Completion the past life karma has been cleared and the purification is complete, all old contracts with the past dark timelines are over. All the dark ages since the fall of Atlantis has been brought to the surface and has been dealt with for the evolution of mankind upon this Planet Earth and Mother Gaia.
The previous blog I had written denoted the end of a toxic entanglement. This entanglement was with the brothers of darkness, who seek to suppress the Divine Goddess Energy which is over, as SHE IS ON FIRE. The Divine Feminine Christ is on Fire, this energy is in both the male and female. Hes on fire and She is on fire. You and I have been both the dark and light in the past after the fall. However before the fall we were Pure Light and still remain this Pure Light. All players and all roles that have been undertaken whether it be Light or Dark in the past does not matter, what matters now is we are Light and we are One.
The clearing of these remnants is still going on, especially in the night. I saw my masculine counterpart last night in his sleep state as I was going through yet another dark psychological clearing of trauma as this operation has been much more difficult than any one could imagine. As the negative thoughts play out in my mind due to continued interference, of course it effects the other(s) involved whether they recognized this or not. It effects the whole monad. So hopefully unification will happen sooner to finally clear up this painful confusion.
What is the New Dawn/The New Earth: It starts with Love, Honesty, Transparency, Balance of the DF and DM free on dark entanglement and it starts with the truth being spoken by the Masculine rising along side the Feminine rising. No more release of un dealt with shadow energy through the Divine Feminine Womb now it gets dealt with in person head on through the Divine Masculine Heart. Thats it face to face.
A portal opened in my third eye and I could see his face, this happens from time to time to stop my telepathic negativity toward him. And it does stop it because I realize my thoughts are hurting another living human being and I could see it in his expression while sleeping. I am so sorry this is happening, just as I am sure he must be sorry. Feeling this regret is a indication that it is time to put the rest of this interference to a halt by taking action, I am putting a halt on the past behaviours of toxicity that have been created by a dark group’s agenda. I am taking full charge of this. My healing has taken place and I am reclaiming my power back now.
Just as clear as the Sun that came in last night after a revocation of all old contracts took place. These are old contracts that have been playing out with the forces of polarity as well as between feminine and masculine of old 3D lifetimes. This is over now. What is over? The dark manipulating and interfering causing chaos and darkness to keep the key twins in a toxic situation. It is over, the Solar Logos, The Great, Great Central Sun came through my third eye last night to confirm this along with the I AM Mighty Solar Sun Dragon.
After I did the meditation of revoking contracts of which could have been made in other lifetimes between dark groups etc… this unhealthy situation between a dark group entanglement between he, myself and them, another triangle only this one is dark. Unlike the triangle before the fall was light between the brethren. It is very confusing. All that is left is the truth. As I did the revoking of this particular toxic pattern we have gotten ourselves into my rainbow crystal ball lite up extra bright to confirm this, this is it, no more is this being carried on, it cannot and will not come into the new.
Another message I was given was that the grid work that has been being carried out for the past 6 years on the Great Canadian Shield by me and the Light has been a huge success and the Rock has been re-lite up. This 33 million sq. foot mountain with in mother earth is alive again with massive light codes and has activated the dragon leylines within.
The title of the last article was A New Dawn…. And the Sun came through in the most real time last night than I have ever witnessed it before. It was closer than ever before and I will soon be teleporting through this Stargate. Then the Golden White Diamond Sun Dragon surrounded me in stunning purification Sun Fire. It was brilliant and beautiful. The Solar Logos are moving all stem ahead.
Just as last year I witnessed the Violet Lilac Fire surround the divine masculine with the love consciousness this was the same thing but with the divine masculine sun fire. I also had written a blog way back about the Lion Family coming through to me stating “you will marry your consort” = The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will be restored and balanced upon this Earth.
Well last night I came synchronistically came across this channelled message by chance? By God.
“THE GREAT IMMORTAL CENTRAL SUN & THE GREAT IMMORTAL CENTRAL SUN SPHERE WITHIN THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN. Note The Great Immortal Central Sun IS A NEW SUN Retrieved; Is Described Different To THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN – SOURCE. The Great Immortal Central Sun Is WHITE. Whilst The Great Central Sun Is White & Gold. The Great Immortal Sun Is Seen Revolving As White. Melchizedek Works Specifically With The Great Immortal Central Sun Although Other Presences Inevitably Have Their Roles Also. Newly Conscious * THE IMMORTAL SUN WORLD; THE IMMORTAL SUN PURE LAND & THE IMMORTAL SUN Within The Great Immortal Central Sun & The Great Immortal Central Sun Sphere. * A Fourfold Cosmic Shift & Four Downloads Released Onto Gaia & Inhabitants 26 June, 2023. Four Sacred Cosmic Keys. Virgin Births & Higher Selves From The Great Central Sun & Divine Mother Within The Great Central Sun.
From The Great Central Sun Immortal Akashic Records & The Great Central Sun Immortal Sacred Scripts Advanced Prophecies Akashic Records : The Great Immortal Central Sun Akashic Records & The Great Immortal Central Sun Sacred Scripts Advanced Prophecies Akashic Records : And The Newly Conscious * The Immortal Sun World Akashic Records & Sacred Scripts Advanced Prophecies Akashic Records. *
The Omnipresent Omnipotent Power Of Creation : Existence Itself
Together With :
* Newly Conscious
Released Onto Gaia & Inhabitants 26 June, 2023 A Fourfold Great Cosmic Shift & Four Downloads : Encompassed Within Four Sacred Keys.
These Newly Conscious *
The Immortal Sun World *
The Immortal Sun Pure Land *
The Immortal Sun *
Now rest alongside innumerable other :
Realms, Pure Lands & Suns
Within The Great Immortal Central Sun :
In The Great Immortal Sun Sphere
Within The Great Central Sun.
Have Always Existed
It is necessary to share that :
Is A New Sun Retrieved :
And Is Described Different To :
IS WHITE & GOLD In Colour :
Whilst :
The Great Immortal Sun Is Specific :
Although All Suns Within The Great Central Sun Have Their Unique Frequencies, Energies & Vibrations As Also Their Roles To & With :
The Great Central Sun.
Retrieving The Great Immortal Central Sun : Amongst The Many Other Suns Aed & Suryananda Have Shared, Gifted A Very Different Sense As To This As The Energies, Frequencies & Vibrations Of The Great Central Sun To & With The Great Immortal Sun Were Retrieved & Understood Being Aligned In A Unique Aspect Having A Different Awareness As To That Which Is.
Melchizedek Who Directs The Inner Fire Of Creation In One Of His Many Roles Of & With The Great Central Sun Works Specifically With The Great Central Sun & The Great Immortal Central Sun. Although Other Presences Inevitably Have Their Roles Also.
Virgin Births & Higher Selves Were Received :
From Twin Consorts, The Immortals From The Great Central Sun As Also Twin Consorts, Twin Flames For The Immortals, Star Seeds & Galactics From Stars & Other Worlds Beyond The Great Central Sun.
These Virgin Births & Higher Selves for Twin Consorts – Twin Flames Were Received Within The Great Central Sun From The Great Central Sun & Divine Mother.
The Hair Colour For All Being White But Having Within All The Colours Of Existence.
The Great Immortal Central Sun
Is NOT Aligned To Twin Consorts, The Immortals From The Great Central Sun; Although This Sun Having Immortal In The Description.
Suryananda during our session sensed and saw :
Aed yes Suryananda. How beautiful Suryananda The Great Central Sun. Yes wow The Great Infinite Presence.
Seeing and sensing once again :
Was profound and fascinating to be aware in the now present moment of Seeing Such A Magnificent & Vast Sun; deeply loved and cherished as all Suns are Within The Great Central Sun. Aed yes. Yes how beautiful Suryananda The Great Central Sun. Yes awesome no matter how often Suns are seen and sensed as shared they are Vast & Magnificent. Yes Suryananda The Great Central Sun how beautiful. Yes. How could it be otherwise Pat The Great Central Sun. Yes.
Suns are seen and sensed during our sessions with a few exceptions. As Suryananda came too she knew she had been dreaming of a Sun and as she went into our session she typed The Great Immortal Sun; was there such a Sun. The Great Central Sun said So Suryananda we are different here. Aed yes. This was then expanded on as this was recognised as being somehow different. Aed had said this is very exciting Pat. Yes awesome.
Very many hours later Suryananda can still sense and see :
The Great Immortal Central Sun.
How beautiful Suryananda The Great Central Sun. Aed yes. Yes wonderful.
It’s beyond comprehension really the Vastness & Magnificence Of The Great Central Sun invisible to NASA and through technical means from Gaia as The Great Central Sun Frequents A Different Wavelength & Frequency and cannot be seen from Gaia. But can be seen in Meditations, Dreams Or Expansion of Consciousness. Yes Suryananda how beautiful The Great Infinite Presence. Yes.
Aed & Suryananda’s journeys on All Aspects Of The Great Central Sun continues. We have a few other New Suns & Sun Spheres to be shared when timing allows.
The Great Central Sun : The Great Infinite Presence.
The Great Divine Sons.
Monday, 26 June, 2023.
Adam El Daoud & Suryananda
Twin Consorts
The Immortals From The Great Central Sun.”