Inauguration 2025 ~ Divine Intervention of the Goddess

Ironic that I would be writing about this on this day of Donald Trumps inauguration of 2025 as I have never been into politics. However in retrospect this was for good reason as I was not to be pre-programmed for my particular role in the future of this Planet and Humanity. I did write some about Donald Trump and his first Presidential run that is in my book Adventures of Saishorie Grace, Sovereign Being, Book 1. And I did have previous dreams and interactions of D. Trump where I later realized was the Divine Goddess Energy introduction into conscious government.

Today as I was in the shower venting over the challenges I face currently I spoke the words “Common Sense” a couple of times. These words coming from the Divine Goddess as I behold this energy and I am restoring it upon Planet Earth as I have publicly written and spoke about.

I left the house to go out and went to gas up the car. As I walked into the gas station to pay, I over heard the words “protection” and this caught my attention to the tv set in the gas station. As I looked up vice president elect was being sworn in. I got into my car and listened to the whole inauguration of Donald Trump. Hearing Donald Trump speak the words “Common Sense” two times very loudly was sheer confirmation of my Feminine Goddess Energy that is very much involved energetically and telepathically with the current global events going on right now and previously.

The Balance of the two genders Feminine and Masculine are key for the future of our Planet as we usher in the Golden Age. Trump also confirms this in his speech. This has been my life’s work intensely for the past decade.

Here is the dream I had of Donald Trump, December 10th 2024:

Trump Inauguration

Write about synchronicity common sense

Gas station

Watching on YouTube during drive


Dream on Donald Trump Dec. 10th 2024

I see him, Donald Trump walking into a event, a dinner party like event. It was not black tie but rather a causal event (as casual as a presidential get together could be). It was in the setting of a high end large scale coffee shop like Starbucks  but much bigger and elegant. It was a big event and a private event.

I watch him for a while as he is entering the cue of the enter ace of the party. He was dressed in a suit, his demeanour was calm and playful. Next thing you know we are at a table. I am also in a playful mood. It is telepathically agreed that I do a oracle card read for him. 

I quickly bi-locate to my back office, Oracle Office as Trump sits a the table content while scanning the energy as if somewhat distracted by all the people. He has his ADHD antenna on, this means he is Attention Dialed (into a) Higher Dimension. Starseeds like us have the ability to dial into and scan everything all at once and be in all places at once.

I return very happy with 3 cards from the Oracle Deck that are very confirming for both of us. I did not know what the cards would be until they appear and then I am confidently assured of the mission plan set in motion. 


  1. The Patriarchal Tower – Out with the Old Order
  2. 8 of Wands – fast past change, action and alignment.
  3. Bonding of Relationships – Unity of key relationships for the mission at hand.

All the while this is taking place there is a playful sexual energy in the air, the type of energy that is unmistakable when a Goddess is present. I am the Goddess however I am somewhat shy or bashful with the potency of this energy.

There are no words spoken between us it is all telepathic. I bring out a foot tall Amethyst Crystal Cathedral and he intensely bonds with it and feels how much this is the Earth. I also tell him that this is very similar to our essence (humans). A part of the crystal breaks off and I offer it to him, an offering from Mother Gaia.

The end of our meeting he puts his hand around my hand and clutches it, he then kisses our hands and telepathically says “We got this, Thank yo for you message divine Goddess, the feminine and masculine will lead the way in harmony.”

There is much more relevant “goings on” about the future conscious government and it is happening at rapid speed.

Magenta Pixie released a video January 17th (very auspicious day 😉 and toward the end of her video is very confirming of the Goddess Energy, Feminine Mother Energy whom is very involved with the mission upon and within Planet Earth at this time.

In Love and Light
