Mirror of Me ~ Words of Love

Written For my Beloved, By Me March, 9/2022

You are the Mirror for Me

You are the mirror for Me to show me just how incredible One with life can be

The gift of manifestation when I couldn’t fully see

Just how magical and beautiful life could really be

In the darkness when I forget who I am

You are there to remind Me of the Light that I AM

When surrounded by demons who know not love

Your diamond Rainbow Light shows up as the mirror for Me

When fallen in the depths of the underworld

Your Soul as the mirror always shining the Light for Me

I manifested You for Me before the darkest hour

So I could remember Love and purify my way through

Now whenever I attempt to visualize Me I can only see You

Because you are the perfected reflection of Me

To help me get through where I need to BE


Love Shelly