As I go through my process I tend to have to revisit certain aspects of truth and the awakening process has been extreme and reminders are necessary when so much is taking place. Part of my awakening was my electrical charge within my body and how it effected electricity and technology. I have many experience with the effects of Light Technology affecting electronics, lighting, technology in my surroundings as well as outside on the streets.
My Light and electrical voltage can make other lights to to higher voltage, drain or charge batteries, blow circuits and set off street lights etc…The other week my Light was affecting a customers in home lights and the guy’s home I was in was very aware that it was me doing this, and he seemed cool about it.
Any way after watching the contactee Jean Charles of Alien Connexions and his story of how he affects electrical voltage and lighting, it got me thinking more about it. When I was 12 I was struck by lightening outside on a grassy hill by a river during a rain storm. My friend and sister where there to witness it. At the time I knew it was significant and activated me in some way. The two, my sister and friend were down the hill by the river and I was on the hill walking down to meet them. The rain and lightening started as they watched me approach them as I walked or ended up sliding down the hill after I was struck by lightening. They could see the whole thing as they were waiting and watching for me. Then over time it becomes a vague memory until you are shown to “remember” who you are and what you are made of.
Jean Charles mentions that people who have Extraterrestrial connections can be known to have high voltage running through them. As well as his Kirlian photography image was Diamond white and the healer who took the picture of him explained that this type of Diamond White Ligth is of the Celestial Realm and you are protected etc..
So this then got me remembering my Celestial meeting with my Twin Flame which I have published in my book. He showed up to me as a White Diamond Light with a Lightning bolt through his body. I had forgotten about his White Lightening Bolt until I Jean Charles video reminded me. Then I thought about the Celestial White Laser Beams of Light that run through me that I have captured in images of myself while standing in the Sun Light. As well as the video of My White Diamond Body showing up around me in video etc…
So I need to keep reminding myself of these important things to stay on mission and to help me with the discernment I am practicing at this time. Below is the experience I had within dream time of when I met my Masculine Counterpart in his truest nature – White Diamond Blinding Light and a Bolt of Lightening.
After I firstly started to realize this electrical charge running through me I would joke and think or write about him as a Super Charge Being of Voltage… a loving way.
I was in a building at an elevator door. I was dressed up in a long beige overcoat, sort of dressed in undercover Central Intelligence Attire. I was practicing not feeling nervous and I was doing a good job. I remembered how to be in the NOW which was taught to us by our Angelic family in 2014.
Someone very special was coming to see me. But there was a catch, I was not sure how or when he was showing up. Would he come off the elevator or take the stairs? It was a typical dream like feeling at this time.
I paced around for a while and suddenly I heard him walking up the stairs. But I was not sure if it was him for certain. It could have been anyone.
I watched as the final step was taken. A ray of white diamond light appeared and it seemed to be a human within the light, but the light was predominant, diamond blinding light. Then, through the crown of the light, there was an electrical charge, like a lightening electrical charge, and where I saw the head and face is of my Beloved Twin Flame.
After the charge, my Twin Flame’s face started to come through. This is where it changed from dream experience in the higher realms into the Earth plane reality. Parts of his face were coming through to me. My Twin was ready to bring forth the light into the Earth Realm. It was real, but I was sleeping until his face came through; I was fully awake experiencing this meeting. He was coming through stronger and stronger. It was him, his beautiful face, whiskers and all. Then his whole body appeared.
My Twin and I can meet in the Earth Plane, now he is ready.
I was told by God “YOU ARE THE SEVENTH RAY”
We are the Seventh Ray of Light. We are safe as long as we follow Guidance of God. It is an honour of The Family of Light to Guide and protect us.”
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service