Message from the Goddess’s

THE 2nd part of the Twin Flame PROPHECY by Shelly Sullivan
Original message posted August 1, 2017. Updated June 17, 2018.

Souls have retuned and are continuing to come in for the healing of the Planet.
Blocks will disappear, Reunions will happen with the Rainbow of Rays.
The mission to help Gaia, Planet Earth and Humanity, We are Victorious.
The continuum of Life Force Flow has been seeded and a brighter future has been paved ahead.
For those who have chosen to live their mission, a future is harvested of Higher Love, Raised Consciousness and Healing.
This is a call heard from the Goddess, Ascended Masters, the ArcAngels and the New Angelics,
The Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow Warriors and Capsule Children from the future.
We have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Now we connect Heaven to Earth.

This above was a message I receive from my Higher Self I AM Presence in 2014, the prophecy which is now completed and moving into the glorious part of the Journey. After 10 years of purification and clearing I have been conducting ethereally and physically clearing of the energies and raising the light quotient upon Earth. I am ready to conduct and create the next part of the mission. Connecting Heaven to Earth. The fun, joyous, abundant, loving prosperous unity, healthy part of the mission begins.

Upon the awakening of my Spiritual Mission that started in 2012, I was activated by the Central Sun and merged into ONE with my I AM presence. This Ceremony transpired in a Spiritual Retreat. The Goddess Energy has integrated and has an important message to share. This time confirming all I know that has been accomplished of my mission and all that has tried to stop me. I am on target and have not been limited although I have felt other wise many a days.

The messages and confirmation has come through my I AM Presence, HigherSelf as the embodiment of Goddess Isis. Various Light Workers around the world are in their strategic positions and activated for the mission. The God Mind works as One Mind through the chosen awakened ones.

Divine Goddess Isis Message: To humanity and the Family of Light. The Divine Feminine Goddess Energy has been full activated with in this initiate ~ Saishorie~Grace is and she is here with in you. The Anceint codes of Fertility, Motherhood & Love. The identical energy and power that Isis beholds, you do hold as well. You have merged and integrated many Goddess qualities with in you. You have recalibrated the highest divine feminine frequencies within you DNA, all the Goddess qualities have been merged into ONE within your Super Soul. You carry the Central Sun Disk and Goddess Energy, The High Priestess, you have the Lakshmi Abundance, Luck, Wealth, Prosperity and Inspiration codes. You are a Queen, Mother Mary Nurturing, Caring Compassion, Love are initiated within. Mary Magdalene healer of sacred sexual, the Witness, you carry the Tefnut Goddess of Water & the Sky and Eternal Life Codes, your behold the Kali Goddess of Fierceness, Death and Destruction, Courage & Strength, Motherly Protection of the Bear. Pele the Goddess of and Fire, The Goddess of the Underworld and Shapeshifter, The codes of the Goddess of Earthly creation. The Lion Goddess Sekhmet Egyptian incarnation you are once again, Universal Life Energy the “Power of Powers, she is known as the “Powerful One from the Cosmos, Avenger of Evil, Guardian, Reclaimer of lost Children, thoughts of the Mind of God, Sirius Lion Goddess. Hathor welcomes the dead into the next life as you do help the new ones come through into this life. You are the Divine Feminine – all the Goddess Energy combined is here working through you for the mission. The One Divine Goddess with a thousand names. You are a Goddess through and through.

This Feminine Goddess Energy has been thoroughly distorted, through not only misuse of the name “Isis” but the purpose of the Goddess Isis and Divine Feminine Leadership has been heavily distorted. Along with the false use of her name as well the crimes against Mother Earth & humanity associated with the Divine Goddess name “Isis” is now wiped clean. The distortions of the “psychopath mind” etherally have been cleared. As above so Below. The process “clean up” on the ground level is fully underway.

The physical sociopathic mind(s) have risen to the top for purposely for exposure and healing/clearing, The role theses leaders choose apparent playing out on the global political stage is just that ” a role”. This extremely dramatic play is the beginning process for healing, also being cleared by the Divine Masculine Energy. Just as the feminine energy creates in higher dimensions and the masculine energy brings it into physical manifestation the same laws take effect for “destruction” of the old, to make way for the new. The political leaders now in the roles of dismantling the old Patriarchal Society are showing humanity what we don’t want and what no longer works. “The Magician” of the Seventh Violet Ray, will manipulate his magic wand and the New Divine Masculine Energy will bring about change, the new structures, new ways and the physical manifestations for the New Earth and Humanity. Backed up, fully supported by the Divine Feminine Spirit. Not only is the Divine Feminine Spirit supporting the New, the resurrected Divine feminine in the physical is now on board – Love, Nurturing and Power. The Template of the Trinity/Third Energy is fully activated now. Divine Father/Mother/Child ~ Creation.

“The Dark Night” when this type of shadow work is being accomplished amidst Twins, it is shadow work to heal the collective “psychopath” of humanity. Ultimately this sanctification leads to deeper union and Unity Consciousness for one and all. #oneness and #onlylove.

It sounds dark but it is meant to shed light. As you well know the assaults to Gaia, we the Divine Feminine/Masculine essence experiences on some level also, depending on our connection to Mother Earth is how intensely we feel it. So point is, we can feel it, see it and we know it, now we can in all awareness do something about it, truth revealed is the healer and this is where the unity consciousness and strength in numbers makes it a powerful successful healing.

Once cleansing is accomplished individually = When highly attuned the more highly intuitive senses of humanity and entering into the 5th and higher dimensional states, we the awakened ones need to navigate this transition and go safely, move forward, because after this shadow work the deeper work begins. Soul anguish is NOT a “psychological disorder” it is “Soul Evolution”

Through all the purging, suffering and pain cleansing comes compassion, bliss and pure frequency of love, and the clearing is enough that the high frequency children can and will be incarnating via birth canal of the womb and walk- in souls. You will not have to work as hard as you do to thrive to stay healthy and alive, it seems “The Brighter you are the greater the rewards.

For years these experiences and messages come through as the One Mind of God communicates to key Lightworkers/Wayshowers around the Globe and as synchronicity of the One Mind shows up again to help articulate the messages brought about in the One Mind. This next article by Celia Fenn is a perfect example of timing and content to convey this type of synchronicity working via the One Mind. The message on this exact day and approximate time was posted just as I finished this revised blog and as I was searching to describe the Osiris/Isis/Horus Template and similar mission on Earth at this time. This is Arc Angel Michael channeled via Celia Fenn:

“In your deep journey, you have encountered the Divine Feminine as the “Lady of the Lake”, and she has handed the Sacred Sword Excalibur to the Divine Masculine. In so doing, she empowers the Divine Masculine to stand forth and create, without struggle or aggression, but simply in the Flow of Divine Love.

We know that so many of you feel exhausted by the struggle to survive on Earth. We say that this is now over. As you connect with your deep inner Divine Feminine and allow the Masculine to take the Sword of Truth that cuts through all illusion, then you will be empowered to create your path without struggle. Your Reality will simply manifest around you according to your desires and needs, as is specified in the New Earth Diamond Body Template.

In many ways, the Ancient Sirian/Egyptian history of Isis and Osiris teaches the same truth. It is Isis, the Divine Feminine, that must empower Osiris, the Divine Masculine, to an act of magical creation in order for the New to be born in the form of the magical child Horus. It is Horus who banishes darkness and creates the Age of Light.” Here is the link below for full message.

Channeled message of the Divine Mother-Creator: January 9th 2017:

“Something miraculous is happening. The veils are finally lifted for Divine Birth of high frequency children to come in and through the Mother and Father of soul contract. The reawakening to what it means for us on Planet New Earth not only Walk-Ins are awakening and reaching out to me, this is being confirmed of the Rainbow, Crystal and Indigos, also the New parents and New children are reaching out to me. The connections of the Mother Womb are made and in the womb of mothers preparing for the high frequency children to be birthed from the Light Realm, to come into Co-Creation. This is happening. These children are born out of the Heart. Many Soul Mates/Twin Flames have already connected telepathically with there children and the child has had a test run in the womb, thus the parent experiences symptoms long before birth and is given what instructions she will need to conceive and carry the high frequency child to term. They will receive the information telepathically or via a “5D mid wife” I will be talking in more depth on this in other articles. ~Shelly Sullivan.

You are the Divine feminine & you are ONE with the Spirit Gaia and Planet Earth. You have been clearing for the Earth for a long time and the purification journey is now ended. Your are prepared for the next part of your journey. Your purpose now is creating Heaven on the New Earth.

Your are to unite with others of the Light just like yourself and you are not meant to be alone any longer, this is mandatory as you move into next part of your mission with the Soul of your Light, your Beloved Twin. You are more powerful than all forces. Your are a powerful Light that is impenetrable. Justice will prevail.

Important facets of the mission and people to connect with and where are being revealed. I have been shown over the course of years how the next part of the prophecy will play out.

“You are climbing the steps while building your dreams into Heaven “ – 888 ~ Saishorie~Grace.

Presently is a period for the enlivening Divine Feminine Goddess vitality. She is developing to unprecedented matter of spiritual manifestation. With her comes the divine incredibleness of the endless idea of the Universe. The Multiverse where life genuinely continues streaming.

The Divine Masculine now ventures into his energy… your energy. Furthermore, you can simply be. You are to Create, Flow, Express.

Our Creators have both Male and Female energies. That we feel within the Earth and Sky that we are. You are correct in your instincts, and indeed, it is your rising natural realizing that will save the world. The template of this Twin Flame Mission here upon Earth is an extension of the template of Isis and Osiris with more added and to be revealed of the mythological mystery.

Just as Isis beholds the undying Love for Osiris, this Love propels Isis, provides her the empowerment and strength to carry forward the mission of love and piece back together her divine masculine, this love is alive in the new template of 7th Dimension, to heal humanity and for resurrection of Mother Earth. This mission, the pureness, devotion and love of the Masculine has been overseeing and protecting the Feminine throughout her voyage back into her rightful Power of Love & Light. All the while, through the struggles the test of love, never to break the love, even under the extreme depths of darkness has been passed. Just as Isis never gave up because of the love for Osiris this mythological fairy tale is playing out. It is the Love, The Power of Love.

Until such time both of these human individual’s are whole however they carry primarily the template of Love or Light, Masculine and Feminine energies and qualities. Both = Creation.

I feel the feminine has had the hardest journey because it is the feminine energy that had to reclaim her love,light strength and truth to fully step back into the Light.
Everything IS ENERGY. Vitality IS ABUNDANT AND NEVER ENDING. This is written in our Stars by our Galactic sister and brothers.

The Divine Energies Rise and we can at long last observe our Galactic connections with our massive family. It is a hallucination that we are the only ones in the world, the reality of all has been hidden from us with a veil.

The Goddess will show you who you truly are. Your identity before all else when you were yet a seed within the Universal womb. Her vitality the Divine Feminine has resurrected and is now time to merge with the solid Divine Masculine resurrected. A great healing within all is imminent with this process.

The false reality, The Goddess won’t have it. Liberty is here. Truth is being spoken,

In Love and Light of Higher Service
Saishorie Grace