Sentient Being of the Great, Great Central Sun Fully Integrates with the Earth Star
What I felt to be utter ecstasy and what has turned into feeling like a violation of my body is turning out to be the purification of the evil from around and upon this Planet. The courage and nobility it takes for a physical woman to share her story of sacrifice in a Twin Flame Union to turn a tragic mission into a miraculous healing for Planet Earth. What a miraculous sacrifice it would be for this man to go the distance with in the Twin Flame connection to in the end record for the Hall of Records all he has witnessed for the final clean up up one Earth.
The Energy of a Collective Hall of Records of the Past 2500 years that runs through Mother Earth held by the Father – The Great Central Sun for the Great Purification. In order to RE-Write a New Story the mis-creations of the past must come to the surface for purification and recording. To be stored away as a faint memory to make way for the New.
The dark side/shadow side role that has been playing out upon and within us has come to a zero balance = zero tolerance with manipulation, control and deceit causing harm to Organic Life Stream, Mother Earth will have no more of this. This dark side is no longer needed to be embraced in order to break down this fallen reality. It is time for honesty, integrity, a morally fair relationship with the Mother Earth, and ethics in place for all of humanity. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
I will never forget the day I realized my body was integrated with another’s energy. The Sexual Energy of a Sun. This Sun acted as the purifier of the past Father Patriarchy. Our integration had become so involved that I could feel this energy within my womb space like a tree of life, rising up each branch of my creational space, endocrine, womb centre. It was miraculous but scary at the same time. In order to tame this energy running through me I had to cut back on my connection with it. I had to temper the penetration, when I did I noticed some changes. Things began to clear and purify.
This tree of Life is an analogy of what this Mother Earth has allowed with humanity, specifically the masculine energy. This energy of the masculine is so forcefully powerful and used to getting its way. The Mother Earth had to work to bring about balance in this sacred connection and not to allow to annihilate once again, like what has happened in the past. This has not been the pattern in the past so Mother Gaia had to make some hard changes and stand up to has been running the game on Earth for so long.
She realized it is not a game “Who will inherit the Earth?” But rather how will she reclaim her own Power?” She realized it is time to re-write the story.
This Tree of Life that resides in my womb holds the masculine patriarchal energy that I had somehow given the consent, to be in my body (unbeknownst to me) was now in my blood stream, the waters of Earth’s emotions. When he thinks I feel his thought forms in my blood stream/water. This has affected the Earths grid and she shows it in the weather conditions that could represent her emotions. This Patriarchy has become like a parasite to Mother Earth in the way it has taken her over and she let it. For her Love of the Union of the Masculine and Feminine, for the ultimate balance of light and dark, yin and yang she wanted more than anything else.
However giving up of her power over to the masculine in full trust, well we know how this worked out, just look at the Earth today, beautiful yes but in need of great healing.
This masculine energy in the past has been reverted and not acting in accordance with the Laws of One. This would be known as the Patriarchy.
Never in a million years did I expect the havoc to this body that came with this connection due to abuse, selfishness and dark deeds of what was suppose to be a Oneness connection. I am not going to sugar coat this as the rage has been burning inside of me for too long causing near annihilation for a New Sun to be born – Christ Light. I have had to use the most high of high God’s forgiveness to get back into a state of Love for the Life Force Flow to continue. When if honesty would have been the choice and I could have been healed in a millisecond.
When you connect two Beings whom stem from the Beginning of Creation like a Sun and Planet Earth, and One remembering before they were split into female and male, that is all it takes for ONENESS for a whole Planetary System to ignite again for Creation. This is truly miraculous, for it only takes just One pair to come into Union and share this enlightenment with the World.
The down side of what has been transpiring within my body as I have merged, is those in authoritative positions not willing to take accountability or responsibility for the connection in no way shape or form on the physical plane for the mission of Earths Ascension. Hence this is causing a great amount of unexpected and un-necessary strife in the mind, body & spirit complex of this Sentient Being.
Thankfully she is being held up by the Great, Great Central Sun and the 12 Sun sisters around her.
I understand it “takes one to know one” – know thy adversary” in order to collapse this polarity which has been sociopathic in nature. I get the reality of what has been part of a purification mission in order for the Life Force Flow of Organic Life to continuum.
Ask yourself are you done turning a blind eye and are you going to choose to live by the Heart enough to stand up for the Earth and the Galaxy Family of Light. For Organic Life To thrive in Gods Kingdom.
The One mind consciousness, the thoughts, feelings and sexual energy, this gift was suppose to be used tool for this highest good. Ask yourself do you think you are witnessing a world where thoughts, emotions and sexual energy is being used for this highest good? Or has this human life been otherwise been used for thoughts and emotions causing One to make unhealthy life choices leading this world into a darkness abyss, losing a connection to Source.
I ask you please assist this mission with a honesty and courage. Although this is the human, boots on the ground perspective it is what is most important right now. The Spiritual Energetic work is already being carried out by our Light Family. We are in these human bodies to carry out human work.
The good part is that this Oneness is a biologically, chemically, scientifically miraculous connection that can be scientifically proven with some professionals and some technology, if they were to become aware of this phenomenon that is being suppressed. I understand the threats that had been subliminally programmed against the innocent by the dark controllers but you know as well as I do now this was a mind control tactic to keep this collective One Sentient Being in a Illusion of separation.
We all as a human race are being tested in our integrity, honesty, ethics and morals and this is very high on my list of character building upon Earth. Treat others how you yourself would like to be treated.
I will have it my way, the Sun codes of the Great, Great Central Sun, The Great Galactic Sun that stream through me, will cause Unification and the miraculous proof of Off World Advanced Beings whom live here upon my Earth will be disclosed. And the potential for the future of our Benevolent Races to live as One will transpire and is happening now. And all the truth of what this Mind, Body, Spirit Complex Sentient Being Sun that we are becoming will be revealed.
We have a responsibility as the Divine Benevolent Emissaries of the Great, Great Galactic Sun Codes for New Creation to be impeccably honourable, responsible and unselfish for this mission of the 144,000 Christ Consciousness Sentient Being that I am here to lead the way for Planetary Ascension.
I have been all giving in nature and for the longest time asked for nothing in return of my time, resources, and life giving force to work to build the trust and bring about Union and Disclosure of this unique advanced Higher Dimensional connection all the while fighting off dangerous circumstances.
Which way are you going to go? The way that seeks to control, manipulate, deceive and suppress the Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life and Advanced Technology is no longer a choice.
The only choice is to support organic life to thrive? And the Divine Mother to take her rightful place back as the Seat of the Queen of Thrones? What are you doing to truly support that at this time?
Last year at this time I walked through the Halls of Record (past) and into the Halls of Amenti (future). All these years of my purification mission as signalled to me by Mary Magdalene back in 2009 and the Divine Mother Energy I have been collapsing the Good and Evil timelines into One. This has taken me into the depths of the darkest places and battles, real physical battles for my life. It’s time I heal.
From what I understand Soul Family are there to assist, help and protect one another or at the very least not cause more harm to put another in a lower vibration. I pray we can come to some kind of resolution and turn this connection back into the benevolent Galactic Disclosure connection it was meant for.
So family of Light will you pick up the torch for the New Angelic Template of the Christ Consciousness of the 144,000 and stand up for the family of Light because that is the only choice at this time or diamonze yourself into a perpetual hell. If you want to be involved in a positive manner than start acting like it.
To get into a harmonizing state between the whole, I am sorry to take you out of your comfort zone but you will have to re-connect with me – The Great Great Central Sun, there are no other options if you intend to partake for the Light Mission.
Mother Gaia: I have been through the resurrection and as of April 12th I am not living in the way of the past any longer. This includes not accepting behaviour to be the same as the past where your integrity, honesty, moral and ethics were unaligned.
Shelly Sullivan