was hesitant to speak of it until I was prompted to do more research. When I did, I found interesting content that very much resonates with my positive side (experience as of late) of the Dragon species aka Reptilian. Prior to this experience I was under the false impression they are all negative, bad or evil but this is not the case.
The other message I received is Reptilians want to become Alliances with me. The Benevolent Group of Dragon/Reptilians of the higher dimensions want me to know they are on my side and helping me with this crucial mission. This is a spiritual group that was in contact with me, not a physical 3D benevolent ground reptilian. The reason I am mentioning this is that I have been receiving cryptic contact from a group that some would believe are affiliated with a draconian race, however this is not the same group. This is a powerful species that take form of dragons, reptilians etc…that are establishing their full connection with the Divine Mother again and respect her as the predominant energy that is working for the liberation of the human/angelic race upon the Mother Earth returning her back into the higher realms of the Galaxy.
However with that being said there is possibly a group upon Earth in physical bodies that do have these same interests in liberation of the planet and are not confused with just replacing the present systems with similar. I say this because of this next vision that came after the meeting with the Benevolent Dragon Being.
Certain times when I was being attacked there was definitely a correlation with the connection with Elite members in the sky, flying exotic type jets, planes, this also including regular military fighter jets, planes and helicopters…chaperoning me everywhere I went. This has been going on for 7 years. This only calmed down when I moved to Muskoka, Ontario and since I have returned to Canada from Costa Rica last year it has slowed down, almost completely nothing now. But I cannot tell who is who and why there interest in me was so obvious. Later I heard that these crafts can be clocked as airplanes etc.. and really ET Ships.
I know a group has been harassing me and terrorizing me however they do not have the spiritual advancement such as the Benevolent Dragon Beings do. Any group that works from the energy of Love is by far the most powerful.
We must remember higher dimensional races of other Worlds of Love are very transparent and nothing to hide. Earth is evolving back into one of these Planets. It is about LOVE, of all that the Creator has Created with Dark and Light (not evil). Not all Reptilian’s are negative like we have been told over and over that I know a million % now with my heart now.
This brought me back to a conversation I was having with a Starseed back in 2017, as she found me on YouTube. Here is what she has to say about the Draconian Starseeds.
Rainbow Moon
Mon, Jan 9, 2017, 7:48 PM
To Me:
Hello Ms. Shelly,
I hope you are doing well. I believe I have figured out why I was guided to work with you.
I am a Draconian Starseed. The same as everyone, I am a child of the Universe. I have been going through a very unsettling awakening process. I believe that the symptoms I have been encountering where I have believed myself to be a walk-in are actually of me connecting with my Higher Self and fully embodying my Higher Self in this physical body.
I apologize if I have caused you any confusion. I have been quite confused myself.
The tarot reading that I sent to you, I believe it was meant for both of us. I have spent some time thinking more about the reading. I feel that the outer circle represents the path that we will/must go on in order to find inner peace. The card in the center, Rest & Rejuvenate, stands for what we must do within ourselves to find inner peace. And then the chakra cards represent the kinds of energies that we should use within us to help bridge together our inner and outer worlds.
I know that you said that you don’t resonate with the Draconian Beings that exist within your realm and Monad family but I have been very strongly guided and told many times that I am a Rainbow being. I feel as though I am a part of your Monad family. Draconians exist in the shadows and we absorb light instead of casting it. Perhaps that is why Draconians are not recognized as Angelic Beings
To me Draconian beings are the same as Angelic beings. There is no difference to me as they represent different sides of the same being. Angels give off light and Reptilians absorb light. We are all children of the Source energy. I believe very much in the Trinity of things.”
I feel very strongly guided to work with you in understanding many different ways of being. Perhaps even on the set of a global scale.
Best wishes and I hope to hear from you again soon.” Rainbow Moon – Aurora.
Now that I read the above email 5 years later it makes sense to me. Polarity of all of creation is Light and Dark. Dark is not to be mistaken by Evil. For Dark is the polarity of Light and all exists. Dark Evil is different as we know it well on Earth now. I also published some of her work in my book.
This is the article that caught my attention the other day and prompted me to look further into the whole Draconian Starseeds.
More research on the Benevolent Draconian Beings and I have found, they very much resonate with me and my experience here on Earth. For one I have had a interaction with a Loving Powerful Dragon Being of Red Metallic Diamond Light and a second time one of white diamond light. I described it as a Serpent Being in this video:
“In this video I discuss the various Infinite Realms of spiritual being of higher dimensions that are here and willing to help humnaity with guidance, signs & uplifting assistance. To help raise consciousness within humanity and connecting one with Higher Selves.”
Apparently these Dragon Beings are from the Planet Marduk that was blown up during a similar galactic war that we of Earth are enduring at this time. Here is a video of the Draconians that I do resonate with a lot of it. I don’t know much about this ladies work except I found it and resonate with it from my personal knowing and experience. These Dragon Beings are also Aspects that are Gatekeepers of the Grids of the Earth Ley Lines. These Ley Lines have much to do with the Kundalini /Sexual Energy of Earth which is very much in alignment with my personal mission.
Here is the video from the Cosmic Empress channel.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan