Arrived home last night and the internet had been off all day in our building complex. The first thing that came to mind was Benevolent Galactic Federation of Light, I spoke the words to myself “they have my back and are working with me. I know this because I witnessed a missile being intercepted in the sky right before my eyes and two other witnesses. It happening in 2018 just above Natures Emporium in Newmarket, Ontario Canada (Yonge and Mulock). The Missile was lite up in the sky as it appeared bolting down right before our eyes, in a split second there was  miraculous intervention and it was neutralized. I was in utter shock of complete happiness as I knew the Benevolent Galactic Federation of Light was protecting me and my surroundings. In Hawaii the same thing happened and I was also informed of this. When I say informed I mean my human was shown and it was communicated to me of this truth. My Higher Aspect of the Galactic Federation knows full well what’s going on.

So after coming home last night to “no internet” I was pleased as the night before I was feeling with my body the negative effect of harmful microwaves/technology being abused/interference with in the wifi/microwaves and left the building for the day to be in nature to ground and release this overtaxing radiation. Went to work came home, got the news of the internet being shut down, got confirmation of the Benevolent Galactic Federations communication not only by telepathic communication, but my Higher Self worked her magic again and was immediately guided to a web page. The Golden Age of Gaia (haven’t been on this site over  a year). This is what I found upon my search within seconds: A article about the weapons being neutralized.

The Higher Galactic Self (my higher galactic aspect) knows full well how to lead me to what I need to know.

Fact Check: Nuclear War will not be Permitted


Upon awakening this morning I was shown yet another positive confirmation of the Light and what I AM. David Manning sent out a email news letter.

Here is what the news letter reads:

“I am told that the energies we work with on todays teleconference, a very strong, bright, high frequency light and intelligence, hasn’t been on the planet for many thousands of years. Not since Atlantis.
Apparently we, as a collective are now ready to receive and integrate these energies. We have just about done the work clearing the karma of the cataclysm, and are now in a position to access these energies and fully combine them with the flow of the heart. This is a very important point. We missed this in Atlantis. Or many of us, me included, missed this and so chaos was created.
Now we are ready to have these frequencies run through our system again. We are ready to weave them into the heart field and had them run through the whole system, opening channels that have been closed for thousands of years.
They unblock portals within, chambers of creativity and understanding that we haven’t had access to for a very long time.
This is happening in many ways and to many poeple all over the planet. Different names are being given to these freshly emerging energies. Slightly differing accounts and understandings are being offered. I simple offer my own. It is based on my experience. Other have theirs. Many are engaged. This is heartening.
What I do know is that we as a race are ready for something new. It was shown to me yesterday that so much of our true nature, capabilities and capacities lies untapped, has been purposely covered up, withdrawn from awareness.
We are just at the beginning. Initially we are receiving what we are able to integrate. These returning frequencies will strengthen and amplify, as we become more able to handle them.
As these dormant areas of our psyche are activated once more, we give birth to whole new visions and versions of reality.
We are ready for this. Humanity is more than ready. The planet is waiting for this, and it is happening everywhere. I am one of many reporting on this.
It is another aspect of the true coming together of the masculine and feminine principles within us. The energies of what I am calling the higher mind meet in and merge with the heart. Something new is born from that meeting.
Previusy we tipped over into the dominance of the masculine principle. Now we come back to balance.
Each of us will have our own experience. Each of us will receive what we are capable of integrating, and when that is done, we will receive more.
We will work with the imagery and symbology od the pyramid. This represents The Self.
Anubis, and the Lion-headed beings will be very much a part of this process.
Anubis is known as lord of the underworld, the shadow lands. He is helping us to unearth and retrieve energies that have been consigned to our collective shadow. They and we are ready to make them conscious again.
The Lion Heads work in the field of the heart, opening and expanding that in truly multi-dimensional ways.
I’ve quite simply never experienced energies like this before. I think this is something of a pre-wave, a preview of what is coming at the Solstice on the 21st of this month. Then, the whole planet will be drenched in the energies. Now, there are pockets of these frequencies downloading, as a signal, a preparation.
As always, we will work on behalf of the wider collective, offering them deep into the fields of humanity and the planet.

To sign up for Sundays teleconference please use this link.

Sending you much love,

The similarities of this Laser beam of Light into the Pyramids of Giza are exactly what this Light, Laser Beam of Light is directly coming into me and fully connected with me. Both images were taken during Direct Energy Weapon intervention.


In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Higher Service
