- August 4th-6th the frequencies of Nature and in Nature have been organized by the Organic Sun in Creation Software Technology.
- August 13th Frequencies of the Sun and Tree Network combined with the Universal Cosmic Father Sun and Mother Earth Frequencies along with the Cosmic Grand Central Sun Technology with the Divine Masculine and Feminine/Mother -Father God anchored into the New Earth Crystal Sun. Fully anchored also with the Grand Central Sun – Cosmic Heart. This is Love in action that transpired by sacred ceremony with the Golden White Diamond Christ Light Filaments flooding Earth via my and his conduit of Angelic Light and Soumd.
- Image of Frequency Technology – Personalized card being written while upgrading transpiring via the Divine Mother and Divine Father Codex. As Above – So Below. So it IS.
- confirmation of this came next day when I listened to for the first time Patricia Cota Robles ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON ILLUMINATION https://youtu.be/MPICBGNkot4?si=85BZCN79jZFxpK7l
Of Love Light & Sound
Saishorie-Grace 💚