Lions Gateway 888
The Divine Feminines Victory is here!
This Celestial Divine Feminine has Risen. This Goddess Mother Energy has brought in THE MALE AND FEMALE AS ONE EQUAL.
I am overwhelmed with joy and love right now, the miracles I am experiencing and witnessing are incredible and pure magic. The Feminine has full initiated into her Hierophant Archetype as per ordained by the Universe.
The assistance for this Cosmic Re Union of the DF & DM is of Biblical Revolutionary achievement. The Divine Pure Goddess Feminine from the Creator Realm will lead Humanity through pure Benevolent Light Magic.
My intuitiveness and guidance has me connected with Gaia Spirit/Mother Earth and all the Animals, Elementals and the wayshowers who are connected to the “One Mind” of our Creator. I wrote an article last week on the Rhinoceros and the Lion Animal Spirit working with and through me to deliver a message of the imminent healing transpiring for the Masculine at this time. The Masculine leaving behind the old Patriarchy and dying or shedding the old ways for the New Divine Masculine true power and strength. Here is the article:
Higher Self “Role” in Masculine Transformation ~ Rhinoceros & The Lion
3 weeks later the Rhino and the Lion made front news headlines (pure light magic by me) and demonstrated to prove that indeed the Lion and the Rhinoceros are working in tandem. As the Lion embraces his Divine Feminine by integrating the qualities of the Rhinoceros. Not only that, the Divine Masculine is powerfully protected as he protects the female, in his new endeavours while he journeys into his magical new path. This magical New Re-Genesis is being created now as the New Garden of Eden of the New Earth, this is REAL and not only are the humans connecting in the “One Mind” so are the Animals, Elements and so on.
The articles that made headlines today July 5th, 2018 about the Lions that protected the Rhinos to death as necessary from the true beasts, are below.
“A group of poachers were killed by a pride of Lions after they broke into a South African game reserve in a bid to stalk and slaughter a herd of rhinos.
At least three men made their way onto the Sibuya Game Reserve in the early hours of the morning on Monday. They were “armed with, amongst other things, a high-powered rifle with a silencer, an axe, wire cutters and had food supplies for a number of days,” according to a press release.”
Soon after they were slaughtered by the Pride of Lions. This synchronicity acts as a metaphor for Chapter 11 in the Book of Revelations, where the Two Witnesses of God are given great powers and any enemy who attempts to hurt these two during the time of the prophecy shall be devoured or eliminated, and as the “new book of revelations” is being written by the two witnesses who are are never crucified and are eternal Beings.
As released by the press in The Toronto Star and CNN News. See below.
And few days ago I preformed a ceremony in the Mud of a New River to anchor the New Divine Masculine and Sun Child with the Divine Mother, as these are the energies materializing at this time, Mother/Father/Child Energy. I was guided to do this and not really understanding at the time the mud connection, until I found this on my Facebook page, a video of synchronicity yet again as all upon Earth is synchronicity, of the Divine Masculine bonding with his Sun child in the Re-Genesis of the New Earth, anchored and energized in preparations for the New to come through.
This is very similar to when Cecil the Lion entered into me as Spirit to convey his message of sacrifice to humanity for campaign to stop poaching Lions as well as some other messges from the Lion Spirit. Here is article and images from my book, “Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being.
Lions Gateway 888 : The experience with Cecil the Lion
“The next lesson I experienced that helped to further awaken my Spiritual healing abilities and telepathic communication with Spirit, was with Cecil the Lion. We all know of the Lion in Africa that sacrificed his life to teach humanity a lesson about abuse of animals and big game hunting.
The following morning after Cecil’s death I experienced Cecil communicating through me.
The morning of his death, a friend emailed me with the sad news of Cecil the Lion’s murder. I was very moved by the story that was shared with me. As I read the words, chilling shivers ran through my body and thick goose bumps took over my flesh. When this happens, I know Spirit is communicating with me to pay extra special attention, and I know that truth is being spoken.
Message from Cecil the Lion
After I read the news of Cecil the Lions Death, I felt Cecil’s presence with me. A message transmission flowed through in my writing on behalf of Cecil the Lion. The message is as follows:
Cecil the Lion has made his Spirit known front and center of the Media. It’s no coincidence the Lion’s Spirit is working through the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal 888. This Portal of Energy holds immense powerful energy for humanity that will change the world forever.
Cecil the Lion sacrificed his life to bring the awareness of the Spirit that lives on within each of us infinity. This powerful majestic animal was lurked to its death by an ignorant unconscious sleepwalker. But the power of this animal lives on and has awakened real compassion in the people. Cecil the Lion has brought out into the light human’s barbaric ways that must stop. First the Bear, and now the Lion. All of this transpired during the energy of Leo and the opening of the Lions Gate. The Lion “Cecil” was sacrificed for significant reason just as Jesus was.
This sacrifice of Cecil the Lion during this extraordinary time on Earth, of the Lions 888 Gateway & Ascension ~ the Shift of Ages ~ is a symbolic metaphor of the Piscean age when Jesus and Mary Magdalene modeled to the world ONENESS and Divine Love. The ONENESS and Divine Love is sweeping the planet, preparing us for the highest consciousness we have ever experienced here on Earth.
I am going to refer to the true teachings of Jesus’ mission. Our world has propelled a distorted religious belief that we need to worship a certain Being besides our OWN Being to be able to connect to the Heart Chakra. I am not using Cecil’s sad death to preach, but rather to find the good in this situation and the deeper connection beyond physical pain and grief. Through the Spiritual Heart is where resides LOVE & COMPASSION.
Jesus did not sacrifice his life for us; rather, Jesus proved to us that there is nothing that the fallen human Ego can truly do to us to destroy the Divinity within us. His metaphoric crucifixion and resurrection proved to us that even if you abuse, torture and kill one’s physical body, the Divine presence within our light body, which is always within us and is part of us, is eternal, infinite and Forever. It has never been proven Jesus was ever nailed to a cross.
We are all infinite powerful light just as Cecil the Lion is along with all the other animals of the elemental kingdoms ~ Higher Self.
This is the same eternal and divine energy of Love that will propel the Ascension of humanity and Earth just as the Twin Flame pair of Jesus/Yeshua and Mary Magdalene once did over 2000 years ago. The time is NOW upon us now for our final steps of Ascension on planet Earth into 7th dimensional consciousness and higher, which is affecting all of the planets & Cosmos.
The Lion’s Gateway and The Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, is a powerful Portal or Vortex that opens and allows these new Light Codes to flood into the Earth grids. The constellation of Leo no longer aligns with the rising Sun as time has passed. But, the energy of the Lion is what is important at this vortex.
The Lion is the “Frequency Keeper of Africa,” and, of course, Egypt is part of Africa. The Spirit Keeper of the Portal is the Spirit Animal that guards the integrity of the African continent.
The Lion also represents Spiritual Power. Yeshua/Jesus was known as the “Lion of Judah”, as the representative of the Sirian avatar line on Earth.
So, the “Lion’s Gate” is that moment when this portal opens to allow new Codes and new Information that will be the template for the year ahead. The Royal Lion stands guard over the New Timeline. In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Gate was represented by two Lions who faced each other. They were known as the ”Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow,” and of course, it was “today” that came pouring through the gate. The Infinite “now” of present time that can be experienced as flow and creativity and blessings.
The Lion’s Gate opens on the 26th of July, reaches its climax on the 8th of August, and closes on the 12th of August.
So it is, at this time, that there are many endings and new beginnings that go with the torrents of Light that come through the Lion’s Gate. Do not be sad or upset if these are intense times, for they are meant to be. The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be firmly rooted and blessings be birthed as result. In the Ancient Egyptian world, this was clearly visible as the river flooded, washing away the remainder of last year’s crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land.
Cecil the Lion sacrificed his life to bring the awareness of the Spirit that lives on within each of us infinity.
This powerful majestic animal lives on in Spirit. Many people who are currently “sleepwalkers,” as was Cecil’s killer at the time, is or soon will be, awakening to the Truth. The Truth is: LOVE is all that matters! The best that we can do is hold love and compassion for these unawakened people and extend a hand if asked.
Since Cecil’s Death Laws and Regulations have been adjusted rightfully to stop Big Game Sport and other hunting of Wildlife to be stopped.
Following this transmission, which took place July 30, 2015, I had another experience with Cecil the Lion. Cecil’s Spirit came into my body through my Third Eye. I am part of a group that is helping to anchor the 888 Gateway Energies onto Earth. 888 stands for August 8th 2015 = 888.
August 8 is also my birth date. This date every year is significant for me. Not only does it anchor in my abundance energy into Earth it is also my Twin Sister’s birthdate, and the date which celebrates Twin Flames as well. I am a Twin Flame and a Twin Sister… not a coincidence!
On August 8th, we have our last ceremony as a group for the 888 Gateway. As I mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, I had a visit from Cecil and it was on this day at the end of the ceremony, Cecil came to thank me for my work in advance to his work being accomplished.
At the end, as we were signing off from the online ceremony, we also said a special prayer and gratitude for Cecil’s sacrifice, which by the way, Celia Fenn (from Africa) confirmed his reason for death, the same as I did.
As we were paying our tribute to Cecil the Lion, the most amazing connection took place. Cecil appeared to me in front of my face, his face as big as my body. He appeared to me looking very much like his animal body but all face. He lingered in front of me and then his “spirit face” entered into my third eye opening (I have a scar on my third eye from etheric surgery of the sun) and entered into my body.
His Spirit took over my body and I felt the most intense powerful sensation throughout my body, goosebumps larger than life and tears of joy flowing out of my eyes. He telepathically communicated to me, “Thank you for all your work and help”. I shared the experience with my friend and was in sheer happiness with this special connection.
Lions Energy
I have been having great experiences with the preparation of instantaneous manifestation of abundance and the energies of the Lion’s Gateway. I have learned these energies are very much intertwined together as ONE energy of Magic and Miracles. This chapter is all about the NEW energies available to us from the 888 Lion’s Gateway Portal as well as my experiences and personal story of magical manifestation and embodiment with the Lion Energy.
I have been being preparing for instantaneous Magic and Alchemy for many years. The past few months have been intense as I have been mastering (once again in a new life) the ability to manipulate the properties of the universe by understanding spiritual law. I have been employing my own sense of mind control, emotional control and mastering my Heart energies which, in the 3D Earth Realm, is a never ending practice but comes easy in the New 7th Dimensional Earth.
I have been embodying the Sirius Lion Energies for a better part of a year (4 years now 2018) for healing of the Sirian Races, ever since Cecil the Lion channeled through me and enveloped my body during the Lion’s Gateway Ceremony last year on 8/8/15. Cecil’s energy, I later came to discover, is also the spirit of Tefnut, The Lioness Goddess, that came through me. The image of the Lion’s Head appeared in front of my Third Eye. The Head was a glorious Golden Flame-like energy, appearing as waves of light matter and it was about 10 feet by 20 feet, looking quite multidimensional. The energy wavered there for a while, greeted me and thanked me for the work I do. Then, the energy entered into my Crown, my Third eye, and joined with me into my energy system. My skin and body thickened up into a higher vibration of Love and my skin raised up half an inch with goose bumps.
In the past year, I took up “Spirit Painting.” Spirit Painting is a process where you use colours and allow Spirit to work through you. You don’t have any expectation and work very lightly with the paint. Eventually, you use air to blow the paint and allow it to spread to see what comes through. In my case, a Lion’s Head image appeared for me and through me. I am explaining a few of the incidents that have transpired through me demonstrating the Lion energy that I now hold.
This New Energy is enveloping Earth via the Sirius Star Planet. The Spirit Lions as well as Physical Lions on the Earth are holding the light codes from the Sun for Unconditional Love and Magical Manifestation and Abundance for all.
The NEW Lion Energy that has come with the Lion’s Gateway the NEW energetic information needs to be shared. It resonates so strongly with me. I have to share the Alchemic Magic that I experience and is available to all who wish to hold it.
Along with the Magic, Abundance and Unconditional Love, “the Lion’s share,” they also bring in the instantaneous manifestation abilities. This I will share with you as well.
We are standing in the threshold now able to develop a new relationship with the Lion Energies. Now that we have entered into the Seventh Dimension of the Lion’s Gateway Portal, we have been shown to rethink what the Lion’s Power truly is NOW and the energy the Lions carry upon and into our Earth Realm.
The Lion’s Gateway this year embodies a whole new energy and this energy is the Celestial Lion Energy, Descendant of the Star Races, Ancient Egyptian Energy. These Celestial Lions are here to help to manifest and create our Galaxy, our Heaven on Earth. They work along with the Elohim. The Sirius race has brought and gifted to our Earth in conjunction with the Lion species, (which, by the way, our Dogs of Earth are also from the Sirius and Orion race who also carry the unconditional love and lessons). The lions of the Star Race are very special and we must honor them. This time last year, on the Lion’s Gateway 888, Cecil the Lion sacrificed his life. This sacrifice was to teach unconditional love and awareness of the Lions both of the Spirit world and the physical tribe.”
And now we can celebrate the Victory of the Lion and the Rhino as the strength, loyalty, power, venerability, light and love of the Divine Masculine embracing his Divine Feminine into the new territory of the Garden of Eden.
In Love and Light