The new energy of the Mother Goddess is of the Seventh Ray. She is in charge along with the Divine Source Angels here upon Earth.
I went into my water float session with questions of who carried out and why did this past tragic 7 years happen and who is behind it? When will there be justice?
I got the answers. Since 2016 whom ever of these following groups has had access to the project looking glass (elites, mitral, CIA, DEA, Mafia) are behind the heinous crimes against the Goddess Energy.
They had the technology to see a possible time line of the future where by some humans in physical form would be a game changer to these elites plans. From there they did everything they could to keep this Angelic Soul Family apart, to harm and torture the Divine Feminine (Me) of this Soul Family and they succeeded. They took me down and off my mission. They tortured me, harmed my family in ways my family don’t even realize, ruined my relationships, raped me of all my joy and financial abundance etc and made me very sick. But they did not kill me, much to there dismay.
The other answer I got while in the float session to my question: Will there be Justice and when? As I contemplated, although I don’t have faces or names, I realized who is behind this. The elites I had mentioned above. Shortly after that the float session ended. When the session ends a song comes on to notify you. Guess what song it was? It was the Devi Prayer.
The Divine Feminine Goddess Prayer. Which found me on Spotify, when I heard it the energy that ran through me was undeniably powerful with Goddess Energy. Of course recently the minion trolls hacked my Spotify changing my user name so I can no longer sign in. Why do they do this because they couldn’t handle the Supreme Love that was created while in meditation with a Angelic tones on Spotify.
When I heard this song At the end of the float the Goddess Isis energy (one of my aspects) came through to me again. The message: You know who is in charge Shelly, you are. You are the Goddess Energy and we have been working with you all along.
Who made it through these extreme attacks and is still alive? Who guided you to constantly stay above water while being extremely attacked and no one believed you?
Who do you know as a human that could ever pull off what you did? The Goddess that’s is who. Literally the powerful Mother Goddess Energy of Spirit, who is Magic and Power.
This song is a indicator of triumph over darker energies and emotions. All the psychological darkness, these toxic relationships with these organizations/groups you will triumph over all of them. The Sun, the truth and the Light will prevail. The more clear I get over these attacks the stronger my abilities are coming online.
This is true as I see through the truth of a any one speaking who is being controlled/manipulated unbeknownst to them by mind control for the dark or grey agendas. When I say grey I meant the ones who think they are “white hats” but really they are not.
I hear people in the disclosure community talk on and on about the off worlders, extraterrestrial that are behind all the White Hat, good guy ongoings behind the scene. And although there definitely is a team opposing these dark elites who have been in charge for over 2000 years, but I have to ask how many of these ones have there own agenda of control that does not coincide with the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy.
I know there are extraterrestrials of the benevolent kind working for Earth and humanity in our skies because I’ve worked with them. However they are not the One’s down her on the ground doing the dirty work. I am one of those on the ground doing the dirty extremely skilled hard, difficult work and the ET’s are not swooping into save me. You know why? Because I am part of the Divine Team sent here who works directly with the God Head as did Jesus and other Ascended Masters. But this time with a whole new plan that exceeds what has magically been carried out in the past.
I am not trying to play a God complex here and I am sure as hell not saying I am a saviour second coming independently. What I am saying is I am involved in a advanced mission on Earth and it is rare and I deserve the recognition that is coming.
I am stating the facts. It takes very advanced Beings to come here to Earth and carry out high ranking missions. It is not just given to any one, you must be capable to succeed. There are others doing advanced missions out there besides me and I know that, but I can only write about my truth and experience.
Once this mission becomes known others will awaken to there own God given power. Some already are, but I can guarantee it is rare that someone survives what I have. God has communicated to me in various ways that I am still alive, they took me down temporarily, but they did not take me out.
The military had a CIA operation to control me since the age of 18 to stay asleep, when I became a Mother I woke up fast and furious….Since then their heads have spun to what I had created and have done and all they can to do is continue to sabotage me and my son &(family) they have been discretely sabotaging connections, relationships, positive opportunities etc… by the use of mind control to cause disturbances. I was able to be mind controlled upon my second awakening because of the Divine Feminine walk-in from Source. So what they had to do was to terrorize loved ones. The only time they could start psychologically terrorizing me was when I was severely traumatized by my Twin in 2019. This is when they were able to take me down.
This military has been signalling to me deliberately since 2014, and I see now that they have been interfering with my life since my teens. I am aware of them and they are surely aware of me and my situation, some seem like they wanted to help or so they made me believe in the beginning of 2014, 2015 and 2016 and some harmed me.
The ones who “wanted to help” , what happened to you, why did you not help the Goddess Energy? What just because I did not carry out a “agenda” to cause a scandal to hate on my Twin Flame and perpetuate Feminine victimhood and Hollywood gossip while I was severely traumatized. Are you fucking psychological demented? They are, that is what the dark agenda does. They cause chaos, that what is behind most every fucking scandal created by the DS. Controlled drama, mind control, circumstances created for separation and pain, it is fucking sick.
You know why they did not help…is because they are not in control. The Goddess Energy IS.
That is what is going on, otherwise why have not one of the ones who witnessed my being tortured via surveillance reached out discreetly with tangible help and support? What about the one who held the direct energy weapon that killed my dog. Are you just a super soldier that does not even know what you have done. Or the ones who scattered smart dust in my car regularly making me sick, do you know not what you do? This may be the case, however I know 100% by intuition there are those who know the truth who have a heart still and have not done anything to help.
The shit I could write a book on of what I have witnessed in people who were sadly under the spell and sinister mind control and what they have done would blow your mind. People have no idea how there total lives have been manipulated.
I will give you one example: The job I had at a natural supplements store as a customer service rep/nutritionist, this lady comes in with stitches on her third eye, literally 2 stitches is the shape of a X while mumbling some psycho babble to me. This chic was obviously oblivious to what she was doing or she was hired as an actor ,I don’t know, but this shit went on daily for 4 months at this store until I quit.
This type of interference with me has been going on since the editing and publishing of my book. Like I mentioned before elaborate schemes to terrorize me and to attempt to make me feel like I am in complete darkness, however you tried you did not succeed in this for I am an Angel a literal Archangel embodied.
There is no saviour for the Earth at this time. It is up to the humans who live on this Earth to take there power back just as I have at a very heavy high price. The sad thing is I have reached out to many “Light Workers” for help and do you know not one has contacted me back to help, even when I was still popular on YouTube and Facebook. My supportive Facebook channel was deleted and not by me.
That just tells me more that it is up to me. I have a powerful team of Sprit Goddess Energy working with me, anyone who thinks that is a bunch of woo woo, the Goddess Energy, well than you are just plain ignorant.
The Goddess energy is cleaning up and it will not stop. Mother Mary does have a baseball bat, Isis has swords and the clean up continues.
Who is in charge for this new era? The Goddess Energy is. The One’s who are integrated with there Divine Higher Self are the change for the New World.
The past 10 years for me have been intensely focused on the integration of the Divine Feminine Goddess Mother energy. Simultaneously there has been a extremely heinous crimes being carried out against the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy.
Me being shot up by a bio-weapon drone full of deadly serum of laboratory virus equivalent to the deadliest immune disease that would take any normal healthy person out in a few years. Times the vaccine by 1000 and there you have what was injected into me. Direct Energy Weapons attacks to the heart that have killed millions could not kill me. Attempted head on collision, mind control of all who is closest to me to leave me isolate, attacks by any and all I have done business with. Psychological terrorism regularly by strangers who are mind controlled. Direct Weapons to my body that do not work any more. My dog was not so luck and she was murdered. Emotional torture and the list goes on.
You know what I see and I trust my discernment, I see tons of surveillance on me and that information being channeled through other light workers, the information is gathered and feed through various channels/Light Workers, I see this a lot and it is magnificence what the Divine can and does do. However there is a dark side that does the same thing but they feed a “programmed” person divine information divulged by the Wise One’s and trick them to think they are of the light when really they are are being totally manipulated by false light. It is a very tricky game and only acute clear discernment will cut through to the truth and I have that skill.
The use of higher intelligence of the Divine Goddess wisdom is at play here. Where do you think the information comes from. People like me with Magical abilities to see the truth and the future. You know how many times I spoke allowed to myself back when covid first hit and I found myself saying the words “keep on truck’n” something as simple as that, and look what happens a trucker convoy in Canada, my spot where the Goddess energy is most prevalent cleaning up.
I came from the future to test the waters and take back home what needs to be changed. I am not saying I am the only one because I know there are ones who can do this, especially the young Star Seeds, The Wizards, The Magicians, The Withes, The Seer’s, The Sages, The Goddess’s etc but where are they? Behind the scenes doing the dirty work.
The work I have been carrying out is a direct mirror of the Mother Earth Energy and she is purging the last of a the parasitic environment that has wounded this planet just as I am now.
I am on the last of a detox that will eradicate this demon energy once and for all. My blood has been under a microscope as of late as guided by the Goddess Energy and the last of the demonic parasite is being cleaned up as we see here on the ground upon Earth. Here is a video by Brad Johnson, a clip of what I am talking about and ultimately the Divine is in charge and part of that team is Me, Yes little nobody Me doing the great work.
Any one, you cannot fool me any longer and your if you have purposely harmed me for your own agenda’s your time has come. This includes hacking into my YouTube’s and manipulating my feed to attempt to hack and psychologically fuck with me. Just fuck off.
If there are any “White Hats” that know of my situation and actually are monitoring my progress for the highest good than I am grateful for the work.
After a battle such as this. First we must stand up for ourselves than we stand up for humanity. That’s how it goes.
Shelly Sullivan