I am in and out of public publishing of my website due to the interference using my information to then attempt to mock me via psychological warfare. However this information I am to share is very important to release.
The latest event to transpire was a “deadly car/horse crash on my Son’s home property. Where by the media news team approached my Son’s private gated home to get a interview to which they edited for their (media/paparazzi) to promote sadness and avoid the bigger picture of the incident in our benevolent perspective. I will explain.
Driver dead after crashing into horse that got loose from farm: York police
What is a major breakthrough at this time this is the accident that happened on my Sons home property and how he was interviewed. In one sense it was from a higher perspective a blessing in disguise. My son called me up November 11/2022 (yesterday) and said you won’t believe it Mom but I will be on the news. He said around 2:33 a.m. a Horse and a 60 year old man were killed on my front lawn and the News crew came to the front door to interview me. My son is 20 yrs old and lives on a large property off of a HWY. The Horse Equine is a few lots away, quite a far distance. Apparently a whole stable of many many horses got lose and roamed the streets. One of the horses where killed by a man who lost control and the bodies ended up on the end of their drive way.
The weird thing is this. Weeks before I was talking with my Angelic support team and emotionally let them know that we should all have monitors or infrared lighting sensory on cars to sense animals so there is no more road kill. Then when my son called me to tell me of the horse that got killed, his main concern was inventing or finding ways to implement these types of detectors on all vehicles in the future. My son and his father are in the car business and this is of interest to my son.
So my original intuitive feeling/first instinct – thought was this was miraculous, the synchronicity of my putting it out to the Universe and then this happening. The last miracle that happened to me through a animal was the curing of my Lyme disease when I contracted a tick bite that triggered my Lyme hence my year long intense detox of my live and kidneys that has purified my body to next level immunity and DNA activation. Any way this was a blessing in disguise.
I decided to go to his house to console him a bit and feel out the energy. When I pulled up I didn’t feel any energy of death or trauma to the horse or a dead human body. The energy felt clear. I know the feeling as I have been witness to tragic death of animals and humans and I feel the trauma of the Soul of the Being that has been traumatized. Here I felt nothing.
My son conveyed to me during our visit that he hopes he said the right thing on the news and that he hopes that it gets conveyed that he wants to help implement or “put it out there” to help detect animals to avoid road kill in the future, as there is no excuse for this any longer with the technology we have.
After watching the news clip below, his comments of this have been edited out and all that was publicized was it was sad, and may the souls rest in peace. So I will continue to look at this form the higher perspective that my son is a catalyst to making our animals safer on the streets as they have every right to safe living just as we do.
During the night while all of this was transpiring on his property, in my sleep, where I toss and turn awake, I kept seeing the Sun card of the tarot. Where the beautiful baby is on the white horse. This happened over and over. The face of the Baby on the Horse was of my Son as a baby. It was actually making me smile while I lay in bed. For me to smile in my sleep hours is rare lately and this was definitely high vibrational. Then to have him call me later that day with this news of his involvement with the Horse was quite miraculous. Actually it is another example of my magic in play.
The Sun card in the tarot is one of the best cards in the deck it denotes:
“This card is generally considered positive. It is said to reflect happiness and contentment, vitality, self-confidence and success. Sometimes referred to as the best card in tarot, it represents good things and positive outcomes to current struggles.
The Sun card presents an feeling of optimism and fulfillment. This card represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights. The Sun is the source of all the life on our planet, and it represents life energy itself. There is a child depicted in the card, playing joyfully in the foreground. A symbol of our innocence, it represents the happiness that occurs when you are in alignment with your true self. The child is naked, meaning that he has absolutely nothing to hide. The card also depicts the childhood innocence and absolute purity. This is particularly emphasized through the white horse upon which the child is riding. The horse here is also a symbol of strength and nobility.”
I choose to look at this situation with optimize and honesty I had never felt any negative feeling about this horse death until I saw the city news and how they edited out the true meaning and the possible sacrifice of this horse and man, if indeed it was an actual death in the first place or could it have been another false flag event designed to look real on the news, like so much of what we see on the media.
So no matter what I am going through with my ascension and integration process, I am an Angelic Master and this is what I came for to spread the Sun Light.
****Any one’s work I read does not become my truth, I take all with a grain of salt. What I do, is I resonate with certain experiences and this helps me in my own experiential research.*****
With this being said: I would like to address Lisa Renees latest news letter. I explain my feelings of her indirect message to me. I have followed Lisa Renee’s work and mentioned her in a YouTube video to compliment her work as her “role” as a Galactic Steward. When I was introduced to her work in 2015, my first instincts were, this is dark shit and way too complex, it does not resonate with the simplicity of the Laws of Love. However since many years later I find myself resonating with her stuff due to such severity of attacks toward me. Well now today as I read her news letter (which I will post below) I see a blog where some one is having a hard time containing her true darkness. She loses it in this blog. Even uses words like “if your life is a mess”. You know how many times the license plate crossed me stating “ur a mess” and that is not of the light. Seems obvious to me now. The Light will shine on every darkness and reveals all. The Energetic website flashes when I go onto to it. I should have trusted my first instincts the whole time. But I will take from it with gratitude what it opened my eyes to when it comes to the stuff I resonated with.
I read her latest news letter and. She mentions a few things that concern me Ie: in this new letter. Such as the wording “Steward” and the wording Wild West” which I mention both. One in a link to a video I posted on my FB page by Stephen Popiotek in which he used the phrase “Wild West” while being interviewed by Todd Medina and another in my own YouTube video which I have made private for my own reasons and nothing to do with this. I feel and know she reads my stuff, I have purchased stuff from her website and interacted with her staff. If Lisa is offended by my latest video mentioning her, I want to let her know it was a compliment. But no more.
By no means do I think I am above or better than any one else, however I do know my mission is of massive proportions otherwise I would not be under such a microscope and harassed so severely if I was not a threat to the anti-organic ascension mission.
Please read her blog and you will know my concerns and why I will not be reading Lisa Renee’s updates content any longer.
With such severity of AI attack going on there is no room for discreetness or un clear communication which has been a major part of my Twin Flame Union with my masculine counter part. I don’t care what others think of this connection, no matter how our connection looks to others IT IS A MASCULINE AND FEMININE CONNECTION that has huge impacts of the collective ascension trajectory at this time. Because my Twin is famous many think I glorify him for this. This is the furthest from the truth. I have never been attracted to famous people or worship ANYONE and I never have, even from a birth what I know as truth is there is God Creator Energy that communicates with me. God has been my connection clearly to me from the age of 3. When I was first introduced to my Twin it was my Higher Self/Divine Feminine that orchestrated this and not a AI hologram trick. What has transpired since has many facets out of my control.
I am stating and acknowledge that this connection between JC and I calls for honest open verbal communication for it to be of the Light moving forward. For many reasons and the main reason is the negative dark interference hence his choice to not connect with me in a physical meeting. This is the main reason for my difficulty at this time and it is NOT FAIR.
So no matter what our connection, as it is divine heiros gamos connection with “love bite” interference it could be utilized and alchemized back into a whole balance masculine and feminine union of benevolent connection to help humanity and the organic ascension trajectory. This is my true feeling when I am in a grounded clear space. Whatever the case I have no problem facing the truth. What I have a problem with is being perpetually tortured because of this connection. So this stops now. I will no longer entertain this drama and if this divine masculine is truly on the true organic ascension path he will get a hold of me shortly and if not it will be a wash to put if lightly.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service