Dragon Solar Mother & Child

I wrote an article about meeting a Dragon  Being a few weeks ago. I have since realized this is the Dragon Family coming alive within me. It’s always been there only now it’s really being ignited. Now that I have learned more about the Eternal Solar Dragon and aka Cosmic Christi’s Dragon as per the podcast/article below by Lisa Rene of Energetic Synthesis it’s all becoming more clear. My mission started with the Solar Serpent/Dragon and my working in a top secret mission in the Leylines, which I have published writing and video about that. It is all coming back on line. The more I tune into this Dragon that I had the experience with it is become more clear. He is a Child of mine, My Solar Dragon Mother Aspect. He is from the Leylines and is the most adorable Being. It’s an awakening of the Benevolent Dragon Family.

Funny thing is I bought my son a Dragon for Christmas, he is the cutest green Dragon that is becoming very symbolic here. He has been collecting Dragons since he was a young boy and I have bought many because of his love of Dragons. One of the bigger Dragons I bought was for our house at 19995 Yonge St. Where Jesus and his spaceship landed when the Anti Christ attacked. When I moved in to 19995 Yonge St, I placed this 1000 lb Stone Dragon on the front lawn along with 4 powerful crystals quarts from North, South, East and West. Who knew it would stir up the ancient battle that came from that day forward. Know thy Self and you will Know Thy Power 

Here is the excerpt of the Motherly Love bond felt with this Dragon Child, who is of the Earth’s Ley Lines a real Earthly Dragon made of the Earth.

“This experience happened two weeks ago while I was in meditation. I was doing a golden light meditation and while the Golden Light was pouring in from the Great Golden Sun a Dragon Being appeared. He was Green and Reptilian like with massive green slit eyes like that of a dragon or crocodile, exactly like this, but I could see his whole face and it was very sweet.

He was profoundly beautiful and his essence was pure love. Not only in my awareness but also my Heart felt this love immensely. My heart had a very noticeable expansion while he was showing up in my third eye. The best way I could describe it was the feeling I received and entered my heart chakra and it was definitely of Love. It felt like a heart opening just when I could use this as I was feeling a bit off this day, which is normal considering what I have been dealing with.

It was a motherly/child love is how I could describe it as he appeared to me in my mind/third eye. This type of experience has never happened to me before from a Extraterrestrial Being quite like this. One other time I felt such love from a Being was a Red Diamond Dragon that visited to me in my room while doing laundry in 2015.

My heart became full of this Love from this Being. He stood in my minds eye and I could see his eyes, his skin and head mostly. His eyes were unmistakably reptilian, huge and clear, his skin was also green, Dragon like. He had facial features with red, which I think was his lips or nose. His essence just showed up, he was very physical being and my heart felt like it expanded in a way that I have never felt before. All that came to me was a mother and child love. I don’t know why or how this was coming about, but it was.

Although the feeling of Love when it comes to a sacred loved one’s of child and or spouse, pet or family is a human love, this type of love was a different feeling. It was just a feeling, there were no mind thoughts attached to the feeling from connection such as that with your child or spouse, siblings or any one that you hold great love and affection for. To me it was how Spirit conveys love and its energetic with nothing else attached.

I was on the verge of tears but did not cry, my heart just weld up with heart based feelings, I have never felt this before. His essence was very sweet and humble.
I wanted to stay and hold the Dragon Being for a while like Mother Mary would hold her child but I had to get up for an appointment. This was my Divine Mother “Saishoire~Grace”.


Dragon Reptilian Being Alliance


Here is Lisa Renee’s article about he Cosmic Christos Dragon which I remember more and more now the Mission

“Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings for hierogamic union and the biological ascension mysteries were held by the female line of the Mother of Dragons, which later on included the lineage of the incarnation of Mary Magdalene Sophia. After the Roman invasion of Gaul, the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings were carried on underground through the secret sects of the Sisters of Avalon and some of the Benedictine monks who were masters of alchemy from their lifelong study of these teachings. Thus, these dedicated monks were responsible for choosing the building sites and drawing up the architectural blueprints which included esoteric Cosmic Christos Dragon Teaching ascension symbolism found throughout the ancient Gothic Cathedrals in France that are consecrated to Mary. Whether considered the mother of Christ or the wife of Christ, in this context Mary is given as a sovereign title and is esoterically known as the Mother of Dragons.

During the Norman-French invasion period in the United Kingdom, they brought their version of the Mary Magdalene mystery knowledge from Gaul into the christian churches that were being built on top of already existing dragon lines and power grids. The Norman-French brought their flavor of earlier Celtic based knowledge of the sacred geometric principles that were held in divine architecture and this was later being combined with ancient Gaelic knowledge that was still being preserved in the culture, language and lands from that time. – Lisa Renee.


Monday April. 18th. “Message: “Welcome to Being a Galactic Human Citizen” – Like as if to say “You Graduated”
Message came while I was enduring and dismantling the last of the mindcontrol-MK Ultra Direct Energy Weapon’s.

Thursday April 14th: I saw some machinery in my upper vertebrae 4” x7” in diameter  of what looked like Galactic Ship like technology that you would see in the Milky Way, but made miniature and placed in between my shoulder blades. Today I worked with the Dragon of the Leylines to integrate my Dragon Aspects fully for the next part of this mission. Same as how I have integrated the Lion aspect I will now be working with the Dragon Aspects. Upon getting up after meditation and further integration of the Dragon Energy, the exact place where this technology was shown to me, to be placed between my shoulder blades, this area is now sore and it is obvious Etheric and Physical Upgrades are taking place. I feel my masculine counterparts electrical energy also in this specific area, like most sensations are pooling in this particular area. This area is also the Heart opening area in the back/spine behind the chest and what is known as the placement of the Angel Wings. I keep seeing Dragons Wings, golden, red diamond metalic benevolent wings.



In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan
