Light Body Process ~ Success Update


This is a excerpt from Georgi Stankov’s Book: New Gnosis – Evolutionary Leap of Mankind. I knew of this and his books years ago and read through some chapters. I am reading his books now. Now can I truly understand, as I am at the final stages of my Intense Light Body Process, hence I feel I can share about his writing on the subject and in time write more about my experiences with a better understanding of the Scientific back ground. This Scripture of Revelation – IS scientifi- cally proven beyond any doubt. Until you experience something you can never truly tell/teach about it. Georgi has been through the Light Body Process and is a Scientist thus the joining of Spirit and Science.

I think it is rare for Beings to be at this stage of the LBP now, but there are those who are there and can help the ones who are going there or the younger generation of Old Souls that will activate and have an easier time, the younger Souls will be evolved with the Light for the Evolution of Mankind.  I know what I have been through and any one who is fully in the LBP as a Old Soul would be out of commission for years and not living a normal active life. In my case, I set up my life so I would not have to go to a 9 -5 job in order to be able to live a stress free live and endure the bodies transition and this was fine, I could handle it smoothly. What was not meant to be was the amount of interference that started in 2017 to attempt to stop My Light Body Process and attempts to kill me from 2017 to current, this has been the case.

As I was enduring the Light Body Process going through it, on top of this severe harm being inflicted to my body systems on many levels. This consequently did cause some damage however I can heal. The environment of Love heals everything and this Earth and Humanity at the moment has a lot of work to do. Any one who goes through this process successfully will be a Bearer of Light/Leader for the New Earth and will help to “Enlighten the World”.

So I write this to let any one who follows my work  to know the process I have been going through and the interference. I have spoken about certain interference but have not elaborated much on the Artificial Intelligence much and this could be the best part the the Sci-Fi movie.

The mission of Jesus had the same goal and George refers to this often in this Chapter on the Light Body below. As will as integrating massive Light there is also an integration of massive amount of Over Soul to make up a Monadic Over Soul or more than One. I have made bold some paragraphs that are significant to my experience and the future with regards to the “Divine Feminine Christ Mission”.

VI. Light Body Process and Evolution- ary Leap

“From the previous remarks, we now come to the following definition of the reincarnation cycle:

The eschatology of the reincarnation cycle is the developing and ac- quiring of sovereignty of human consciousness (mind, psyche and body) as a separate reference point to the soul and thus to All-That-Is for the purpose of self-acknowledgment of the soul and the Whole.

The separation of the soul in an incarnation creates the condition of imperfection. The actual evolution of the incarnated soul that takes place on the historical stage and only assumes the appearance of a so- cial evolution is actually her return to initial perfection, her fusion with All-That-Is. The path to unity can vary, depending on the nature of the incarnation cycle and planet, but the ultimate goal is predetermined.

1. Energetic background

Based on this definition, we recognize that the cycle of reincarnation plays on several levels. Firstly, we have the individual evolution of the soul that is captured by the soul age. Each stage of soul development brings specific demands on human consciousness.

The baby soul, who incarnates for the first time on earth, is only able to satisfy the biological needs of the body. She is incapable of develop- ing any far-reaching thoughts, ideas, interests and actions. Accord- ingly, the low level of social development of a soul population, consist- ing mainly of baby and child souls.

In reality, the respective population on earth is always mixed and con- tains souls of all ages. Their relation changes, however, as the history of human civilisation progresses. For this reason, the history of man- kind appears as a series of rise and decay, depending on how high the proportion of mature and old souls is that have incarnated in the hu- man population at a particular historical moment.

At the beginning of the new era when Jesus appeared, many souls from the last big dissemination on earth completed their incarnation cycle, so that the soul population which came after that consisted in the vast majority of baby and child souls. This also explains the subsequent fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Middle Ages, which, compared to the classical period of Greek antiquity, are regarded in history as the “dark ages”.

Our discussion refers to the current Western civilisation. Although we have sufficient evidence that there have been several civilisations in the past that have completed their cycle of reincarnation and collective ob- jectives, and have made room for the new incarnation experiments on Earth to unfold – the memories of those advanced civilisations as myths, e.g. Atlantis, are already delivered by Plato – we will deal here only with the present civilisation and the energetic requirements of its evolution.

The birth of a new self-consciousness in the 3D space-time could only be compared with the birth of a whole new universe. The energetic re- quirements and implications are so complex and require such a fine-tuned coordination of all 7F-creationary levels (7TH RAY *NOTE BY SHELLY*) That they are well be- yond our limited human knowledge and imagination (As an Elohim soul and creator of the new Golden Galaxy and Gaia 5D, I have acquired a lot of glimpses of my creationary work of new worlds through direct experiences and through personal messages by the Elohim, our monad, in the following 18-19 years since I wrote this book.)

The evolution of human consciousness, as we find it in this moment and which we only know, is the product of an incarnation history that began about a hundred thousand years ago on earth and was already linked to the achievements of past civilisations. In this case, I mean not such social achievements as architecture, engineering, degree of organ- ization and rites, which are of interest to most esotericists, but the en- ergetic web that such civilisations have developed and delivered to Earth, so that the present civilisation on this planet could unfold.

There have been, for example, local, geographically isolated civilisa- tions that have been established by collective incarnations of complete soul families, that is to say, an entire family of over a thousand souls incarnates in a single human body. Such civilisations have existed on the basis of related soul communities. This kind of collective incarna- tion is easier to bear because the degree of separation is much lower than the present one, where a single soul inhabits one body. Had this collective form of incarnation not existed on earth, the current incar- nation experiment based on individual souls could not have been pos- sible in the first place.

The incarnation of a soul family or several souls in one body lifts the person to a higher frequency level. The human individual that comes to life in this way has much greater spiritual forces and energetic pos- sibilities than an ordinary man, representing the incarnation of an in- dividual soul.

This kind of collective incarnation is called “transpersonal soul” and corresponds to the energy of the Priest (6). It is very rarely employed nowadays, only when a soul family undertakes special tasks on earth. The best-known transpersonal soul of a living person at present is Sai Baba in India (he died later), about whom many books have been writ- ten.

Many experiences of earlier civilisations were intertwined in the energy web of the astral plane of the earth – the 7F-creationary level, which is energetically closest to the 3D space-time of earth and is also known as

the “4th astral dimension”. They were stored there and could be re- trieved very easily on demand. Part of this information was provided to the current civilisation in various difficult periods of social transfor- mation. The mere idea of the complexity of such energetic interactions would immediately make every man “brain-dead”. They can be under- stood only in the Spirit worlds in the disembodied state and in the pres- ence of an expanded awareness.

I mention these aspects at this place as to expand the viewing angle of the reader for the energetic background of a reincarnation cycle in the 3D space-time of the earth because the current esoteric literature has focused mainly on the immediate karmic and individual aspects of the reincarnation cycle and pays no attention to the overall organizational prerequisites for the implementation of a collective incarnation cycle with myriads of souls on a single planet.

This overarching approach is essential insofar, as it gives us a clue about the upcoming Evolutionary Leap that is both a collective and an individual energetic phenomenon. Especially the analysis of the close interrelationship between individual soul and collective consciousness is of crucial importance in this respect. To understand this, we must again resort to the energetic characteristics of the individual soul age.

The incarnation of a soul in a body is associated with amnesia, which is neither complete nor constant. It is a variable, depending on both the biological age of the personality and the soul age.

Newborn infants have largely an unhindered contact to the Spirit worlds, even if, or just because, this is overlooked by their parents and adults, or most of the time denied. The intensity of this contact slowly decreases from the age of five and reaches a nadir in the first pre-pu- berty latency period (11-12 years). At the same time the formation of the mature personality commences as an ego.

From adolescence to maturity, the human entity must be confronted with the external challenges of the society. During this period, the con- nection to the soul must be very quiet – all the attention of the mind and the psyche is dedicated to the coping with the tasks of life and the accumulation of existential experience.

However, currently many old and mature souls are born (beginning since 1988) that enjoy genetically a more open channel to their soul and the higher realms and retain also this medial ability as adults. This is possible because they arrive on an energetically altered earth, which has entered since 1987 (first Harmonic Convergence) its most intense, final phase of the Evolutionary Leap.

The connection to the soul increases dramatically in mature age, espe- cially after the 4th decennium, when the individual has accumulated enough experience to recognize the illusory nature of human institu- tions and activities and is psychologically prepared to distance himself from old collective beliefs.

A similar curve of amnesia can be observed during the different ages of the soul. The baby soul enjoys a largely unimpeded connection to the Spirit worlds. Since she is the most anxious among all incarnated souls, she feels unjustly thrown out in the cold cruel world of three-dimen- sionality and can handle just the minimal requirements of an earthly incarnation as to survive.

The child soul loses, like a child after the age of five, increasingly her connection to the inner truth. Her attention is directed to the outer world, which she cautiously explores and begins to conquer step by step. Any physical and mental activity for the purpose of exploring the outer world is supported by an appropriate mental wave that flows di- rectly from the soul and is sensed as a life-spending force by the incar- nated entity.

Any kind of discomfort, sluggishness and seclusion, which the individ- ual feels at certain times, can be explained with the withdrawal of this force. Only very few old souls are aware of these energetic ebbs and flows of the soul and accommodate to their rhythm, while surmounting their fear structure, which is determined by the urge of performing all kinds of human activities for the sake of survival. Baby souls do not perceive such stimuli in a conscious way but follow this natural rhythm of pleasure and reluctance in an involuntary, instinctive way.

The child soul begins to disregard this rhythm of the life-spending force coming from the soul. Therefore, such individuals are often not centered, irritable, easily and permanently unhappy without knowing why. They are like little kids, who get to the limits of their physical strength and do not know how to deal with their fatigue and irritability. Such souls choose largely sheltered life biographies and cautiously ap- proach the challenges of earthly life.

Like small children, they need an intact and manageable environment – in a large family or in traditional societies with low social dynamics

and solid relationships. Since in such countries the child mortality is very high due to inadequate medical care, they have the assurance of being able to leave earth prematurely if they cannot cope with the chal- lenges of their incarnation.

Many Third World countries are inhabited mainly by baby and child souls. This fact can be seen for example in the high AIDS rates in sev- eral African and Asian countries. In developed countries, there is a high proportion of baby and child souls among the rural population, which is, as a rule, the most conservative one.

The maximum amnesia is observed in the young soul, who is also the most willing to deny the existence of the Higher Self. She wants to know what she can achieve in the 3D space-time. As a carrier of the en- ergy of the Warrior, she wants to fight and manipulate matter and people and often exhibits a rash courage that can bring her also a lot of merits. The flip side of a young soul are the features, which we can also observe in wanton, reckless youth.

Individuals with a young soul are generally healthy and rarely suffer from disease and physical ailments, even if they do not pay attention to their body demands. This robustness is desired and programmed by the soul. The body of a young soul is of the densest energy layers and is wrapped with the lowest frequencies of fear, which allow an optimal adaptation to the terrestrial conditions of separation at the expense of the soul dimension and at the same time impede the experience of in- ternal contradictions.

Because of this specific energetic construction, young souls are inac- cessible (refractory) to transcendental knowledge and deny the inner voice of truth vehemently. Because they are focused on social success, they fear any personal failure. When a young soul becomes rich, she always surrounds herself with rich and successful people of the same soul age. The losers are despised wholeheartedly by the young soul, precisely because her 4th heart chakra is still closed at this soul age, and she gives them readily the blame for their failure. Losers and dis- senters are excluded. The social commitment is very weak.

A suitable model of study for the life and behavior of young souls offer the suburbs of the rich and wealthy citizens. The emotional pressure for confinement against the uncertain outer world can be gauged very accurately by the height of the hedges around their houses. The highest hedges can be found in the Munich area, for example, in Grünwald – the suburb of the millionaires. The residents of Starnberg, another place of millionaires, with the highest incomes in Germany, refused re- cently successfully to approve the construction of social homes for aged people on the territory of their community because they felt disturbed in their tranquility.

When the young soul fails, she always looks for the causes for her fail- ure in other people or regards her misfortune as a bad fate. She knows no individual grace, compassion or love, and leaves the order of society to the heartless law and its watchdogs. The experience, which a young soul makes, corresponds to the degree of her amnesia. Since the intra- psychic dimension remains hidden from her superficial daily con- sciousness, it is usually not in her soul plan to experience situations in life, which will confuse her and cause internal doubts or will urge her to fight against unjust social norms and show civil courage.

The young incarnated soul enjoys rather a life of uncritical adaptation and conformism according to the American motto: “It is indecent to be different,” of conquest, of clean social success, and, towards the end of the cycle, of social failure. She considers her life to be an upward spiral, where an increase in quality is always measured by a greater abun- dance of tangible material and financial assets. Young souls prefer con- sistently smooth, materialistic oriented biographies, which do not de- mand from them any profound emotional conflicts. These experiences remain reserved for the cycle of the adult (mature) soul.

It is important to emphasize at this point, that every soul plans and coordinates her life on earth in her own free will in cooperation with other young souls, who want to experience similar favorable conditions on earth. The life of a young soul is no less precious than that of an old soul. At the end, the young soul makes all kinds of experience, which an old soul has also made by the end of her incarnation cycle.

From the vertical perspective, this aspect should be clear. From the horizontal perspective of the current incarnation, mature and old souls have, however, much to chew on the current hostile living conditions that have been established and dictated by the majority of the young souls. The following videos discuss in an excellent didactic and vivid way the specific psycho-mental characteristics of the five soul ages and how they manifest in the society (see also previous chapter):

2. The Energetic Influence of Jesus on the Incarnation History of the Earth

The history of mankind in the last 2 000 years was determined by the needs of young souls, who have been in the majority since then. They stepped up on the stage of history with the appearance of Jesus Christ, whose mission was to initiate the transgression of the child souls, who were at that time in the majority, into the cycle of the young soul (As I wrote in the previous chapter, I argue in this book from the conven- tional point of view and assume that Jesus really existed for the sake of simplicity on an otherwise very complex topic and deliberately neglect the fact that Jesus Christ is a myth, a Christian saga, based on the life of Apollonius of Tyana, who was a famous spiritual teacher in the Roman Empire and lived at the same time as Jesus was reported to have lived by the authors of the Gospels, whoever they were, at least one century, most likely two centuries later; see also below).

After his crucifixion, which was a near-death experience, he could as- cend and turned into a multidimensional personality. He had completed his Light Body Process already in his lifetime – hence the many healing miracles that he could perform thanks to his superior energy. Here I am referring to the Christian myth, which is energeti- cally as real on earth as the true story of the two entities, Jeshua and Apollonius of Tyana, whose biographies were used by the Orion Em- pire to create the Christ myth as a composite in order to further dumb down Christian humanity. His crucifixion was only a stage play that was orchestrated by the astral realms to fulfill the predictions of the prophets in the Old Testament in order to impress the simple minds of the child souls in that era.

The tremendous impact of Jesus is neither related to his Crucifixion, nor to the short period of time in which he preached. Also, he was not even very famous in his lifetime in his home country. His immense in- fluence on the history of mankind, which continues to this day and brings many people into astonishment, is due to his energetic mission as a multidimensional personality after his crucifixion, which in its most intense phase lasted for about 400 years throughout the whole time of the Church synods. He became thus a transliminal soul. This term requires special consideration, because it plays a major role in the upcoming Evolutionary Leap.

Jesus was an old soul in her last incarnation (7th level). He was the last soul of his soul family, his soul tribe (seven soul families) and his soul union (7×7 soul families). Most of the families of his soul union had already left the soul worlds of the 5th dimension, where the souls dwell while they are still in the cycle of reincarnation, and had united to new entities in the parent causal worlds. The termination of the reincarna- tion cycle of a soul family always ends up with the union of all souls to a new entity. This conversion takes place after a thorough assessment of the just completed incarnation cycle, which leads to a fusion of all incarnation experiences. The result is an enormous increase in the fre- quencies, which allows the entry of the soul family as a monad into the causal worlds (9th to 12th dimensions).

The causal worlds are an independent dimension of the 7F-creation- ary levels, which have a higher frequency than the energetic spectrum of the soul levels that are still involved in the reincarnation cycle in one or another form. The causal worlds are no longer so closely associated with the physical 3D space-time as is the case with the astral realms of the souls who are still in the cycle of reincarnation.

Nevertheless, the causal worlds send approximately every 2000 years a representative on the earth, pursuing an energetic mission. Jesus was such a representative. After his crucifixion, he could transform his bo- dy and bring it to the higher realms through transmogrification (cos- mic ascension, transfiguration). He thus became a multidimensional personality. During this transformation, he could dissolve the bound- aries of his earthly personality and consciousness, by being able to get access to the entire experience and knowledge of his soul and his soul tribe.

The knowledge and energy that he received from now on also con- tained spiritual elements from the causal worlds, which were alien to the soul family of Jesus and which he himself did not know in this form from his sojourns in the dream state in the astral worlds of the 5th di- mension. The body of the human being with the name of Jesus became a vessel for the vast cosmic energies of the causal worlds, which could henceforth act as Christ Consciousness on earth.

The “Ascended Christ” became a transliminal soul, who was freed from the limitation of space and time. Such a soul is associated with the powerful energy of the King (7). In reality, a transliminal soul rep- resents all seven energies which merge in the causal worlds.  *7th Ray*, note from Shelly.

Jesus was able to materialize and dematerialize at any location, and thus directly affect the people of the early Christian era. He could also very effectively exert his influence through telepathy and dreams on the protagonists of the early Christian church, such as Paul. The idea of the “Holy Spirit” as a Miracle of Pentecost could be also attributed to this ubiquitous effect of Christ Consciousness.

The light gestalt Jesus was a transducer of the energies of the causal worlds, which he brought to the incarnated entities on earth with the help of his soul family, which had to wait in the astral realms for their final association and transition into the causal worlds as long as he still lingered on the ground. All of the so-called “saints” in the Church re- ceived his energetic influence as inspiration, wills, dreams or visions. Jesus appeared to many people also directly in his crystalline light body. 

A person in a state of spiritual epiphany is flooded by the astral forces of love, which stir him both emotionally and deeply sensually and re- mind him of his true existence as an immortal soul. During such an episode the earthly personality experiences the state of unconditional grace out of the realization that she is immortal as her soul and that her alleged enemies on earth are her soul sisters and brothers, with whom she is united in love for ever.

In a word, the process of sudden spiritual enlightenment represents a massive withdrawal of amnesia. In this condition, human incarnated beings can dwell only for a short period of time at their current stage of energetic light body evolution because the astral energies that they receive during this epiphany are of immense intensity and may burn out their physical vessels. However, this event imprints in their minds lasting memories that transform their personality structure for ever.

From this experience, the most important mystical and Christian Scriptures were written: They were mental efforts to put into words the indescribable. Even the Miracle of Pentecost was such a collective epi- phany, in which the participants could suddenly remember their old incarnations and languages and recognized each other from previous lives (as is the case with many members of the PAT in the current End Time). The memory of such energetic experiences at the soul level is the stuff, from which religions arise and solidify to meaningless rituals thereafter.

The immediate energetic effect of a transliminal soul, who is the carrier of causal energies, corresponds thus to the energetic effect leading to epiphany and sudden enlightenment. Enlightenment is thus a pure en- ergetic process and has nothing to do with religion. Religions are a pos- sible anthropocentric interpretation of this holy experience. In this sense, it is not even holy because the concept of “holiness” is also an earthly one. From the perspective of the higher realms, there is neither holiness nor religious mysticism but just pure energy.

This is a very important finding, because the Light Body Process can be described as an “enlightenment in installments”, where the true epiph- any comes with the ascension and the blissful merging with the Source. This kind of cosmic experience cannot to be measured by earthly stand- ards – it is infinitely more intense. The Light Body Process has, there- fore, nothing to do with present-day Christianity – it only initiates its last act known as the “The Second Coming of Christ”.

The light body of a transliminal personality is immortal and needs no food or sex. Because of its high frequency vibrations, it may not be vis- ible to everyone. The energy of a transliminal soul who presents herself as a human being, relieves the anxiety of those present and accelerates their energetic transformation. In her presence, the incarnated souls come in touch with the state of sudden spiritual enlightenment, which is associated with a temporary lifting of amnesia. This ability exhibit only some adult and most old souls.

The energy of a transliminal soul is perceived by all young and imma- ture souls as extremely disturbing and unpleasant, because it strength- ens the internal discords in their characters. That is why dark entities hate light. Such souls cannot directly benefit from the energetic effect of a transliminal soul.

For this reason, a group of adepts is formed around her, who trans- late and dilute the impact and the teaching of the transliminal soul in a verbal form, which can be understood and received by younger souls. In this sense, a transliminal soul acts on earth as a multidimensional personality. In this case, the circle of adepts represents her personal multidimensionality, which can truly unfold only in the higher astral realms.

The question whether each multidimensional personality is also a transliminal soul, i.e. also carries energies of the causal worlds, cannot be answered definitely at this point. My intuition tells me that there can be multidimensional personalities, who are exempt from the re- strictions of space and time both on Earth and in the astral worlds without the support of energies from the causal worlds. Ultimately, such a distinction is irrelevant because all systems are U-sets of All- That-Is.

3. Reasons for the Evolutionary Leap and the Light Body Process

What are the consequences of this discussion for the upcoming Evo- lutionary Leap of mankind?

The Light Body Process that currently applies to all incarnated souls in one way or another causes an increase in the body frequencies, corresponding to the soul age and as encoded in the soul plan for this incarnation.

Mature and old souls are much more advanced in their soul evolution than the rest of the population and will experience the Light Body Pro- cess directly. Baby, child and young souls, whose bodies are sur- rounded with dense low frequency layers, will experience the Light Body Process primarily as a fundamental shift in values. This mental shift is accompanied by a slow degradation of the densest layers of fear. These layers have been substantially removed in all old souls (indigo and crystalline children). As they vibrate with higher frequencies, they can absorb the energies of the Light Body Process, which is a continu- ous frequency increase, much better and transform much faster their carbon-based bodies into crystalline light bodies.

The process is individual and there may be deviations from this rule. New blockages can be introduced or old ones reinforced by negative mental attitudes (fear) towards the process that can bring it to a halt. Such persons must then finish their incarnation earlier, e.g., die from various diseases and will try it again at later date.

The Light Body Process is a central energetic phenomenon of the Evo- lutionary Leap of mankind on Earth, which includes yet other far- reaching cosmic energetic processes that occur intensively since 1987. In 1999, all people on the ground were at least in the third stage of the Light Body Process, which can be divided for didactic purposes in twelve sequential steps (stages), although these steps occur simultane- ously in reality and have no practical significance. Ascension is only possible after completion of the 11th stage of the Light Body Process (footnote 1).

For further details on the subject, I recommend the channeled book “What is Lightbody” by Tashira Tachi-ren, which contains a popular technical introduction into this process. Unfortunately, the psychic and somatic aspects of the Light Body Process, which, in my experi- ence, come to the fore and present the greatest hurdles to the person involved, are not discussed in this short description. These clinical as- pects should be elaborated individually in discussions with advanced personalities (as was the case with the members of the PAT on this website eleven years later. Actually, this book is no longer relevant as the energetic advancements which the PAT brought about for Gaia and humanity are so profound that they changed the energetic situation on the earth for ever. This website is a seamless chronicle of the planetary and individual ascension process since 2011 and unique in the world literature.).

It must be clearly said at this place that only old souls, who are at the seventh level of their old soul cycle and are in their last incarnation, will acquire the ability to terminate the current incarnation with a cos- mic ascension. According to rough estimates, there are currently about two to five million old souls at the 7th level who are incarnated on earth, out of which only a fraction has achieved the biological age to ascend over the next ten years (From the summer of 2001, when the book was finished, to 2012, when the first wave of ascension candi- dates, essentially the PAT, indeed ascended to 5D during the stargate 12.12.12 – 12.21.12. Therefore, this was a fairly good prediction at that time.).

The Apocalypse (Greek: appearance, revelation) of the Evolutionary Leap will be initiated with the first ascension of a suitable person. In the Bible, this process is been announced as the “Second Coming of Christ” (Greek: parousia). This person will be a transliminal soul and will exert his mission on earth as a representative of the causal worlds. His appearance will trigger a mental revolution on the collective level and a fundamental paradigm shift in society.

The materialistic doctrine of evolution will be rejected as false and the priority of Spirit over matter will be ultimately accepted. Science, reli- gion, philosophy and ethics will plunge into their greatest crisis of iden- tity in the modern history of mankind. Old beliefs of popular pseudo- scientific character will be quickly abandoned and replaced by the new Weltanschauung of the theory of the Universal Law. Old patterns of behavior that are rather difficult to change are already “gasping thin air” and engender many individual tragedies.

As our material world is a mirror image of our ideas, it will collapse in the wake of this paradigm shift and will be replaced with new social forms and norms (outside as inside, inside as outside). In particular, the current economic and political order will come to an end. The phys- ical principles, such as government, finance, production and power monopolies, competition, state separation, etc., upon which present- day society is based, will be replaced by truly spiritual principles.

It is easy to perceive that these changes will affect primarily the young souls, which will be transformed by the Ascension of the first multidi- mensional personality in the cycle of the adult soul.

The population of the young souls has established a set of collective beliefs and dogmas, which are represented with conviction by both pol- iticians and business leaders, as well as by their henchmen in science and culture. Since these beliefs, with the exception of a few outsiders, are not yet called into question by the general public – the power posi- tion of the young souls in the society takes care of this – they will be recognized as false only after the official appearance of the new trans- liminal soul will take place.

The new transliminal personality will demonstrate the energetic possi- bilities of the soul, such as teleportation, bilocation, telepathy, ener- getic healing, overcoming of space and time, and simultaneous exist- ence in multiple dimensions, etc. Many young souls will, however, re- fuse to accept the true nature of human existence and will leave this world prematurely. The others will radically change their world view and will begin to open to the influences of the soul.

This delimitation of consciousness is always accompanied by a disillu- sionment with the current state of affairs, which implies the collapse of social structures that were built by young souls and designated only for their limited needs. No structure can last much longer as soon as the people begin to question it collectively, because it lacks the spiritual force that maintains it as a matrix in the 3D or any other higher dimen- sional reality.

The outer world is only a projection of the inner-soul dimension. As outer reality and inner world are intertwined in a closed loop, so that the inner images are projected outwards and materialize as precon- ceived reality, which in its turn determines human consciousness, any inner spiritual transformation of humanity is always associated with an external one. For many, who cling to old ideas, this conversion will take the form of an apocalypse, whereas the negative connotation of this word will be actually experienced as individual disaster.

People, who can hardly wait for this change and affirm its necessity (as the members of the PAT do), will experience the onset of the Evolu- tionary Leap as the ecstatic event, which it really is. Those “On the Eve” (Turgenev’s novel) of the Flood, who will be tormented and paralysed by their angst, will experience this inner reality as an external cataclys- mic crisis.

This psychological dichotomy in human expectations will temporarily split the destiny of mankind. This important process at the End Time is explicitly predicted in the New Testament:

“For as they ate and drank in the days before the flood, marrying and giving in marriage, … until the flood came and swept all away: so it will be with the coming of the Son of God. Then shall two be in the field: the one is taken away, the other is left behind. Two men shall be grinding at the mill,.. One will be taken away, the other will be left behind. (Matthew 24, 38-41).”

What changes will the mature souls experience in this process? To un- derstand this, one must keep in mind the needs of the adult soul cycle. While the young soul usually enjoys robust health, the experience of the fragility and transience of the human biological body is reserved to the mature soul, who now has the courage to explore the existential limits of this fear-laden reality.

This finding shows all too clearly that diseases are by no means a tech- nical failure of the body, such as currently assumed in medicine, but deliberate experience of the soul. In general, dis-eases are an expres- sion of mental fears, which are not perceived by the mind directly and have for this reason to manifest at the somatic level. They are a learning tool of the soul, with which she trains the human mind and psyche, so that they can in turn benefit and grow from this valuable experience with fear-laden human conditions.

For this reason, a chronic disease can be cured completely only when the mentality of the entity changes and the lesson, anchored in the soul plan, is adequately learned. While the adult soul is confronted with her illness, she learns to deal with her fears and to cope with them in a sovereign manner.

The young soul is spared as a rule from such experiences, because she is not ready to be confronted with her inner fears. In this area the free will of the human is endowed with a wide margin of choices that can be reduced to two fundamental alternatives – the incarnated entity can only consciously, or subconsciously, decide to experience the state of health or disease. The indicator is in both cases the level of fear, which is projected at the somatic level and manifests as a dis-ease.

For this reason, many mature souls are currently experiencing an in- crease and accumulation of various diseases that afflict these people literally “out of the blue”, so that they can be drawn out of the usual “human traffic”. The adult soul is anxious to finish in a timely fashion with her karmic tasks in the area of the physical body before the actual Evolutionary Leap will take place and thus gain valuable experiences that will allow her to enter the cycle of the old soul with completely different requirements.

These diseases have a dual function: firstly, they are part of the soul plan, secondly, the “sick” people get the social rectification to remove themselves from work and daily duties at home and start reflecting on themselves and the world around, so that they can prepare mentally for the impending Evolutionary Leap. Also, they are given the oppor- tunity of overcoming their deep-seated fears and mentally strengthen their psyche. This has a positive effect on the Light Body Process. Un- fortunately, many mature souls do not recognize this experience as an opportunity and try to deliberately prevent their spiritual growth in the course of this process, by stubbornly clinging to their old habitual hal- lucinations.

The old souls are long on the spiritual path of evolution. Many old souls (indigo), who are currently also biologically old (over 50), are pioneers of the Evolutionary Leap. They have served to humanity in its darkest period since World War II by tacitly supporting the transformation of Gaia and humanity with their high frequency energetic fields. Many of these star seeds have made their way in full solitude.

Their contributions cannot be properly appreciated from an earthly point of view. This is only possible in the disembodied state in the as- tral realms. Some of them are at the end of their physical powers and are slowly losing faith in the long-awaited change. Such persons will benefit most from this Gnosis, which they should discuss together. Be- ing in the company of like-minded old souls will give them courage and raise their frequencies, so that they can experience the official begin- ning of this process with the First Ascension (This scenario, pre- dicted by myself 18 years ago in 2001, was realized in 2011 when I con- nected the members of the PAT around this website and together we opened the stargate 11.11.11 that guaranteed the success of the plane- tary ascension and that of part of humanity, which was rather uncer- tain before that.).

The first person to ascend, will be a multidimensional personality and a transliminal soul. He will assimilate the earthly experiences and achievements of mankind and combine them into a new teaching that is congruent with Spirit of the 7F-creationary realms. Earthly Weltan- schauung must be brought into harmony with cosmic Spirit. This ad- justment will take some time and will occur in several waves.

The first major transformation, which can also be described as a soul orgasm, is expected to take place between 2008-2012. The concept of orgasm is not chosen arbitrarily. During this time, emotional pleasure and physical pain will blend into a new energetic condition that will open human consciousness in a flash to new realities. Like every or- gasm, it will be accompanied by after-tremors, which will trigger a quick, unimaginable radical transformation of human society from to- day’s point of view (Indeed, the worst heavy-duty cleansing of human darkness occurred between 2007 and 2012 when the light warriors of the first and the last hour, essentially the PAT, ascended to 5D during the opening of the stargate 12.12.12 -12.21.12 and then decided to re- turn back on 3D earth as avatars, still in a physical vessel, as to save humanity that was in its deepest slumber. Then end of 2013, my dual Elohim soul Amora and myself created the new earth – Gaia-5 – as dis- cussed in this chronicle.)

The new transliminal personality will be the founder of the new “Golden Age” (the epoch of Aquarius), just like Jesus was the founder of the Christian era (Epoch of Pisces), which is now coming to an end. The new era will thus be post-Christian. For this reason, the appear- ance of this personality will have tremendous repercussions on the original Christian drama that will take place in several acts.

The “new Christ” will actually be an “Antichrist”, at least from the per- spective of organized religions, because he will demonstrate that any spiritual communion with God, that is to say, with the individual soul and the Spirit worlds can never be regulated through an organized in- stitution, but should be an intimate dialogue with the inner voice of personal truth. As part of the Light Body Process, he will instruct the people in dealing with their souls.

The new evolving individual spirituality of the young souls, who have just entered the cycle of the adult soul, will help them to easily escape the organizational enclosure of present-day religions that they needed in the past for their spiritual development as a guide or friction surface. The organized religious communities will be renounced by the new spiritual people peacefully and without rancor and not like the atheists in the past. The old religions will be simply stripped off by the people like an old, too small straitjacket. In this way the current organized re- ligions will quickly collapse and disappear from the scene.

The same applies to empirical science, being the more important sys- tem of knowledge today that determines people’s lives significantly. This fundamentally wrong cognitive system will be replaced forever by the new Pantheory and Gnosis of the Universal Law. The sweeping consequences that will result from this spiritual reshuffling will be be- yond the confines of today’s human comprehension. They are a central theme of all my scientific and gnostic works.

Only after the first act of the paradigm shift has taken place, will more people from the close environment of the transliminal soul be also able to ascend. The dissolution of the body and the earthly personality and her merging with the soul and the soul family, often referred to as an Oversoul, evokes in the old soul in her last incarnation a new fear. In the course of her long cycle of reincarnation, she has been accustomed so much to the physical vessel and earthly life that at the end of her last incarnation she feels a new fear to jump into the disembodied state of her new normal multidimensional existence in the higher realms.

Many souls, who will ascend, will not return to the earth but can opt to merge with the other soul siblings and continue their journey into the causal worlds. They will support the Earth during its transformation period as pure energy.

Other old souls, who will follow the example of the first ascended per- sonality will return on the earth and will serve to humanity in this dif- ficult period of transition as spiritual leaders, connected in uncondi- tional love with it. Their sacrifice will be the actual return to earth in a crystalline light body, for a soul who has finished her cycle of reincar- nation wishes nothing more intimately than the reunion with her soul brothers and sisters and the transition to the fear-free causal worlds.

These so-called “Ascended Masters” will coordinate as multidimen- sional personalities the transition of humanity to new dimensions. They will introduce new technologies on the earth that will be imple- mented by the masses of young and mature souls and will show to the people new spiritual ways of social life. They will ensure a more or less smooth transformation of the present humanity to a community based on love.

For this reason, they will replace the helpless and hapless representa- tives of the old structures, such as politicians and business leaders (footnote 2). The new Ascended Masters will be able to handle the new structures of humanity without major cataclysms; they will coordinate the efficient allocation of human resources in the new technologies and social forms, which they will transmit and supervise. The paramount goal of this harmonious cooperation will be to overcome the schism of mankind in almighty Ascended Masters and alleged “mortals” without great social conflicts to the benefit of all mankind.

The new spiritual human being, who will live in harmony with his soul and cosmic Spirit and will act in love and in a constructive interference with both, will renounce the present fear-driven power structures of the national state because they will only hinder him in his spiritual evo- lution. Like all religions, the national state will also be dismantled like an old shirt – it will implode and vanish from the New Earth.

The new Man of Spirit (Geistmensch) (footnote 3) will prefer to live in small communities with like-minded people in the country. These communities will be completely self-sufficient due to the new technol- ogies, that is to say, they will have a decentralized, efficient energy sup- ply based on the new energies of the 7F-creationary realms. The new Man of Spirit will organize agriculture in a completely new way, in the knowledge that man is only temporary on this planet and that he can- not own the land of this holy Earth but only use it as a responsible care- taker for his nourishment. Thus the land will be taken away from the “wicked tenants” and will be given to the “good tenants” as it goes in the famous Jesus parable about the current wicked tenants (Matthew, 21, 33-46).

New environmentally friendly, post-industrial technologies based on bio-agricultural products will be introduced and developed. The infra- structure on the territory of the commune will be established by con- sensus of its members and in cooperation with neighboring municipal- ities and will be managed in the spirit of the highest common good. The municipalities will communicate via Internet or a novel-term network and exchange information on the know-how of the new technologies and products directly and in an altruistic manner. There will no longer be patents or monopoly, as all technologies provided by the higher as- tral realms will be available to the entire humanity. Each municipality will efficiently carry out its own medical treatment on the basis of new bio-energetic therapies. In a largely free of fear, enlightened society of Men of Spirit, the spectrum of diseases will change significantly and will diminish dramatically.

Within a municipality, money will be abolished as superfluous. Be- tween the communes local exchange of goods will be organized on the basis of a very simple, transparent numerical clearing system that will exclude fraud and corruption. Banks and other financial intermediary, profit-oriented structures will cease to exist. The people may decide to pay voluntary tax for charitable projects between municipalities. The national state will be abolished because of its numerous redundant and inefficient institutions. The production efficiency will increase enor- mously as only meaningful activities will be performed. The work will be fun. People will have plenty of time for spiritual activities.

The new individual consciousness will be all-planetary (new word) and every individual will feel connected with the needs of all humanity. This high level of personal responsibility will make the need of written laws and their enforcement unnecessary. Misconduct will be treated with love, knowing fully well that the individual soul needs this experi- ence and, being a co-creator of the new earth, cannot be sanctioned by any human law whatsoever. The current jurisdiction, which is a prod- uct of the predominant young souls and their mentality, is based on their archetypal agnostic and, therefore, distorted view of crime and punishment and will be abolished for ever.

That the subject of “Crime and Punishment” (a novel by Dostoevsky) is predominant in the mentality of the majority of young souls, is proven in an exemplary manner in the selection of plots in modern movies. The vast majority of the movies, especially the Hollywood pro- ductions, deals in recent decades only with judicial dramas, violent crime (detective stories, shockers), brutal vigilante justice (Western, action-thrillers, etc), where the judiciary fails regularly and primitive reckless justice is imposed at the expense of senseless, highly destruc- tive brutal actions, while these actions are located in the present (social drama) or in the future (science fiction). Both the motives (greed, ego- tism, competition, lack of love, mental aberrations and psychic perver- sions, inclination to violence, etc.), and the actions of the protagonists (violent crime, all sorts of destructive activities) reflect almost exclu- sively the world view of the young soul – the world, in which she men- tally lives and feels very comfortable. How should we otherwise explain the success of such Hollywood “block busters”? Such debased topics are projections of the most fundamental fears of the young souls, where the future is regularly shown as an even more horrible and exaggerated version of their present obnoxious features.

For example, there is virtually no films that deal in a serious way with gnostic themes without putting human violence in the foreground. In addition, all the filmmakers are lacking the appropriate artistic means to treat these matters in an adequate manner. The few films that deal “seriously” with scientific topics, such as presenting biographies of fa- mous scientists, are bursting with embarrassing naivety, what science is and, above all, what knowledge really means. Such movies are a mirror image of the agnostic primitive nature of the young soul, who does not care at all about true knowledge.

The comprehension that every incarnated soul chooses her various mundane experiences free from any sin and only in accordance with the cosmic law of karmic balance – a point of view that Jesus wanted to establish on earth in vain with his alleged crucifixion – will slowly, but surely, prevail after the Evolutionary Leap of mankind.

These processes will be completed in the New Earth within the time span of an average human life, so that most of the readers will still en- joy and participate in these transforming events (Here I have in mind the transition period on the new 5D earth after 2012, although I re- frained at that time from speaking about “mass ascension” as not to scare my readers, who would have considered me a crazy person. In 2001 the idea of mass ascension in 2012 was not even a topic in the New Age movement and even when I published my English book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction” on the Internet in 2010, there was an outrageous indignation and a lot of disbelief with respect to this Ascension scenario among most light workers, which has be- come in the meantime an accepted outcome by all channels and eso- teric sources.)


1. Even when the twelve steps (stages) of the Light Body Process presented in this book discuss important and necessary transformations in the psychological, men- tal and somatic area, I can confirm this classification for my part only to a very limited extent. It is first and foremost of limited practical value because of the im- mense intensity of the astral waves, entering the biological body and transforming it fundamentally; the latter are coupled with unbearable somatic hardships that are not discussed at all in this small book. Since most people, who are affected as old souls one way or another, are just at the beginning of their Light Body Process when the psycho-mental realignment of the personality with the Higher Self stands in the foreground, there is a tendency in esoteric circles to resort to diminution and purposeful beautification of this incredibly difficult process (“Love and Light illu- sion” of the New Age) as to lull their fears in front of the upcoming hardships. I fear that many light workers will have a rude awakening when they fully enter the Light Body Process (which is exactly what happened in the following years after 2001 and in particular in the last several years after we opened the heart chakras of the second and third waves of ascension candidates and are now opening the masses, as I could experience it first hand).

2. One should only consider the frantic responses out of pure anxiety by the elite in the Western countries to the recent terrorist attack in New York City (9/11) from this perspective. The resorting to brute force abroad and to restrictive, undemo- cratic measures inside these countries is symptomatic for the reaction of the col- lective – political and medial – ego of the young souls to the onset of the global confusion, which will increase even more in the coming years. The brutal violence and despicable comments, with which the conformist media and politicians at- tacked the few isolated thoughtful voices of some intellectuals, is a symptom of the pathologically increased angst of these young souls, who feel slowly, but unmistak- ably, that they have nothing, absolutely nothing “under control” any more.

3. The term “Geistmensch” (man of spirit) was first introduced by Rudolf Steiner, although he used it in a rather vague and ambiguous manner. One can interpret R. Steiner and the numerous influential esotericists at the beginning of the 20th cen- tury as heralds of the Evolutionary Leap and the Light Body Process. This penulti- mate incarnation wave of old souls prepared the ground for the actual Ascension process. At all times, there have been medially gifted people, who have kept human esoteric knowledge alive according to their individual and social maturity.

VII. Mental, Psychic and Somatic As- pects of the Light Body Process

1. The Definition of Light Body Process

From the previous elaboration, we now come to a binding definition of the Light Body Process:

The Light Body Process, LBP, is an energy conversion of the spe- cies “man”, which can also be described as individual evolution. It in- cludes a significant increase in the energy frequencies of the body, mind and psyche and their harmonious alignment with the frequency spectra of the 7F-creationary levels. The end result of this process is the merging of human consciousness with Spirit of All-That-Is, which has fragmented as an individualized soul. For the species “man” this process means his transformation into a multidimensional per- sonality. Her energetic features are as follows:

1) The psyche is largely cleansed from the lower frequencies of fear and placed in constructive interference with the astral frequencies of love.

2) The mind is freed from its previous illogical thinking with the help of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law and aligns with cosmic Spirit.

3) The human consciousness then evolves to the all-encompassing awareness of the soul. The awareness of the soul includes: direct knowledge, telepathy, connection to the Akasha records and other stor- age levels of knowledge of the higher realms, etc.

4) The frequencies of the body are raised to the level of the frequencies of the astral realms. This allows for a phase transition of the cellular body into crystalline light body and vice versa. This transition al- lows the conquest of space and time and enables the incarnated per- sonality to dwell both in the astral realms as well as on Earth.

All the above processes are complex energetic phenomena that will be now discussed in detail. In advance we should explain the relationship between Light Body Process and Evolutionary Leap of mankind. The Light Body Process encompasses the individual evolution of the bio- energetic system “man”, which is a concrete incarnation, materializa- tion of the soul on the planet Earth. The Evolutionary Leap of mankind involves the collective manifestation of this process on the historical stage.

Each individual evolution leads to a social evolution and vice versa. It is a closed circuit, whereby Spirit (the inner impulses) is the primary source and its materialisation in social norms and forms is of second- ary character: First comes Spirit and then matter.

The evolution of the individual as Light Body Process and the evolution of humanity, defined by myself as Evolutionary Leap cannot be sepa- rated from each other because All-That-Is is a unity. In this sense, the Evolutionary Leap of humanity, being an open U-set of All-That-Is, is in the first place the elimination of all mental and physical separations as N-sets – that is to say, such sets that are not real, but only exist as a camouflage in order to promote the incarnation game of separation on earth, being a direct experience of the last antinomy.

It is important to emphasize at this point one more time that all N-sets are energetic epi-phenomena, they are artificially created energetic barriers by the soul that can only exist locally within the energetic per- fection and unity of the Whole. Their removal may assume the visible form of evolution from the limited perspective of the person, who is an object of this separation. From the perspective of the soul, this is only a return to normalcy.

All-That-Is is individuation and unity at the same time. Incarnation on earth represents the greatest possible individuation of All-That-Is. The imminent Evolutionary Leap is the return to unity, which will occur in several stages, of which the cycle of reincarnation is only an insignifi- cant first step. The other stages are beyond the limited horizon of hu- man consciousness.

The methodological approach of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law will serve us as a guide to explain stringently the complex ener- getic processes and interactions between body, psyche, mind and soul that are running during the Light Body Process.

The Light Body Process is in the first place an augmentation and align- ment (harmonisation) of the frequency spectra of body, mind and psy- che to the frequency spectra of the soul. Mathematically, this process can be represented as conjugation of U-sets. The human being experi- ences the Light Body Process as a very intense process of physical, psy- chological and mental symptoms. If the process is not consciously ex- perienced and perceived, but rejected or negated out of fear, these symptoms may take the form of severe physical or mental illness that can lead to premature death.

A main goal of this disquisition is therefore to expand the reader’s un- derstanding of this process as to reduce his anxiety and to allow for the smooth running of the Light Body Process.

Many esoteric schools evoke the impression that one can gain deeper insight into the inner-soul processes by learning specific, time-con- suming techniques and have to be taught by a guru in many years of humble apprenticeship. Nothing is falser than this idea.

The soul (the Higher Self) of every individual is perfect and is the only real teacher. Any access to it can only be made with a clear, open mind and a largely fear-free psyche, which ultimately is the chief goal of the Light Body Process. To this end, there are no special techniques. The fastest and easiest way is the clear recognition of how body, mind and psyche, with their fear-based structure, energetically operate and in- teract with each other. However, I know not a single esoteric school that accepts these educational goals and pursues them in daily life.

For this reason, the many diverse schools of esotericism of Eastern and Western-style (New Age), which, like most academic schools, mutually exclude themselves (N-sets) and are only an expression of the current mental separation in collective human consciousness, will soon disap- pear. They will be replaced by the new energetic approach of the Uni- versal Law. As categorical systems of human transcendence, they con- tain the same inherent blunders as all sciences and organized religions.

This statement includes the thoughts and actions of all New Age repre- sentatives, who are not further evolved than the present-day agnostic scientists and clergymen and in addition have no knowledge of science, history and culture.

(This has been, indeed, the most disturbing fact for me throughout all these years (more than 2 decades), while I participated in the New Age discussions through this website and have been analysing the very pri- mitive and uneducated behavior of most New Agers. I have asked my- self repeatedly the question, why their souls, which are definitely old souls and come from very high dimensions (otherwise they would not have been attracted to such spiritual topics and made them the core of their lives), have selected such destinies for their incarnated personal- ities that have not given them any true and profound knowledge in sci- ence, philosophy and Gnosis. This would have enabled them to estab- lish a strong critical, intellectual pole to conventional science, religion and human thinking from a sovereign educated and enlightened posi- tion and thus present a visible and viable alternative of human thinking in modern society, which it so desperately needs.

If this would have happened, this would have affected humanity in a very positive way much earlier and not after the ID shift, as this will happen now when I will ascend as the first human being; this will allow the global acceptance of the new Scientific Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law that will trigger the new paradigm shift to true spiritu- ality. I personally think that this total intellectual failure of the small New Age community, which, as all agnostic scientists, also blatantly rejected the new theory of the Universal Law due to their intellectual deficits and fear-based inferiority complexes, was the major cause for the numerous delays in the ascension scenario and even jeopardized this very project, for which they incarnated on planet earth as old souls.

Read also here: Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy

If it were not for the heroic effort of the PAT to save humanity and Gaia, there would not have been any Ascension and all the timelines and this physical planet would have been irreversibly destroyed, as this hap- pened with all lower timelines, which we have severed from this as-cending Gaia since 2013, including the physical earth that was de- stroyed by the physicists in CERN in a horrible dark experiment to pre- vent ascension in the autumn of 2017 (read here) and was immediately reconstituted by the Source. This has been an object of extensive and intensive discussions on this website by the PAT members. It is ex- tremely important to point these facts here retrospectively, now that the ID shift may happen any moment and surely in the course of this year of 2019 in order to establish the utmost clarity on the current sit- uation on earth and prevent any wrong and deliberately false interpre- tations when this event will occur, most probably triggered first by my individual ascension and that of my dual soul Amora, alias Carla Thompson.)

The esoteric schools are an offer to the adult souls, who have turned away from organized religions. They can rub on them and spiritually grow. Similarly, science is an offer to the young and mature souls to train their minds and intellect. However, it is an ample fact that there is nothing to discover on this planet because the material nature, which scientists supposedly explore, is constantly created by us as powerful creator souls. For this reason, there can only be one real intellectual achievement, which we must accomplish in order to grow spiritually: to remind us of who we really are – immortal souls with an all-encom- passing awareness.

2. Free Will versus Will in Knowledge of the Soul

After these preliminaries on behalf of the new approach of the Univer- sal Law, now back to business. If the soul is the creator of the incarna- tion “man”, including his body, mind, and psyche, she must also be the executor of the Light Body Process. This cannot be accomplished by the simple will of the individual. Man can only give his consent, how- ever, it cannot be a capricious volition but a firm intention which must hold during the entire Light Body Process that takes many years. The will is an important aspect of the human mind and plays a crucial role in this process. At this point, I must dispel a widespread misconcep- tion.

True will has very little to do with the concept of ego, even though this is usually assumed today. Pure will is always consistent with the inten- tion of the soul, which manifests itself as a soul plan for any particular incarnation. However, human will is often misled by the beliefs of so- ciety and is employed mostly for non-spiritual, purely materialistic ends. In this case, people usually speak of “free will”.

The soul bestows human mind with the freedom to make choices, in some cases for the soul plan and in others against it. In reality, this is always a decision for or against All-That-Is. In the astral realms this freedom is highly restricted: the soul, which is an integral part of All- That-Is, cannot make decisions against the Whole. Energetically, this corresponds to the formation of an all-embracing constructive inter- ference. Its perception on the level of human consciousness is the feel- ing of love, bliss and grace.

While the feeling of love is extensive in the astral realms due to their harmonization, human love has to compete on earth with the numer- ous feelings of fear, which is man’s emotional perception of destructive interference. In this case we also speak of the duality of human exist- ence. In this sense human angst is closely associated with free will. Most decisions, which humans believe to make out of free will, are whispers of their guide, called “Fear”.

About twenty percent of all events during an incarnation are within the scope of human free will. In practice, it is much less because most in- dividuals exploit the potential of free will in a very insufficient manner. They let themselves instead being dragged by their fate. The other eighty percent of all experiences that befall an incarnated person on Earth are carefully planned between the earthly lives in the astral realms and are thus predetermined. Otherwise, life would be chaos on earth.

No experience can, however, occur without the consent of the individ- ual soul. In this sense, the soul has the free will to gestalt the life plan of her incarnations by herself, but in close cooperation with other souls, who are also involved in the collective course of human history. Without their participation, the individual plan of a soul cannot be properly arranged.

In reality, the soul is not so much interested in the sequence of material events but in the quality of the thoughts, intentions, insights, feelings and decisions of the incarnated personality, that is to say, in her ability to employ these spiritual-energetic tools to gestalt her life within the limitations of the human physical vessel.

The psychic structure of the incarnated personality is carefully de- signed in the higher dimensions in terms of key psychological tasks, which the soul has selected for the upcoming incarnation. It is a mix and a fine-tuning of psychological, mental and somatic modalities, which have their counterparts rooted in the seven basic energies of All- That-Is (footnote 1). In general, these problems are solved on the ground by an adequate psychological and mental attitude of the incar- nated entity and not so much by mere actions.

In the earth’s reality, which is currently dominated by the expansion of the young souls in the outer world and their desire for material manip- ulation, the collective compulsion to act is extremely effective. This psychological constraint stems from the young souls’ angst of failure and their inability to enter an intimate dialogue with the inner voice; this fear-based constraint can appear in many disguises, such as offi- cially accepted virtues as diligence, care, excessive responsibility, etc.

These angst-virtues characterize the incarnated personality, which is actually preordained by the soul but receives throughout life significant remodeling by parents, society and history. These external factors steer her away from her true spiritual tasks. Purely for this reason, one em- phasizes in channeled messages again and again the primacy of Being over Doing.

The earthly bustle is part of the hide game to find out what is Spirit (soul). Spirit is thought, intention, volition – the act is merely a second- ary energetic phenomenon, a possible expression of the creative poten- tial of Spirit in the 3D space-time. In this sense, emotions are also thoughts: they are energetic creations of cosmic Spirit that enable an universal communication between entities with different awareness and 3D experience in All-That-Is. They are an offer to the individual personality to express her uniqueness in communication with other unique personalities. Feelings are thus an energetic standardisation of individual mental and spiritual phenomena.

Love is therefore not a Doing, but Being: You do not do something in order to love or be loved, but you love and do everything out of the exuberance of your love, which is Self-Love in the first place. One can- not love other people, if one cannot even love himself. In other words: one cannot replace the lack of Self-love with other peoples’ love.

As the realms of the soul are extremely malleable, every soul has an unlimited potential of options to create an earthly situation, which however can be only experienced physically, psychologically and men- tally. The soul always operates with body, psyche and mind as open energetic systems by modulating their interactions.

The events that befall an incarnated personality always match the de- gree of consciousness of the individual and serve as external aids to help the person gain new insights in his ongoing introspection of life events. The accumulation of new insights is the main goal of every in- carnation.

The social, personal and material conditions that accompany an incar- nation build only the outer frame and represent possible pathways, leading to such insights.

The highest insight is the recognition of the nature of human Being – the vast creative potential of the soul in its infinite diversity. We come again to the eschatology of the reincarnation cycle: the meaning and purpose of human existence.

From this it follows that any earthly personality may well influence the events and hence, the fate that befalls her when she begins to perceive the solution of her tasks in an intimate dialogue with her soul in form of intuition and inspiration, and is not seduced by an aimless activity that is pressured on her by the collective fears of her social environ- ment. However, certain experiences must be made, they can be only less problematic. Ultimately, it is always about the priority of Spirit over matter. The Light Body Process, which we discuss at this point, is the manifestation of this insight: It is a willing of the soul, which is set in motion by the free consent of the individual. But one cannot do an- ything about it.

The free will of the individual, respectively its limitation by the “gods”, is a central theme of Western philosophy and theosophy, without being properly understood until now. The reason for this is that man’s free will is considered an “absolute divine right”, while the role of the soul could not be interpreted from an energetic point of view. In the world literature, “man’s free will and his fate” is a recurrent leitmotif since ancient times.

In modern society, being dominated by the mentality of young souls, the idea of man’s dependence on his individual soul is rigorously re- jected. This is a mental manifestation of the pronounced angst of the incarnated young souls, whose ego insists stubbornly in this soul age on its independence from the soul and fears most a “hostile takeover” by a higher authority.

For the young soul, who will not participate directly in the actual as- cension process, but will experience it historically as an Evolutionary Leap, the Light Body Process will be indeed an external hostile takeo- ver and not an inter-psychic process. In order to recognize this fear as an erroneous assumption, she must first make this negative experi- ence: At the societal level, the Light Body Process will occur in the eyes of most young souls in all probability as a disaster, until they realize this bias and acquire deeper insights. This is so, because the inner im- ages are always projected outward.

Although the young souls cannot escape the objective existence of this process as a historic event of global significance, they have the free will to deny it, just as they have negated significant events in the past. This mental reaction is, however, a hallucination because from the higher vantage point of view of the soul there is no free will in the true sense but only the illusion thereof. This painful realization remains, however, only a few old souls reserved who directly participate in the Light Body Process (see below).

As we see, we must carefully distinguish between the two forms of free will:

1. The will in knowledge of the existence of the soul;
2. The free will, which results from the rejection of the existence of

the soul.

The second form is the driving force behind the formation of human ego in the negative connotation of the word.

The will in knowledge of the soul is very rare and is usually exercised only by old souls at the end of their reincarnation cycle. As this will is directed against most manifestations of today’s society – I have shown that they are a product of the collective fears of the young souls, which an old soul cannot accept as real – it requires an exceptional courage to express and sustain such a sovereign will all the time.

Courage is thus a manifestation of true human will. Real courage is al- ways individual and manifests itself as a sovereign rejection of the cur- rent collective opinions and actions. The old enlightened soul is there- fore a born “dissident”. Collective actions like wars that are regularly confused with true courage are, in fact, only fearful interpretations of juvenile unripe souls on this subject. This should hopefully clear up a lot of misunderstandings in the present-day bellicose human society.

Courage is always an individual intellectual performance and can be only achieved by a clear, logical thinking and a largely fearless human mind. As each intellectual performance is initially an idea that must lead to a consistent action, courage is also an action.

The most courageous act on earth is to willfully allow the soul “to make experiments with one’s own body” – that is to say, to initiate the Light Body Process. I have put this statement in inverted comma, because a clear mind must recognize that such an experiment cannot fail. The technology of the soul works faultlessly in both directions – as a mate- rialization of the body as well as its de-materialization in the wake of the Light Body Process.

Here we come to another aspect of this mental issue: The process re- quires unwavering faith and confidence in this paramount project of the soul in the End Time on earth. This faith cannot be acquired in the society, since there are no role models there, but must be achieved in- dividually. This trust goes beyond human mind – it is, therefore, an ex- pression of the soul that must be also anchored in the body. Trust (faith) and fear are namely stored in the human cells.

The most important psychological experiences are not only stored in the 7F-creationary levels, but also in the body as genetic information. Human body stores in its DNA valuable information on the personali- ties of earlier incarnations, which are available when needed and help the entity to cope with difficult situations.

“Faith in the Father/Lord” was also a cardinal concern of Jesus, as it is clearly expressed in the New Testament, but has been reprehensibly misunderstood by the Church. Under “Father”, Jesus understood his whole soul family tribe, which had completed its cycle of reincarnation and helped him with united forces to demonstrate exemplary Christ Love and Consciousness on earth.

His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection symbolize both the imper- manence of the human body as well as its potential immortality, which is merely an expression of the immortality of the soul.

This drama was designed by the causal worlds in the prophetic tradi- tion of the Old Testament and intended to take away the fears from the young souls that Jesus had just transformed. By showing them the way of love in their long and grueling cycle, Jesus hoped to mitigate the an- ticipated negative aspects of this savage soul age. A historical analysis of the Christian Dark Ages cannot, however, confirm any resounding success of Christ’s mission in this pure form.

3. Psychological and Social Dynamics of the Light Body Process

Fear of the transience of the body and the personality after death is the greatest fear at all that a man can feel. It is also the biggest barrier to his ability to love.

Many experiences of the soul, especially in the mature soul cycle, are dedicated to this central theme of the reincarnation cycle. Since these are most often illnesses, accidents or invalidity, they are perceived by the persons concerned as “blows of fate”, on which man has no influ- ence but must only endure. One feels like a victim and becomes a vic- tim. This is the famous victimhood attitude as self-fulfilling prophecy.

This fear has originated many taboos, thinking and behaviour patterns that shape contemporary life. Their listing and discussion is beyond the scope of this book. It is important to note at this place that all readers of this book are not free from this type of thinking and taboos and must still struggle a lot with their fears.

Fear is destructive interference. It can be overcome if it is energetically transformed into constructive interference, that is to say, into love. In the wave theory, destructive interference can be overcome by using higher-frequency harmonic waves that interfere with the former until they come into resonance. The process can be dealt mathematically in Fourier analysis and synthesis of wave theory. I will content myself

here with the description of this process with popular, psychologically orientated terms.

Simply put, fear can be overcome by passing through the fear as if it were a fire wall. The result is an illumination, a psychic and mental ca- tharsis. Practically, one has to be confronted with his own fears in or- der to overcome them.

Energetically, this process is assessed by the “axiom on the reciprocal behavior of the energetic gradients (long-range correlations, LRC) of two adjacent levels in a system” (see Axiomatics). With this funda- mental operative axiom of the new theory of the Universal Law, all physical phenomena (interactions) can be described in a dynamic way. All present-day partial physical laws, which are actually applications of the Universal Law, have been historically derived with the help of this single axiom, even though the physicists are not aware of this fact as they are not interested in the epistemological basis of their science. This axiom assesses the dynamic, dialectical character of the two con- stituents of space-time = energy, space and time, which are canonically conjugated quantities and behave in a reciprocal manner. I could prove this cognitive issue of physics unequivocally in the new physical and mathematical theory of the Universal Law (volume I and volume II) by using this axiom to derive all known physical laws from the Universal Equation of the Universal Law. Popularly speaking, that is, when this axiom is applied to human Gnosis and modern esotericism, it states as follows:

“If the anxiety in a body system goes through the roof, the counter- movement of love enters the body fields and melts the fear pattern in them”.

In terms of wave theory: If the destructive interference of fear, which is a relative one, reaches its peak, then there is a total destructive in- terference and a deletion of the fear pattern. The fear barrier, which consists of low-frequency wave patterns, is thus abolished or reduced and the higher frequency constructive interference of love can flood the human body. This explains why the ability of medium-ship – the direct connection to the soul – is massively augmented by situations of ex- treme angst, which can then be successfully overcome by the incar- nated entity.

This illustration from the physical point of view of the wave theory as presented in the light of the Universal law, which I would strongly rec- ommended all my readers, explains many experiences that one will have to make during the Light Body Process over again.

The people, who are fully in the process, will experience situations that provoke their personal expressions of fear and anxiety behavior in or- der to give them the opportunity to surmount them and to gain cour- age. They will often experience states of total helplessness, lose the ground under their feet, until they recognize the priority of the soul.

Since the soul arranges these experiences in intimate knowledge of the psychological structure of the earthly personality, one must assume that the experience will always be measured and optimal one. Man is ultimately “a puppet on a string”, whether one wants to admit it or not. The sooner one comes to this painful realization, the easier and more blessed life will be, as Heraclitus already knew.

Humans must realize that the soul loves her incarnation uncondition- ally and she has created her out of this love. For this reason, any expe- rience of the personality is exactly so as it should be and therefore should not be perceived as a punishment.

Nothing is more erroneous than to think in terms of guilt and atone- ment. These earthly categories have no relevance in the Spirit worlds. Every experience, no matter how painful it may be, brings the person- ality to deeper insights, reduces her fears and opens her up a little bit for the ecstatic state of the spiritual bliss, from which she came on earth and to which she will inevitably return after death.

First, the fear must come high, then it must be deleted or “burned” as an energetic pattern. The personality remains essentially unchanged because fear is not part of the core personality – she feels only cleansed and illumined by this ongoing catharsis (for more information on the essence of human catharsis read here). But the process is painful and requires a lot of courage and a strong will.

This short treatise of the elementary physical and mental conditions for the initiation and maintenance of the Light Body Process shows that the dynamics of this process encompasses the regulation of the body, mind and psyche and changes them fundamentally. The knowledge of their mode of action and their interactions promotes the process.

The physical phenomena that occur as symptoms and diseases are so individual that it makes little sense to summarize them here. In addi- tion, a listing of possible symptoms would rather promote the hypo- chondria than the Light Body process.

Read also this article: How to Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process

I shall confine myself below to the altering dynamics of psyche and mind.

4. Disillusionment of the Ego (Surrender to the Soul)

We begin with the disillusionment of the ego (surrender of the ego to the soul), which occurs before the actual start of the Light Body Process and is the most painful psychic experience of all.

We have seen that the ego is a product of man’s free will and can decide against the interests of the soul. The concept of the “ego” thus de- scribes the negative mental aspects of the earthly personality, which are characterized by her fear structure.

The ego is most pronounced in individuals with a young soul, since they are insensitive to the inner voice of the soul. They are subject to the illusion that they are fully “in control of their fate”. This view is also supported by a majority of mature and old souls, who have unfortu- nately adapted to the conditions of the present society of predomi- nantly young souls and have problems with this current life.

For this reason, the disillusionment of the ego takes the form of a mas- sive restriction of man’s free will, which can be caused by a variety of events.

First, it can affect the body. For example, sudden illnesses or accidents may occur, which may be aggravated by wrong medical treatment and in this way shake the faith of the person in present-day medicine and health care system. Such persons may be immobilized for long periods, may be dependent on help from relatives or strangers, or can no longer exercise their profession. They are, therefore, in a state of total help- lessness – the doing is replaced by being.

Such incidents can, instead of playing out at the somatic level, occur at the level of the mind. One finds himself empty-handed in a desperate financial situation, which excludes any professional activity whatso- ever. Such a person is “catapulted”, so to speak, out of social and pro- fessional life. This approach is particularly effective in men, who iden- tify themselves with their careers. They must now recognize that they are valuable people without jobs and careers.

The events that affect the psyche often occur in individuals, e.g., in women, who build too close relations with partners or relatives and de- fine their personality solely with these emotional bonds. They may sud- denly suffer the loss of the beloved and plunge into a severe depression, which is always a re-evaluation at the soul level.

It could be argued in such cases that the soul takes over the active life of the earthly personality, by switching off the part of the mind, which we call “the ego”, and leaving it without any outer space to make any decisions against the soul. This state has a very salutary effect on the ego-mind because it now realizes that he has no longer anything under control but at the same time has to admit that life goes on without it.

The ego-mind discerns to his own surprise that it is carried by the soul like a baby in the womb of the mother. Fears that have shaped the cur- rent thinking are looming now high, their futility is recognized and they fizzle out for good. The entity goes through his fears and recognizes their chimeric nature. The personality learns to cope with her existen- tial fears and to surmount them.

In recent years, such incidents take leaps and bounds. They concern mainly mature souls, who have focused their attention on the mentality of the predominant young soul and are now preparing for the transi- tion to the cycle of the old soul.

With the advent of the new transliminal personality, there will be a global paradigm shift in society. It will shake up the young souls’ men- tality and transfer them into the cycle of the adult soul. These people, who constitute about half of the world population, will experience within a very short period of time the collective state of total helpless- ness (as we will witness beginning this year).

New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium


In Love and Light,

Shelly Sullivan