Metatronic Keys article

This excerpt and article below describe an example of auric bleeding causing health damage by microwaves and disconnect from the natural earths heart beat – the Schumann Resonance specifically from long flights  of travel.

The same can be used as an example of being exposed to low frequency radio waves and stress.

The digestion is the key to our immune systems. Stress and unhealthy radio waves do not support healthy immune.

Anyway an informative read in the article below.

Metatronic Keys




Question to AA Metatron: How does one recognize auric bleeding?

AAMetatron: First by understanding certain conditions that can create energetic imbalances and auric energetic diffusion. Those we have listed in the above discourse… The human Aura has certain built in defenses. Just as your skin has 3 levels of sheathing, so to speak, your auric fields have twelve layers on the earth dimensions. The outer 3 levels are where most of the energetic diffusion takes place from electromagnetic waves; microwaves can affect you on much deeper levels.

Micro waved food reverses the molecular polarity of the food substance being heated. This is a recognized fact within some of your mainstream academia. When this is taken in the body, circuitry within the digestive system and bowels are affected, both in the physical and energetic bodies.

Now, the precondition recognition is essential, first by knowing within what situations auric interference from opposing energy fields can occur. Sensory indications can be quite subtle. The first sensory indicators are emotional lows, a sense of being tired and out of sorts. Humans rarely connect this to Auric energy loss, because it occurs quite commonly due to the fact that most homes contain interfering fields, and the stress of life within families, jobs and daily life have their stressful aspects. Aspects that are indeed in part due to energy loss from the taut hectic pace, worsened by lack of exercise and healthy diet.