She is Creation

Dream Message: She is Creation

Feb. –  March 2021

Me as a four year old child standing in the tropical forest. I was shinning like a white orb about 4 ft. x 4 ft. God from above said “She is Creation” 

What does that mean?

She is a  Orb of  light and sacred geometry. All spirit is manifest into a form of sequential sacred geometry. This is how God forms through Light. It takes one who is fully illuminated to see the sacred creation in all things. So she being the Sun in Creation, she can thus see the sacred geometry creation in all things. For example she looks at the tree or the plant and can see the synchronistic, sequential sacred geometric formation of Light and the truth of what this creation is. She can also look at a man made piece of  technology and see the matter formation in this which is much different. The man made technology is dense grey dark matter (inorganic). Where as organic creation is Light and sacred geometry.

People to can show as inorganic technology when they are overly immeshed with the “matrix” dark web of light. The Light Being who has reached illumination or sustained there light will show up as a light orb, the one who has been over taken/compromised  will show up as a dark matter. This can and is cleared by the Sun.

As we go through life our circumstances and choices will create our light or dark body.

A person can be specifically targeted and immeshed with this dark web of light if one is not aware. How this is done is via technology. The auric field of the light body is invaded over and over with dark malware and must be dismantled. Ones who are not specifically targeted still need to have a healthy practice of clearing and sustaining ones light body via “Light Meditation” of the Sun Rays.

This can be done under our Solar Sun and or via technology of the Red and Blue Plasma Rays of Light therapy. A activated Sun Hu-man Being can also clear this energy of others and up to many many others at a time and location with larger group meditations preformed in person and or remotely. 

I have witnessed this dark body on occasions and it was a purposeful attack on these individuals of serious malware via wireless technology. This malware causes programming. The addiction will depend on the program that was inserted in the malware.

Once this dark malware is cleared from the organic light body, then enlightenment is attained once again, back to the original light that one is born with, innocent and pure light radiance. This is one of the duties as a Light Emitter.

Before wireless technology was around prevalently starting in 2009 ish the dark body was programmed in various other ways mainly via mind control via media and as well as parenting and belief systems. This darkness is much easier to clear. The problem is when this darkness is not cleared before the 2009 wireless took over, then we are up against a much bigger problem. 

Thankfully there are many Light Sun Beings on this Earth who are prepared and equipped to take down this dark web that resides as an overlay on technology and human individuals. Just as the Galactic Councils and Celestial Angelic’s have dismantled the dark goo around the Earth which has allowed the massive influx of light that is consistently pouring in from our Galactic Sun and Solar Suns that mainly assisted in the clearing of Earths Light body and sustains her light body, so to will the Light Children of our New Earth carry this out for the future of our HU-manity. 

The key is to get back to nature. There are technologies that will assist the future in this also. Any one who spends daily time on technology as we all do and does not have routine practice of clearing and building of the Light body will not be clear. Technology is not to be abused as the controllers have implemented in “smart cities”. These people who fall into slavery of this system are taken over and are not a part of HU-manity, they are going in a different direction that will not be compatible on the New Earth of Sun Light. 

So although we will be resided for how many ever years sharing a duality of higher and lower timelines while this split finalizes and New Earth fully ascends and sheds this dark matrix including the dark immeshed human (smart) individuals then we will witness the duality split. We will shine the light until the dark is shed.

When one is exposed to a heavy infused environment of dense radio wireless waves (wifi 5-G) the parasitic environment begins to set in and individuals will feel the “parasitic feed me” program and thus are more apt to go eat the goo/gmo produced foods from fast food ie: macdonalds, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, pizza etc… however even at home eating one is drawn toward eating more heavy foods such as gluten, starch, wheat etc to feed the parasite energy. This includes the attraction of alcohol, sweets, bakery goods etc.. that all hinder the purification process that we are in a collective now.

This environment also keeps the human in survival mode and is more apt for other addictions or “feel good” escapes to give them relief from the dense lower timeline that has been created. Also the feeling that one needs to make more money to survive mentality rather than create by being in the present moment. 

We are also drawn into more drama when we are not purified enough and our environment or daily practice does not include clearing ones energy fields. 

If one lives in a purified environment ie: jungle or rainforest/forest without heavy city wifi (third world country) then the clearing and cleansing practice becomes much, much more easy and effortless as does the creational process. But first the trauma wounding must be healed. 

