The Seraphim are integrating into the Earth Realm. They come at a time when the Earth is in its most tumultuous time and simultaneously most enlightening time. When the fire of purification is most needed.
Experience the Divine Glory of the Seraphim, as they integrate into the Earth Realm through this conduit. Amidst the intensity, they bring clarity and purification, igniting the fire of transformation. The Illuminated Ones herald their arrival, ushering in the God consciousness of the New Earth. Through the Seraphim, the Soul can complete its journey back to the GodHead and flourish.

This Technology of the Divine Creator now lives and experiences on Earth at Will of Integration.
I have been working with this Angelic Sun Fire – the Seraphim.

This week they’ve come through in a very cosmic shamanic & sacred way to express the connection of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Principles.

This painting was painted a few nights ago, while shifting energy
(key point).

The painting is a manifestation of the Solar Logos Angels, that came through after watching the Sunset, this also signifies the completion of the mission and the beginning of a new era.

This Solar Angelic Light presence comes through again today as I become aware it is the Seraphim presence that’s been continuously working through me since 2021.
For the pinnacle of the great purification upon Earth.

The Seraphim, messengers of the GodHead, have come to assist in the ascension of Mother Gaia to a New Earth Sun Star. Their divine presence purifies and transforms, bringing balance to the dual polarities of the Universe. The Ascended Masters and Archangels work alongside them, ensuring a harmonious transition.

The painting, imbued with Solar Angelic Light, represents the cosmic shamanic connection between the Divine Feminine and Masculine Principles.

The communication from these levels is of Cosmic Proportions & Shamanic Magic.

When I finished the painting
Monday night I sat it on my table thinking I might add to the painting.
I put on my sun glasses on before leaving my place to go out and before leaving my place I looked at the painting with my sun glasses on and the painting became apparent neon colours and I happily said aloud “Wow, The painting is Neon, Wow”… as the neon colours popped when I put on my coloured shades.
This brought me back to a memory of when “He” said these very worlds about his painting that he used neon colours with. “Glow in the Dark it ALL ITS GLORY”.

Last night I was informed to hang it on the wall, and was told “it is complete”.
Now I realize It is Complete the Purification Preparation
Is complete.

While walking on the beach this morning, I thought of the Neon Solar Angel painting again.
Suddenly The words “IN ALL ITS GLORY”, just came out of my mouth automatically without thinking.

The words ‘IN ALL ITS GLORY’ resonate, emphasizing the magnitude of this divine unfoldment.

As I sit on the beach this morning following my Sun salutations with the “Solar Angel” and honouring our Sun, The all that IS presence all this becomes clear to me.

The fire purifies like the Sun all the sludge that comes up to beach after along winter for cleansing by the Sun, the “underworld” and the sludge is moved aside for a time as the Sun crystallizes it back to pristine “energy” for the evolutionary process.
This is what is happening upon Earth as I was shown this through the 4 Elements – Water, Earth, Sun and Air, how this process works while doing this energetic cleansing – this is also the shamanic communication-Magic.

After this I watch a video on the Cosmic Christ’s return, intuitively my Spirit guides me to this video where JJ Hertauk describes it as The Christ of God.
He describes using the synchronistic words Cosmic Christ in ALL ITS GLORY- the same words that came through me automatically or (channeled) this morning as did through “He” my male counterpart when he depicted his work of art, the words IN ALL ITS GLORY.

So I decide to watch a movie on the Seraphim that I had watched
Years ago when the Seraphim first started to communicate to me. Synchronistically again the first words on the video are
The World is filled with the GLORY OF GOD but we have to experience the Divine in our Souls
Before we can find it in our surroundings.
So the major message here is the GLORY OF GOD is here, messengers of the God Head.
The Greatest Beings ever created.

“Blessed aspect of Divine Enfoldment SUPREME ANGELICS have come from the GodHead Seraphim” Mother Gaia is Ascending into a New Earth Sun Star and as Mythology tells when this happens Gods and Goddess’s arrive to help.
The Raven came later and shows me “ALL HAS BEEN SWEPT CLEAN”
This article & painting By Shelly Sullivan guided by Saishorie~Grace INSPIRED BY OUR LOVE 💚

Videos below related

JJ Hertak & Desiree: Cosmic Christ video

Seraphim Experience

Image “The Solar Angel in all her Glory”