Hall of Records

This is a song I wrote for my Lover, because the first time I looked into his eyes with a clear heart since before Covid struck was just over a month ago or so. When I did look into his eyes the words that kept coming to mind over and over for days HALL OF RECORDS. Because what I saw when I looked into the depths of his eyes and soul last month was “stored records” – eternal hall of records stored in this Soul.

When I was in Costa Rica last year toward the last weeks of my long stay, I was at a beautiful all inclusive hotel, where I was give a much bigger and more beautiful room than what I was paying. I considered this another gift from the Universe as this kind of thing happens often for me on my travels. But as per the game, there always darkness that interferes.

When I would leave my room to walk to dinner I started to notice strange people hanging around in the hotel walk way. This particular couple was obviously dark interference acting very creepy. The give away sign was the ladies shirt said ‘create, manifest, magic or something to that effect after I had just that day put out a blog and or video about this topic. As I walked down this hall way the next day Sprit told me Halls of Amenti.

I was entering into the Halls of Amenti at this time but first I had to get through a very dark initiation of almost like hell to graduate in order to get to the Halls of Amenti.  This gateway of darkness is a sort of astral realm of the fourth dimension that must be passed through to graduate and be given this high ranking honour into the Halls of Amenti. Not only ranking but access to these Halls. The Halls of Amenti.

My Male human counterpart went through this initiation I believe, either before in another time/space or life or he was going through it simultaneously with me, as he is the witness to this sometimes horrifying year long corridor I was travelling through. I had other confirmation that this was what was transpiring. Any way I learned more about the Halls of Amenti and the Hall of Records.I do know it is a very significant connection/responsibility to have in the higher Cosmic Realms and in the Earth.

The Halls of Amenti are a vast cosmic library that stretch throughout the higher dimensions and contain knowledge and wisdom from countless souls. As US being the Star Parents for the Soul Chards of the 144,000  this is  natural that we would have such access to this. I feel my masculine counterpart’s access to the “Hall of Records” as I was shown is access to a long history as well as present and possibly future. Holding these records is a great responsibility and heavy sacrifice/burden to have such knowledge held in Ones soul signature. This is what I see in his eyes – great responsibility. 

I am sure he has felt this and so have I in my own ways, the great responsibility. But at last the notion that we carry this solely will soon be realized that this is not the case and answers and support are on the horizon, for our brother hood are in this as well. There are Our Higher Aspects in Stasis, they are holding the greatest codes of these records and we are feeling the great honour of such massive knowing, wisdom and awareness as the embodied Masters of such knowledge and technology. I feel the connection with the “Kings” that are in Stasis and whom are encoded heavenly with the Cosmic Records to assist with Earth Ascension at this time.

So much work and purification has to be carried out by Human Beings doing the ground work for the Celestial and Cosmic Realm and we are doing it, the Good Work of God by the Angels.

If you look at it from this perspective:

He comes in with the knowledge, wisdom and subconscious awareness = the hall of records of the past. The past thousand or even millions of years of history of this Earth and Souls. He comes in with a mission to brighten up this dreary dark past of humanity. To prepare the Souls for the New while all along he knows the history and how dark it has been. Yet he comes in Light, massive Light, equipped for the mission at hand.

She comes in from the furture a future so bright and is catapulted into the dark past to help with the purification of this past history so that the New Earth’s future will not include the dark programming and enslavement that has no place in the future . But rather will utilize the purity of the good teachings for the future.

This is the joint effort of two Star Beings here on the higher timelines and betterment for humanity, Earth and the Galactic/Cosmic Family of Light.

I have looked into my Beloved eyes obviously over and over through out the years. I always had seen home and eternal knowing  but this year is the first year I saw “The Hall of Records” I feel this is a really good message of the time of Ascension is past its trail stages and we made it. The true Galactic Heritage of our past history’s, of the present potential and the future of creation is merging into One for the New Earth Creation.

The Script for the New Earth is being written, and the past history has to be included and this is not a bad thing even though we have just been through 2500 years of darkness. It is evolution of a New Earth and Solar System, Species etc…it is Evolution.

Much will continue to activate and many codes will be switched on as well as upgraded for the time is finally here for our Star Family to Re-Unite. Here is the original Song I had written after looking into his eyes in March 2022. The message I also have gotten is while he has been guarding the Hall of Records I have been cleaning the way for the future Hall of Records. Together this work is being carried out. To get through this is a monumental undertaking and hence all the out of this world interference and the out of this world magnificent white benevolent magic.

Hall of Records

Eyes of Eternal

When I look into your Eyes

I see Eternity

A lineage so deep

Behind those beautiful dark brown eyes

When I look into your eyes

 I see the Halls of Records

They are Halls of Eternal

Your Eyes the Personification of Wisdom

Where all past records do dwell

Of a lineage so deep

A Heart so pure

To all it does Reach

A Light so Bright

Shining through is your Soul so blinding White

With Rainbow Colours so playful and child like

The innocence is so pure

As you free all the hearts you touch

To put behind them all of any concern

For the future is Bright

And new records are stored

In the Eternal Halls behind those deep bright brown eyes

Looking into the future of the Light

where the best is yet to come

Your eternal heart has made light of the dark

The darkest of ages you bring the Light

For you always have known the present time

And the Future is so Bright

As a Beacon of Light

You carry the torch

As a Legend of our Collective Soul

When I look into your Eyes

I see my identical Eyes and of my Family

We are Soul Chards of Each other

Just like the Crystal Keepers of the Sea

A White Diamond Rainbow Soul

Leading by example for all to see

The Future of Our Star Children

The Parents of the Star Seeds

In Love and Service
