Message from the God Head
Sunday September 11, 2022
Mother Earth is coming into Hieros Gamos Union with the Divine Masculine.
I asked the question once again for assurance and clarity.
“What is this Twin Flame or Twin Ray Man to me, and Why are we truly involved as One ?”
This is the message and higher vision that came through on this significant date of Sunday September 11 2022 during a great shift on Earth.
In an audience before the world and before the God Head presence a female Moderator of the GodHead asked the Divine Masculine to explain to his Beloved Divine Feminine what she truly is and what he is to her. In a profound and elaborate explanation he began to speak the truth of their Union.
Upon awakening I could not remember all the exact words but it was very impactful and important what he expressed.
So important you could hear a pin drop in an auditorium of thousands and thousands of people all before the God Head.
The audience was listening intently and with great anticipation and interest. Upon awakening that morning of Sunday September 11 2022, I did remember it being said through God’s voice through him my Divine Masculine Beloved Counterpart.
“There are infinite Benevolent Beings and Energies working with and through us at this time”.
The way I describe this massive benevolent entity and consciousness is the “Echelon”.
When this was said an extra long electrical charge ran though me and the Earths body and this woke me up and it is a feeling of ecstasy between male and female.
In more simple terms he said: “You are remembering who you are by my sharing this with you.
I am coming back into you as We are One.
He went on to describe how we are originally One and how he feels about her and their Union
Just by doing this he was professing Great Love to her and this act alone has a ripple effect in the Galaxy.
This man speaking on Earth in this way to the Feminine has cause and effect in the Solar System.
Like the saying goes “We are the micro of the macro, We are the Universe inside of Us.
While he was demonstrating this act of Love from this physical Earth this message of sound and light rippled out to the Higher Realms revealing to the Planetary Systems and The Universes the same message for our Mother Earth.
Her Being as The Earth was merging with His Being as the Sun Masculine counterpart of the Earth. He and She, The Earth and Sun ARE of the Universe where Creation takes place, Creation of Suns, Stars, Planets and all that is. So what happens here on Earth has a great effect and purpose for the Cosmos.
It was all new to her the woman who represented the Earth and she needed time to absorb this truth. He continued to explain as a Man standing beside her as she innocently and vulnerably stood beside him. It is the Greatest act of Love at this time for Earths Ascension.
As I woke up all the words slipped away but I knew this was a miraculous transmission from God and a gift. This left a clear image and imprint of this message to be shared.
She was somewhat afraid as all this was very overwhelming. He was very sure of himself in sharing this truth to her and the World.
All the audience stood and listened eagerly for this truth. The message is Mother Earth is coming into Hieros Gamos with the Divine Masculine to become balanced again and this is a huge undertaking or task not only for Earth and Humanity but also for the Galaxy.
I feel this Hieros Gamos within my Light Column everyday and have felt it for 7 years.
As this is transpiring he is literally entering into her body which causes a clearing out of all that needs to be cleared and a complete purification has been accomplished.
This is happening in the Solar system with The Planet Earth and her Counterpart – The Divine Masculine Essence – is The Sun. The Divine Feminine Essence is the Womb of all of Creation.
He is the Light that enters her. This is for the Earth’s Hieros Gamos.
The Earth is merging with her Light replica and blueprint after millions of years back into balance.
It was like he stood there beside her to tell her how beautiful a creation she is
and that she Creates
and how beautiful and miraculous it all is.
She had to remember who she is.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service
Saishoire Grace