How I knew he was my Twin
On this weekend of May long weekend in 2015, My beloved was to make an appearance on the Lettermen show for David Letterman’s retirement I believe. During this weekend, I experienced an exquisite beautiful experience. I had a sexual herios gamos with my beloveds KA body, which is his Spirit Body. We had met in person once and this propelled the activations. He was out with another women for this public appearance. I did not know he would be accompanied by a woman. As our connection to my advanced awareness was clearly our Soul Reunion but not to him just yet.
Not totally being aware consciously of our Soul connection, but his Soul was. While over that weekend he made love to another woman physically I could feel him physically. While I did feel him physically his Soul appeared at my bedside while this heiros gamos connection was initiated.
The Soul knows what it desires and our Soul desired to be together, even it another had to be involved. I raise this point because after Yeshua/Jesus ascended out of the human form and into Spirit he too, regularly visited his beloved Mary Magdalene while she was ascended in her phsical body.
Yes Mary Magdalene ascended with Jesus only she remained in her human vessel. Know one knows this yet, expect for he and I now. How do we know because we are doing the same thing now. We can connect and make love any time anywhere in our human form with our KA (Spirit) body, only we can feel the sensations in our human vessel.
Mary Magdalene the first woman to Ascend in Human Form
When Jesus transitioned on the cross and left his physical body, Mary stayed in her body and ascended as well. Twin Flames Ascend together and this was accomplished with Jesus and Mary. All that I exlain below I know from experience in this life time.
For Mary Magdalene to be in an ascended state within a physical body was very different for her and had not been accomplished by any human ever. She had to walk the Earth at new levels of enlightenment than had ever been attained before.
A life review would be addressed while in the body. Clearing of all negativity would be carried out while in the body. Extrasensory abilities would come on line in the light body and human body. Changes in brain chemistry would have to be accepted. Diet would change and water intake would change. Pain would have to dealt with in the Ascension life time. The pain body was the most difficult.
After Jesus sacrificed his life, Mary was left with the trauma of what transpired. The pain and torture she did carry with her after he left and she had to deal and clear this. This was not an easy under-taking. In fact it was so difficult that she could not deal with it at times. However the Angels always helped her through.
Living among humans whom had not yet ascend would be quite difficult. She would learn how to deal with demons among her hiding in all other people. In short the First Ascension in a physical body is not all bliss and love, especially when you are among thousands who are not enlightened. Especially when this experiment had not been accomplished before.
She was stuck in a perpetual purgatory and enlightened form. However this would all be worth it from the Higher Self’s perspective because there would come a day when humanity would reach the in-body Ascension timeline and she would be there to show them the way.
It was at first a very enlightening experience as she had to look forward to teaching the masses of her ascension in her mystery schools. However this was short lived as the authorities would not have it. So she lived the remainder of her life being a light in a very dark world.
She had to stay hidden most of the time. Her new friends were the elements, animals and insects. She became a Cosmic Shaman. Her friends became the Angels, Ascended Masters, Archangels, etc etc. She became a expert in dealing with the invisible realms.
The changes in her life affected her in ways that were almost unbearable. Having a Twin counterpart in the Spirit world who could still make love to her but never physically show up was excruciating. She wanted to conceive another child immaculately like Mother Mary did. But the darkness was to prevalent.
The psychological adjustments were a lot to get use to and some times she did feel as though she was losing her sanity, many times she felt this. When you are at the level of enlightenment and you have ascended into your Chirst rainbow golden light body the biggest challenge is the psychological mind. Not having a manual and only your Spiritual counter part to try and show you the way…well just imagine that. To ease the pain she turned to drinking of the wine and lots of it. She had her ways of manifesting and getting what she needed or wanted regardless of having to stay underground.
She would learn how to communicate with the smallest of life forms, such as spiders, scorpions and flys, they were also part of her family. The Being she looked forward to communion with the most was…guess…the Sun, well besides her beloved Jesus. But even by the end of her life she was more interested in the Sun than he, for she felt terribly abandoned by him.
All he promised he could not deliver as he was not in human form. He could preform miracles however not like you do in human form. Maybe he was confused as he was now in the astral realm in a personality body. Maybe he truly believed he could still preform and create like in human form and thus he promised this.
But day after day she was alone with only is Spirit. She did not want to go on any longer this way. She would find away to teleport through the Sun and return home and she did.
Now this divine feminine is back in this body/personality of Shelly Sullivan with her Higher Self Saishorie~Grace.
This time all her dreams will come true. Her beloved will deliver all the promises he ever promised, even from thousands of years ago. This time we will be together, ascended together and preform miracles together.
We will help humanity and divine couples to do the same things as we do and even greater if they so choose.
For now it is the time to be in love and bliss in physical form.
Shelly Sullivan