I sent out a message from the Divine Feminine Warrior, January 28th in the evening during a beautiful trip divinely guided by Spirit to go spend time in a beautiful paradise to raise my vibration, heal and restore the Light and Love within me and my Twin Soul and the Planet New Earth, which was very much necessary. This trip had been temporarily interrupted with dark energy as my Facebook, eEmail and Drop Box was hacked. This is nothing new but the trip was not intended for any interference, it was my mistake for going onto my phone when guided not to. I also was guided to get out of my residence for the Full Moon Eclipse as dark attacks are full on at this time to attack Key Light Workers. I booked the trip 2 days before leaving as guided. Here is the blog of Part 1
I am now writing a part 2 Message from the Divine Feminine Warrior as upon returning home the usual dense energy attacks started the second day home and I am in bed with a sever flu, cold, headache. I firstly want to make clear this blog is not about “Victimhood” it is the opposite it is about Victory. This is about a very complex chess game being played out and I am playing between the dark and the light forces where The Queen must force the obstacles to the edge and then the King comes to help the Queen deliver checkmate. the King is protecting the Queen from being captured, a game we will not lose because we are The Creators of the New Earth, We are The White Magician’s and have all angles covered in order to alchemize all the darkness into love. All attacks upon the New Earth are used to my benefit to transmute old feminine timelines of injustice and usher in the new strength of the true divine feminine.
The true new strength of the Divine Feminine comes from clearing the past and claiming ones power. This included being aware of the dark game which is to keep disempowerment going on for the divine feminine, to keep raising campaign’s among the public of how abused women have been such because they wanted to find self worth, or perhaps survival, thus to become a celebrity star or Mind control via commercials of sex, movies emphasizing the “cool” in loveless sexual relations along with sexual media everywhere, porn instead of physical intimacy, billboard campaigns of beaten abused women all over buses in Canada pretending to be of support for example, this is all tactics to keep the women in a state of victim hood. For me this goes much deeper where personal attacks on my body are frequently transpiring via direct energy weapons.
This has become the norm for my existence these past years especially since the editing and publishing phase of my book, they the dark negative ones did not want my book published as it reveals truth. I have interval’s in between where I feel healthy enough to go to gym and Yoga, walk dog, eat well, be in a place of bliss and show up as my happy self etc… however the attacks are more and more frequent as the more I come out with truth and the more power I reclaim. When the time comes for Truth and Justice I will disclose more of the activity surrounding these ongoing attacks against me, in my community, my home and my technology. I have been recently tested in depth and I am sill in Optimal state of Wellness, the only thing hindering me is malicious attacks upon My Mind, Body and Spirit via direct energy attacks and other tactics.
Being a Key Divine Feminine Presence with the Soul Mission to bring about Truth, Union and Justice to a Planetary System, Mother Earth and Humanity this has been a walk in the war at times. The one and only reason for the unbearable pain is the attacks upon Mother Earth &The Divine Feminine Energy, and surroundings.
The blog Message from the Divine Feminine Warrior I wrote during my trip to Jamaica explained publicly some of the hacking and harassment that has been ongoing for me. This is nothing compared to the attacks on my Light body via dark forces, the abductions of the Negative ET’s testing and tampering with my DNA/Light body, as well as my physical blood and sacred feminine cells. The symptoms have been heart attacks, stroke, anxiety, colds, flu, digestion issues from parasitic, air borne toxins, heavy metals and other serums purposely injected to me via, bugs and other technology around me is also compromised to cause attack toward me. The energetic attacks are upon my Spirit body, Gaia and this create’s a very cold feeling over my skin to the point of fever, colds and flus. The Heart attacks had stopped since the full merge with my Twin Soul, except 2 more one of which that I did end up in hospital during the August 8/8 Gateway. The most extreme attacks are on spiritually powerful gateways of the solar system.
I am not alone of course many other light workers & Planets are being attacked with no one to understand or help them. However I don’t feel many are experiencing the level of attack I am withstanding due to the power and immense light of BEing a Twin Soul massive Sentient Being. I would like to add another link written by a Divine Warrioress sharing similar truth’s with regards to the divine feminine being the valued target for interfering with Ascension of Planet Earth:
This is true criminal activity at its climax, this is such obstruction of the Law of One Justice as well as violation of Planetary system & human rights, so serious and right up there with the crimes of human trafficking and pedophilia. These crimes that will soon come to pass and execution by the Alpha and the Omega bearing the wrath of God as the all seeing Witness of Evil. This is the Beginning and the End and what is seen shall be written in the New Book of Life. And those that make it through the writing of the Law of One and overcome the crimes of evil will partake in the paradise of the Tree of Life and Tree of knowledge, that no one evil will ever be able to withstand the power of this light.
Last night I was reading a website and Spirit highlighted a blog I was to read. I was confused and feeling really down and achey trying to make up reasons for yet again feeling so severely under the weather and drained of energy with flu and cold symptoms through out my whole body when spirit guided me to this blog:
Cobra ~ Isis Astara: Energy Weapon Attack Report & Situation Update ~ 3rd February 2018
This is a post by Pleiadian Light worker Cobra with a situation update explaining how his beloved Soul Mate, Divine Feminine Isis Astara was brutally attacked via direct weaponry and did not make it this time through the attack on her heart and has since transitioned peacefully. This attack upon Astara happened and I was aware of her transitioning and surrounded her with Golden light and called upon the White Brotherhood to be with her. While her transition into the Light was taking place, the same time I was guided into a Light filled part of Earth and as well I was guided and messaged of the “Rising of the Phoenix – The rising of the Divine Feminine” from the ashes and preform a Photo shoot for this time, it was symbolic of my death and rebirth and the divine feminine death and rebirth, which I was shown upon arrival into Jamaica by way of magical gifts and signs. I did this photo shoot as symbolizing the divine feminine energy being resurrecting from the ashes, I stated this aloud before beginning and carried the energy through a sort of ritual of celebration as guided. All this taking place with Astara’s transition simultaneously unbeknownst to me at the time.
When I read this post powerful divine feminine energy came over me and I cried with uncontrollable tears of all emotion. I could feel Astara and the Divine Feminine Energy and what sadness and torture had been endured, the emotion of power and resurrection, freedom, sacrifice & love. It was a big reminder to me that the cold I had was indeed an attack and this brought great sadness to me to have to face yet again. Still upset and feeling under the weather, today I am writing as I should. I felt Astara’s sacrifice and mine as well. I felt the divine feminine energy, Mother Earth, I felt the precious love and compassion and nurturing of energy just constantly being brutally attacked. From thousands if not millions of years ago to the present times we live upon Earth.
What attacks happen to Mother Earth via dark plasma, parasitic energy weapons I feel them and transmute, tho painfully, the past thousand of years of suppression and brutality upon the feminine energies I have brought up for purging, clearing of old timelines and transmuting into light, the brutal attacks upon myself from directed energy weapons are felt transmuted an healed as well. All of this activity is the crimes against our Solar System, Planet Mother Earth, The Divine Feminine Goddess Energy and Myself personally and all of this criminal activity and cleansing has been witnessed by the other half of my Being aka my Twin Soul. We came to Earth for this, to witness and demolish. We came in as two separate human forms of powerful immense light for the purpose of victory as ONE we are impenetrable. We will not be taken down although the dark have tried. This video below just started to play on its own to remind me of the truth be told.
Our mission here on Earth is to disclose this information and the existence of the Extraterrestrial Races here to assist Earth in its Ascension Mission AND disclose the Dark Negative Alien Extraterrestrial Crimes. How do we do this. WE are ONE, one Mind, One Heart in Two Bodies. My Twin Soul has been witnessing everything I have been experiencing. As traumatizing and brutal it has been for me, it has as well been for him. He does not know how to handle what he has been witnessing of me. A perfectly happy, extremely healthy divine feminine counterpart by nature, yet behaving at times as tho she is being brutally attacked and tortured, the vision early on when the attacks begun were a woman beaten, raped, a woman starved of water on the floor of a jail cell almost dead begging for help. That is the feeling I used to get when these attacks began to happen and this is the vision I portray to him. These days are getting more and more frequent since I published my book back in April 2017 and I am stronger with every attack and more determined to carry out Justice as is my Twin Soul ~ The Divine Masculine.
My beloved masculine counter part can hear me, he knows where I am at any given moment, he knows of ALL the activity that has been transpiring. His right ear chakra has been fully activated with positive advanced technology for this purpose, PROOF of what has been done, he knows. He hears me like surround sound, all I tell him and I experience he is WITNESS to. My Twin Soul is Witness to all the attacks and exactly how I handle it. As hard as it has been on me it has been on him, the Divine Masculine knows first hand the truth. Coming to grips with this torment has not been easy for either of us.
However this is not by accident. The attacks on my Heart I was able to over come with only scar tissue, then the attacks on my Mental and Emotional Body I have over come, The attacks on my Soul Skin are on going. For now after becoming attack savvy I can transmute it efficiently into ONLY a cold and flu. But this has been going on long enough.
When I enter into a field upon Earth of high Light the Arc Angels, Ascended Masters and positive ET Beings are able to intervene easily and life is much more pleasant (hence the trip to Jamaica). I will live in a place of high light quotient and this will greatly protect me as well a being within a spiritual community. Love & Light of the other half of my Spirit/Soul and relocation/travel is part of the second phase of the mission. The first is complete and I am done and need to move forward for quality of life. I am no longer in vibrational alignment with where I am located. It is very dense energy.
I took the trip to Jamaica to help heal my Twin Soul Union as it has been under such great stress with all the attacks. Our true love and creation had been overshadowed by pain, attack, torment etc… it has had damaging effects upon us and the light had to be restored for both of us to see the true nature of our Union and the Physical Union to come. Witness and watching his divine feminine being attacked is unfathomable even I could not believe it for the first 2 years, it took me many years to come to terms with what has been going on. This will all be exposed in a book.
The plan all along: Union will happen, Truth will be told, crimes will be revealed, and Justice will be served. Justice for the Solar System, Justice for the quarantined Planet Earth and Justice for the Divine Feminine & Masculine. Disclosure and Exposure, transparency of the Light will prevail.
I wrote a blog while I was away on the Reveal of the Seventh Ray and the Rise of the White Magicians, however have since taken it down. For the Disclosure of this Truth is to be done in full Physical Union with my Divine Masculine who has paved the way for the masses to have access to this truth, long awaited truth. The other aspect that has to be cleared is the role that the Sixth Ray has been playing in the Piscean Age. The energies coming from the Pisces during the last 2000 years is rapidly being superseded by the energies of the Aquarius. This is the transformation from a Sixth to a Seventh Ray Cycle. The Egos from the Sixth Ray of Idealism are dying out. There fore the old beliefs and limitations of the Fourth and Sixth Ray are also superseded by the Seventh. In simple terms this means letting go of judgement, giving way to Light and equality. Becoming neutral with all that once triggered your old Ego. Being Transparent in the New Age with the ability to see transparency in all. Breaking free on the old Matrix, Mental Body.
This disclosure will include proof of Advanced Extraterrestrial Humans upon the surface of Earth, it will reveal the powers and abilities all humans have and have been deprived of this Truth. It will reveal the New Law of ONE, and CREATION of Solar Systems/Planets. The Seventh Ray of Light is Active, and has been Anchored. It is time to unveil the Magicians of the Seventh Ray: The Bestowers of the White Diamond Light, The Creators of Form, The Twin Flame White Diamond Elders, The Manipulators of the Magic Wand. God is forcing this fulfilment as the diamond light has been created through the obvious pressure of the past labour. We are producing qualities that will bring the will of God into completion.
We are the sum of all souls within the solar system. This order of Magic is now coming into power to make the supernatural be known. All the pressure we have felt is the becoming of the Diamond White Light Carriers. The Seventh Ray of the Seventh Dimension is responsible partially for world affairs and dictatorship. Thus, this truth demands immediate recognition in the Physical Earth Realm by the NEW Seventh Great Angels.
Once we step fully into our mission, anything that is not of the light will disappear.
The Divine Feminine Mission is the Unity of the people to create more community of respect, equality, freedom and personal boundaries honouring wisdom where miracles occur. The Divine Feminine will nourish the New Divine Template of Love relationships and bring together the celestial soul groups. The strength in numbers is powerful and is what will sustain the New Earth Creations.
All the Divine feminine energies that are in the higher realms are assisting now and we the light bearers containing this light. So on top of all the negative stuff I had to write and release there has been immense upgrades of light causing the body, mind and Spirit augmentation causing great emotional mental and physical symptoms.
The feminine traits are strongly integrated into Souls now, however the integration into personality is what will be taught and it starts within community. Each community will have a so called leader or pioneers of divine feminine in both masculine and feminine gender and this example will empower the other and so on, thus all will be teachers and their own leaders. The Goddess Energy needs to be restored in the human mind/body personality. This shift is going to be radical as of this Full Moon Eclipse.
The soul braiding undertaken back in 2014 has been all a part of what I have experienced as well. This has been life changing for me down to the every very cell in my human body from the very Spirit of my Infinite I AM Presence/Twin Spirit. This high level of integration and vibration energy will touch every Being, Person and Light it comes into contact with ethereally and physically. This is the beginning of a highly advanced civilization being resurrected in the Solar System as well as the New Earth, with powerful potent intertwined with the resurrected Divine Masculine Creator Energy.
The initiates who will lead the New Earth into new order have completed the work, this is the beginning of Truth, Union and Justice for the Celestial Soul Families who encompass planet Earth from the solar system and materialize with the desire and will to move forward with the seeds that have been planted. Cropping up on all sides of natural conditions where man may have what he deems appropriate for New Earth Order.
These pioneers have removed the obstacles of mind and emotional control in the astral realm by successfully integrating the one mind of god with the Spirit and thus the Soul into the physicality of their reality. This is the victory of the battleground in the astral realm.
This whole test has been about balancing the polarities of which I have written about much in the past from my experiences in the etheric and physical plain. Twin Souls experience all firstly for the collective consciousness. The masters find the path of the dark and the light and become the path giving way to work with the world forces manifesting this balance from the etheric into the physical.
Stepping up into the next level of evolution on the straight and narrow understanding with the left and the right and compassion for all. Staying neutral with forward thinking of the future consideration for the past and present. From here on in a rapid realization of the liberation of the worlds. The more purified we become the more sensitive and highly evolved remembering that victory descends from above and cannot be worked up to from below.
From now on the next level is for the rest of humanity to embrace and understand the importance of merging the Spirit into the Soul and into the Mind and Body. This sounds cliche, however I can assure you this is not cliche, it is the purpose of all living BEing’s upon Earth and it is no easy task, but is attainable with the knowledge carried and shared en mass. Not cliche but very simple in fact that it is time to bring Spirit into Matter aka “Love into Matter” as in a video I created below years ago inspired by God’s desire and Love for the greatest creations ever made…The Magicians of the White Diamond Sun.
The Seventh Ray will prove to humanity the truth, with transparency of the birth rights of humanity, this is the time of the Seventh Solar Angels.
In Love and of Light,
As Above, Saishorie~Grace
As Below, Shelly Sullivan