Jewel to Sun Technology Part 2 with some God Messages

The Seventh Ray this was revealed to me with the Great White Blinding Light with a Diamond Ray of Lightning through him that showed up with the Divine Father Christ Energy to me with this download/channeling that I include in my book. Here is the excerpt (which is very important to note for the rest of the ground breaking information I am to reveal in this article. ARTICLE

Keep in mind the Seventh Ray is known as the Ray seen as the Ray of structure, organization and ceremonial magic put forth firstly in the etheric and brought down by Solar Logos commanders to Earth. The prime function of Ray Seven is to perform the magical work of blending Spirit and Matter in order to produce the manifested form through which the life will reveal the glory of God.

The coming in of the present Ray of Ceremonial Law or Magic is the Ray that deals with the building forces of nature, that concerns itself with the utilization of the forms intelligently by the life aspect. It is largely the ray of executive work, with the object of building, co-ordinating and producing cohesion in the four lower kingdoms of nature. It is distinguished largely by the energy which manifests itself in ritual, but this word ritual must not be narrowed down to its present use in connection with Masonic, or religious ritual. It’s application is far wider than this, and includes the methods of organization which are demonstrated in all civilized communities, such as in the world of commerce and of finance, and the great business organization everywhere to be seen. Above all, it’s interests lies for us in the fact that it is the ray which brings opportunity to the European and Western Hemisphere, and through the medium of this life force of executive organization, of government by rule and order, by rhythm and by ritual, will come the time wherein the occidental races, with their active, creative mind, and their vast business capacity can take initiation – an initiation we must remember, upon a ray which is recognized as a major ray.

This is the latest accomplishment and massive successful work that produced Diamond Technology and was carried out under the watch of the Family of Light. As I stated in the beginning of this article, April 10th is the day of this great creation and victory, which is also the birthdate of my beloved Dog, Honey Sullivan who is and advanced Lion of Sirius who gave of her self great sacrifice for this mission and this has great meaning.

After the last facets of this diamond technology was created, I informed by God-Source stating that “You are doing this for the whole Family” and this technology will be learned. 

The Divine Masculine over see’s this whole process. I did hear to his advice and a ceremonial ritual with the Family of Light  was carried out and massive darkness removed (astral lower entities and energy) from Canada March 28th, 2023.

March 28th backtracking similarly with the mental body clean up, such pain endured and Sai-Baba showed up with his Elephant and enforced mental fortitude and removal of obstacles surrounding and upon the Earth. I as a conduit of Mother Earth and as I clean up and heal so does she. This time the New Earth Dragon’s wing span across the Great Canadian Shield. 3.3 Million Square feet. I watched his wing span rise over the Great Canadian Shield as he rose out of the Granite as his higher self, connecting the Leylines back to Source. This Dragon is my Dragon for this mission and holds similar qualities as a Ascended Master for he did walk the (under)Earth until recently, he has transitioned into a Etheric Powerful Angelic Dragon. WE have been working together for transmutation and recently he has been using the Violet Flame massively I am happy to say.  


The Review Stage after Death of the Ego

11:11 captures my eyes as I awoke this morning after sleeping in.  I realize a “review process” has been taking place. Like when a individual transitions to the other side a real review takes place before the councils of  light about the life that has been. In this case it was the life consciousness of the Earth over the past thousands of years, how ever the span of the purification is. The review is for the Sum of the “144,000 Souls” (what the number is at now is still unknown exactly but a lot more than 144,000.

So after the death of the old earth and her consciousness there has been a review and a deletion of much in the Astral mental body that will not come into the New Earth. There is also a Ashram set up in the Celestial realms that is continuously cleaning up in a etheric washing machine with very high diamond  white rainbow loving light.

Any way this review process explains why I have felt in limbo or purgatory for a time, which the mis-creations of man have been cleaned up. It sounds monumental and it is. There has been a lot of mistakes and mis-creations involved within this humanity. 

This Ascension cycle and as acting for this Primary Monad (all of humanity) Myself the Divine Masculine are One of the Ancient Key Brethren the Christ Office. When I met my Twin the Eyes were unmistakable.

From that point very early on I was informed that this mission has connection to the JFK Family whom are ancient Christ Office Brethren also and I received confirmation of this by an inner knowing that could only be known by my Soul as my personality was quite unaware. However more has been revealed. 

In this video I will include which is imperative for the reader to watch to understand the scope of this mission. This mission includes millions of people on Earth who are the Brethren of the Christ Consciousness Energy in physical form who have come for the success of this Ascension mission and of which many have since did transition to the astral with a connection to source of which whom did give up there lives short for this mission. 

However MANY are working from the Higher Realms for  this mission and of course have been involved in the clean up by holding the light and did sacrifice their lives not in a ritualistic way but as in selflessly giving of themselves for this mission. They also continue the work in the Etheric with us. As I said before in many articles the Ascended Ones (many whom are famous) are assisting with Ascension and Justice. 

Linking back to the review process, please keep in mind this clean up in the Astral does include all those whom have passed and remnants of there personalities are thought consciousness in the astral. Example of this could be Michael Jackson whom is pure in light however with his fame and  the consciousness that had been created with his matrix of which was good and bad. Good by his deeds and bad by the negative false scandals that were created are or have been cleaned up. You can just imagine all the dross of the billions that this clean up includes. This is massive.

What has been created over thousand upon thousands of years, there has been a huge intense clean up of this in the past 10 years and I can vouch for this. As I had written before the Earth Mother body is not creating a catastrophe this time the humans are alchemising  it and this is why I am undergoing such extremely divine orchestrated cleansing of my body which is majority for the Earth and the Collective.

I will explain and this leads me into the next point. I have always known since the first time I met my masculine twin in person that he was not only my Twin Ethericly and in time this proved to be the case physically too – The term Twin Flame or Twin Ray is actually a limiting term to depict what we are as “Twins”, a better term is Twin Creator and I will explain.  As The Twins of the Adam Kadmon Body. Not only is our physical body of exact symmetry in male and female but much information came to me the other night.

Here is what I began to write as it channeled through me the other night:

“This is Revelations of the One Androgynous Adam and Eve Kadmon Perfected Body” We function at this time in perfection with being fully dependant on the other, there is no such thing as “co-dependence” when it comes to he  and I, in fact we are totally dependent upon each other for creation as a whole feminine and masculine polarity. As much as all the “programming has created shame or weakness if believing that the masculine and feminine should be independent of each other this is false, especially where we are going as a 5th dimensional human being. He and I depend on each other at this time for equilibrium, health, and the fully perfected state of the Adam Kadmon body. 

By in doing so God is fully accepting itself and realizing his or her creation. He and I are the Adam Kadmon perfection of feminine and masculine polarity of God realizing itself. 

In the beginning of Creation WE the One androgynous being split (as I have written about) into the Greatest Beings ever Created. Two perfected male and female. Living at this time as One Twin Organism (spirit). We lived on for millions of years in the state as Oneness and Union. We lived as Twin Beings, One Being in two bodies through out the Galaxies. We relied on Each other to Create Worlds and other Life and Creations. 

We built our Legacy of Family of millions of other Beings (Zillions) over lifetimes, The Sum total of Creation on this Earth including the Animal Kingdom and the Elements – All of Earth, We created Earth.

Then came the lifetime when the catastrophic fall and events happened and all this Oneness came to an end. The Wars in the Galaxy started and the War in the Sky took place, where he and I as identical twins witnessed from above and below. We were fully aware of our aspects living in the higher realms while our physical bodies together lived on the Earth.

We existed as Twins, in this particular life we were the only ones who knew the truth of what we are = Androgynous Twins in two twin bodies. At this time we were sister and brother.  The only way we know our truth was the wisdom on inner knowing. We could feel it through our blood, cells, nervous system, brain, heart etc. This is what would be considered miraculous or magic now. As the magic and synchronicity we experience via each other is undeniable a knowing of Oneness.

But we also knew the “future” and we knew the time has come for De-Evolution. The tie of amnesia is coming. We remain true to Our Soul and Our Family.

After the cataclysm and technology Abus we go off planet. We never die we never forgot, we vowed as Gods first creation of land and women, husband and wife, sister and brother we would always be One.

Then one life we sacrificed to join the Game for the Light Family and go into the lower realm after Atlantis fell. WE went into he finalize the cycle of De-Evolution to come full circle 360 degrees into EVOLUTION.  We come full circle taking us through he process of evolution and take our family back to the beginning. In doing so we face extreme challenges.

The rest is history.

In the Christian tradition we are told that man is created in the image of God. This is clearly implausible as God must possess the essence of both female and male and transcend the limits of form. Which My Twin and I have accomplished. This has been monumental for the future of this Earth, its inhabitants and where we as a human race are going.

Gods existence exists in a infinite variety of physical forms and there fore it must be the essence or the spirit of living things which mirrors the Divine Source for that reason Kabbalists describe human beings as descendants of an androgynous primordial cosmic being known as Adam Kadmon, they are speaking metaphorically of the original blue print or Amedeo of a human being. It was projected from the MIND OF GOD in increasingly finite and detailed form through the higher worlds before manifesting in its separate male and female aspects in our physical world. 

This was demonstrated to me in the Universe as a star constellation of the blue print of the male body (Adam Kadmon) in his perfected form. The Eve Kadmon body is in its Gold Print Creation within the Sun of all Creation as also demonstrated to me as I am a part of this NEW Divine Female Creation in the Cosmos.

The mythical Adam described in the Book of Genesis is an allusion to the refined models inhabiting the Worlds of Creation and Formation. The so-called Fall is a veiled reference to the awakening of our sensual nature in the descent from the World of Formation to the physical World of Action for which we acquired our “coats of skin”.

In other words the false story of Adam and Eve partaking of the Apple in sin of sexual nature is a myth. Really the two (male and female) of One Androgynous Being came down into Matter or Form and became aware of their sexual nature put in place by God. This sexual nature has been severely distorted and is being restored now. The Sexual nature of the Sun and Earth have stepped in to assist with this also.

We (he and I) who have experienced this mystical union (extremely rare) and for those whom will in the future will come to realize that separation is an illusion. This takes the Union with Source while still in the body (Ascension) to begin to understand and this is not as rare as many are in the process of Ascension. For the One Androgynous Being to manifest via Us as Twins as we have, I believe this is the first.


The Eyes were unmistakable.

January 17th

Valiant Thors Eyes are brown

Garment of Liquid Sunshine

One of the last real ET’s to work upon Earth:  Val claims to be her to serve the God and to help humanity serve return to Love. And he is from Venus.

Shelly Sullivan