Could this be the 360° point and coming full circle. I listened to Green Lion’s Goddess a couple of astrological videos by her today. This one talks about the Rhino’s presence now and it reminded me of a article and miraculous synchronicity I had after my download by the Animal Spirit came through of the Lion and the Rhinoceros. So there are two articles here. One I wrote initially of the Rhino and Lion Animal Spirits that came to me. Then I received miraculous confirmation of my communication between these two majestic animal peers and how they made the front news.
Here are the articles, following the video By Green lion Goddess which indicates to me a Victory and coming full circle 360°. Note the synchronicity of the timing = Lions Gateway Beginning, July 3rd today. This written July 5th, again a synchronicity almost to the day, here is the trajectory that was set out 5 years later, here we are, what has transpired, what lessons, what needs to be cleared up now? These are very important questions and decisions. This is miraculous confirmation of the clearing that has transpired and no matter how this went the clearing is God’s Will.
Green Lion Goddess discusses this Rhino and the Chariot as old karma, old past life lesson that are being moved away from. sharing the wealth, bringing in protection and final release. Exactly what I was discussing in my previous youtube video in the blog before this one.