This is a huge synchronicity that just transpired after my coming across some notes I wrote 2 years ago along with a video notes from 3 years ago. All pertaining to CREATION. JUST HOW HUGE THIS SHIFT IS…after all…
Some of these notes below are reference to a experiment called the “Twin Photon Experiment” aka “Entanglement” and how I relate it to my personal experience and knowing. Then Below that is my article I published on Fusion of Spirit and Science. The work we SPIRIT “Hu-mans” are doing on this Earth is MASSIVE.
The energy of the expansion of the Light Codes pouring in for integration makes up our New Earth Grid and all is connected.
Twin Photon Experiment concluded in 1997 in the University of Genova by the Engineers, Scientists and Journalists. This experiment points out:
We live in a simulation
Two Photons of Light that were split from its originality of One Photon of Light communicate while one is feeling the other and the shift acts accordingly.
Bio-Physics of Twin Light
Twins those even physically separate, they are still as One, connected on a energetic level, thus their is communication beyond linear. The exchange of information and experience is happening simotameously.
This Twin experiment scientifically proves the same experiment goes for Twin Creators who are 1 of the same Light Being split into 2. Beyond the etheric Light Body is a Universal/Galactic Body it is attached to. Galaxies are connected energetically.
Master Laws of Entanglement
Laws of Physics:
- A body at rest will remain at rest, a body in motion will remain in motion, unless it is acted upon by a external force such as radiation, which will shift. Unless something shifts within us then the course will remain the same. What needs to shift within us?
- The force acting upon an object is equal to the mass of that object times its acceleration.
- The bigger the energy pattern the more force it will need to change it.
The process that has been underway for the collective consciousness of humanity and the dying out of the old matrix takes much transformation. Thus shifting thoughts and emotions requires the pruning process we endure ahead of time for the collective consciousness of humanity. This is what is required to “Raisers of Consciousness”. This is what we signed up for.
This clearing allows for the emptiness of the old to occur to allow for the new DNA Light Codex, the rewiring of the brain, the nervous system and the spine vertebrae, this allows for the Kundalini Rising of the Divine Feminine and ultimately the Divine Mother.
When the Two Light Photons or in this case the Two Twin original pairs re-emerge into One, the chemistry of their merging will change the chemistry and the biology of the World. Not only our physical Earth but the whole of their Worlds which includes the Galaxy, The Cosmos makeup. This chemistry creates a alchemical change which is what has changed the matrix as we have known it.
Creation of a New Sun:
The Divine Feminine harnesses the Sun, The Masculine Sun. By using his and hers heart energy for higher dimensional Creator/Creation. The Divine Mother of all who originally created this Sun.
Procreation – The Two Divine Sacred Principles “The Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine go on to create The Third Energy – Sun/Son (child).
The Sacred Masculine Sun, which is also the Sacred Sexual Energy for the Earth then penetrates the The Divine Sacred Womb in order to procreate the Divine Feminine Sacred New Earth Sun (child).
This is procreation and so it is the continuum of the Life Force Flow.
Creatrix – Mother Womb
Creator – Father Sun
Hieros Gamos – Third Energy Sun in Creation
Solar Sun Galaxy – Planetary System in the New Galaxy
Here is a excerpt from this article link below from 2018 “Fusion of Spirit and Science” – Truth is Creation”
“This Energizing of this Key Twin Flame Monad/Union has been a 5 year long conscious process of the two Key Twins Creators of Light to allow for all others to come into Union safely. Safely with out literally burning up of bodies due to electrical charges to powerful to be handled by the human electrical/heart/endocrine systems. This gradual Light expansion has been in process for long time with the Light Bearers upon Earth, and some key “Sun Light Conduits” upon Earth. Very long process to be explained in the future. These Two Twin Key Creators are the sum of the Seven Rays of Creation now manifesting as the Seventh Ray upon Earth. This procedure required for the manifestation of “light supernal” takes place when a transitory place of synthesis is reached and seven rays are blended into on gigantic energy of light. This light supernal is upon the highest levels of divine expression. This revealing light finds location when the seventh ray of ceremonial order is active and in process of manifestation in the three worlds and necessary in the physical plane. Such manifestations takes inevitably takes place in moments of planetary crisis/personal crisis. When the Seventh Ray is active is when the Sun is in Aquarius (now). Such combinations of relationships are being established for the Seventh ray is rapidly coming in to manifestation for the Age of Aquarius. The Aquarian Age is Beginning. The other previous 6th Rays have been rooted in the past thousands of years by Masters of light (Great White Brotherhood). info excerpt from the book: The Seventh Ray, Revealer of the Seventh Ray combined with my guidance, wisdom and experience”… read more link below.