Entering the Galactic Golden Gate ~ Receiving the LIGHT

I had a Visit into the Galactic Central Sun~ SunGate, so much was revealed of this Golden Existence by “Language of immense Light”. Witnessing this with my Soul’s eyes thus using words to describe its complexity is difficult. It is a genius engineering of millions of sacred geometric systems running simultaneously like a galaxy size grandfather clock, moving and spinning slowly with solar fire such Godly elegance and power. I recognized the Goddess Energy, it was both masculine and feminine energy however the feminine aspect felt predominant to me like a Sun Goddess. I travelled through the Sungate of our I AM presence via the third eye meaning it travelled through me and I travelled through it while downloading codes into my third eye, this is the I AM presence conjunction of the Galactic Central Sun.

Stargate of The Omni Presence, The Alpha Omega God Creator, The Zenith Point, Goddess Feminine Energy, The exquisiteness, the beauty, the symmetry, the luminosity, the astonishing, breath taking presence of this Gold, Yellow, White, Silver Supreme Light Eternal Sun. Made up of a perfected sacred geometric Star Temple similar to Metatron’s Cube, spinning like a ferris wheel in perfect sequence and symmetry, yet burning at its core yellow and white, shinning and sparkling with white blinding light pouring into it from the all that is, constant pouring in of the Central Sun like a Niagara falls, and this white silver light released by the right “hand and heart” area, the hand of God dissolving what is to be dissolved and the heart evolving what will transcend, this light so bright that does all the transmuting of all which no longer belongs. Transmutes and transcends all it is sent, for justice, to this “GALACTIC GODDESS” what is to be dissolved or evolved. This was overwhelmingly magnificent.

Later it was revealed to me this is the Sun Energy of my I AM PRESENCE and the Sun Disc ever present within all my bodies.

If you could see the Source where you come from you would connect to this everyday to eventually consciously be one with this all day, every day never to deny your truth again. For what we are on Earth is a source of this Light, a version in each Soul Chard upon Earth. The Angels look at us in utter jaw dropping beauty. And we treat ourselves as worthless compared to what we truly are – our Light bodies are versions of this Light. If you could see what I see you would only treat another with compete honour and see another as integral part of you and the all that is, a perfect sacred geometric Star Temple, spinning perfectly, astonishingly divine, white yellow gold diamond light frequencies, Creator with the power of all life that exist infinitely.

No image on the internet could describe what I experienced. Possibly an exceptional graphic artist/special effects artist could depict what i witnessed. I’m sure using the imagination and asking to see and connect with the SunGate of the Central Sun you will see with your Soul Eyes.

Just found this (Dec 31st) days later after the “experience” Here is a link with some good insight on the Galactic Central Sun Waves http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/search?q=Pleroma

In Love and Light
of Higher Service