Double White Diamond Legions of Light
A New Sun has birthed. Just as the New Earth/Old Earth Split has transpired as I phrophesized in 2015 and is fully split now, so to is a New Sun Created for the New Earth. This Sun is much more radiant and sustained by the Lion Creators. Just after I posted this article this synchronicity appeared for me to confirm the Sun Codes transmission, I have posted the NASA video below my “Birth of a New Galaxy” video that I created years ago.
The New Angels are Anchoring onto the Earth. I released this prophecy when it came to me along with the Twin Flame Union Prophecy.
The term “New Angels” comes with the New Earth.
Never before of my knowing has a Ascended Master who has attained Mastery upon the Earth in the physical body ALSO embodied and integrated their Archangel Frequency to such degrees as is happening now. What is more rare is the birthing of the Feminine Archangel Divine Mother. Most Archnagels known from our history are Masculine Energies/Warriors/Healers of Light. The Divine Mother Energy is indeed taking the Lead in this Ascension Mission. The Divine Feminine Aspect is in the Sacred Masculine predominantly now just as the Sacred Masculine is predominantly in the Divine Feminine now.
The Earth’s Solar Light frequency has risen so high that it has now allowed for this Angelic Species to now fully embody. This New Sun is a Feminine Goddess Aspect of God to accompany the already created Masculine Sun. Roles are balancing and shifting as the predicted Pole Shift for Year 2021.
What I was shown for myself the Feminine Principle and my Beloved Masculine Principle Twin Creator was this…
My Wings blossomed in my Back/Spine and continued to stream farther then the eye could see. The White Diamond Wings spanned out and a Infinite Rainbow of Wings continuously spanned and collaborated across the Earth. Then I was informed these Rainbow Wings are Legions of Light, Legions of Angelic Light Family whom are supporting My Golden Sun Soul and the Soul Mission here on Earth as the Rainbow Bridge from Heaven to New Earth.
These Rainbow Angels are also Archangels who are the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters and Archangels – Seraphim – Oraphim. It is rare to have this specific Legion together with the ability to reside so close on Earth. However we the Key Twins & The Light Workers of the World the 144,000 (billions now) have made this possible.
The Solar Light codes pouring into the Earth at this time are integrating into our Diamond Sun Crystalline Bodies as well as the Crystal Quartz Sun of the New Earth Grid. This New Earth Grid has been being tweaked and upgraded for many years by the Twin Creators and Light Family here upon the Earth.
Finally the Symphony of Light here on Earth making possible for the Starseed children to continue to lead the way in this Rainbow Bridge Mission of our New Earth. All is in place and the seeds have been planted for the New Earth Continuum and continue to grow.
Related information:
I AM Saishorie~Grace.