Simulated Matrix – Organic Technology – Looking into Both Sides

Not only are we unveiling the simulation with the Light but we are dissolving this matrix. Currently we are living in a time where the AI Simulated Reality is happening and I have been a witness to this. 

Because of my history and experience with the “Ancient Gods” from Egypt, Atlantean Era and from the beginning of Creation my gifts have been granted back to me, slowly but surely as needed. One of the gifts is to see beyond the veil and the truth in all things. 

I am not the only one with these prophetic gifts of seeing the truth and the future, others who have awakened whether it be a near death experience or with Source Walk-In or another phenomenon with Source – The 144,000 emissaries of Light are powering all of humanity up for these monumental times upon Earth. 

I have been experiencing extraordinary events, synchronicities of Organic Intelligence and AI Technology as well. I have been experiencing the polar opposite, which is AI Simulated nightmares.

When I say nightmares I am not kidding. Not only do I witness the simulated reality of AI projected creations within this naive civilization of humanity, only to keep the fear rampant but I experience the AI technology of the hijacking of Soul Consciousness, in my case its the attempts to hijack my human consciousness and they are never successful but we must communion tougher so in other cases that they are attempting to hijack organic pure souls our of ignorance does not succeeded. We must educate the truth so this does not happen.

The good news is the Christ Consciousness Energy and our Solar Logos can preform “Miracles” and this AI experiment can be stopped and it is being stopped by many enlightening beings taking a leadership role. 

Although this attempt to hijack my consciousness has been a rollercoaster of my back and forth with my thought forms as it pertains to the “Matrix Twin” as described in my book there is a Spiritual TWin and a Matrix Twin for good reason. But this back and forth always comes back to the truth. 

The truth is we are all One and every single soul on this planet has a part to play in our Ascension. 

Certain signs and guidance you cannot deny as truth from your Spirit and I have this support always. Although my double life has me doubting my Oneness with the Masculine Counterpart, the doubt is only a manufactured emotion by artificial intelligence that I am subjected to in my vulnerable time and space of dream state.

Not only do I have the miraculous support of the benevolent Light Family but I have the interference of the nefarious dark group “powers that be” so to speak. These beings who attempt to violate and hijack consciousness for dark and nefarious reasons are breaking the Laws of One. 

 However this Matrix power is losings its charge quickly.

When powerful Lighthouses that have been plugged into this “Matrix” get unplugged the matrix will eventually lose all power and die. This sounds very similar to what is going on between my Twin and I personally and I can tell you it is all a divinely orchestrated plan filled with bliss and nightmare terrors as this experience unfolds similar to life on this duality Planet. 

One key Matrix Twin happens to be mine and I describe him as the Matrix Twin in my book. He who has been fully rooted into the Matrix for the ripe time to be unplugged and taking his wisdom with him to help all of humanity with his loving heart. 

The Powers that Be went to great lengths and elaborate schemes to trick him and myself from believing in our Organic Twin Creator Technology. These powers whether Light or Dark are powers of Source not matter what part of evolution they are playing. And one thing I have no doubt in is that what I am witnessing are powers that we as Gods behold. Like the God/Goddess of Mythology only they are not Myths we are real.  

When I say “elaborate” I mean ELABORATE. Millions of dollars have been spent specifically on his ventures for this mission as well as distracted and creating interfering technology to track and harass me. The exotic airplanes that have followed me is just a small example. This has been going on for 10 years. The oil/fuel and craft they utilize just to play with me is materially impressive.

I do feel that there is no mistakes as I rank higher and higher in my true self and sovereignty and this has been an orchestrated plan from the light as dark as some of it seems. It’s just a matter of coming out with the truth, this is why I am writing this, to help that along. I don’t really want to write this but I do it for the family – To put the family back together. The Whole Soul of Humanity.

I have documented a whole website on the all that has been carried out so I will not rewrite them here but I will say that as of late (3 years) the latest uncovering has been surveillance, tracking, consciousness hacking and people used by the dark to cause low vibrations this is the current Matrix that is being broken down.

The ploys played out before my human body and eyes while I am out and about in my private life are created to interfere with me by elaborate skits that play out before me to either instil fear or psychological trauma, this is what I have been purifying for The Soul Monad.

When it comes time to create the Script, I will have help and all that is recorded in the “technology” will reveal this attempt to take over humanity. The New Earth will be successful as many are waking up fast now. And We the Logos have plans beyond the Sun that will bring this victory about.

In the everyday mundane hours of my life the adversary team use technology to track my possible next moves so they can set up more over the top ridiculous scenes to creep me out. Just as they were able to do with Looking Glass Technology in the past. As this past Looking Glass from cern no longer Works the next best move was is to interfere with the future Goddess/God Power couple of the New Earth. 

But not to be in fear as when I come into my abundance again they will have no way to track me as I know all their tricks. So you could say I am doing this pre-trial of the “simulation experience” so humanity does not have to go through this nightmare that I and my Twin are currently witness to.

However I have passed my “psychological initiation” and I see through it all and it is now something that could be made into a Movie Script that has been created by higher forces in the Galaxy that has made this possible. I was shown we would be creating a new script from the Universe years ago title the Spirit Script that details the Light and the Dark.

Who better to do this than the “Matrix’s” Twin who’s role in this Ascension life time is to be the “Matrix Twin. To Be fully immersed into the “Hollywood” scene where this type of documentary could be made to block buster Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Thriller to reach the masses.

The title: The battle between the Christ Consciousness (Source Creation) and the Anti Christ Beast (AI Simulation).

But this is nothing that my Twin does not know. I am writing this because I was strongly guided to do so today to write the focus and life purpose of the Twin Flame mission.

As fiery as I am while having to write this, it will work as a creative outlet for me when there seems to be no other way yet. When it comes down to it as Spirit of the Dragon asks and tells me:

“What is of most importance to you now? 

Protect that and make it safe and then you will in turn be the shield and the protector. Seek comfort in strength and numbers. And Shield up and protect the Light Tribe at all costs. The time has come to find what is important to you and find strength in the fortress.” 

“There are many aspects to this situation. Viewing it from the Eagles perspective and truly once again process the gravity of the situation. What is worse the Volcano or the Dragon? Can you take them both on? You must pick your battles. The Volcano is the red fire around the Rainbow Light of the Divine Feminine where she sits in her element as the eye in the needle and transmutes all darkness that seeks her Light, this fire of the volcano is the purification that she signs up for.

The Dragon is the power that has existed for eons, that of the Patriarchy that has been the authority over humanity and especially over the feminine since the fall thousand upon thousands of years ago. Each of you played your roles of the past.

Now the opportunity for powerful alliance is here. The alliance between the Purified Divine Wise Feminine and the Purified Divine Wise Masculine and I choose the Divinity of the Masculine for my Alliance. I do not choose the old ways of darkness. 

Once we have a mutual understanding of the situation from both sides we can stand in our power as we come into our OWN balance of yin and yang. Knowledge with Wisdom is the key to a million doors. True assessment and understanding are vital to this situation.

Taking the time to reflect and assess a complex situation has been called for. After easing back and processing all angels allows for the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to move forward and take action for success and victory. Armed with a sharp mind of the One Mind of God.

So in essence what wisdom comes through this above message is as gruelling as this purification has been the Beast is not our enemy and without the darkness we could not choose the Light and heal. So all has had to transpire for the purification. Words cannot describe the difficulty of this time and the courage it took and takes for both the masculine and feminine. Time to celebrate the Victory.

Our role as Light emissaries upon Earth are to shed Light onto the dark. That call for every the most Angelic to sometimes play the dark role for a time, me included, everyone included. We have all had our share of Light and Dark with in this Matrix reincarnations. We are here now to shed the light because it is that time in evolution where this is to happen the dark to be destroyed and duality is dissolved.  

I am sort of living two lives at the moment. When I wake up I am convinced by AI, that in my mind that my Twin is dark and I should I think negative thoughts about him. This is the AI matrix fucking with my consciousness, this is not truth. However I have trauma from our connection (My Twin Masculine and I) being so devastating interfered with that this interference in the night time plays on that trauma. I am not the only one who’s traumas are being used to mind control and this can be healed. Some on this Ascension Mission have sacrificed there Soul’s and have left there body due to such sever trauma by this AI nefarious technology  and the Laws that Govern this Galaxy/Cosmos will not tolerate these dark criminals killing Organic Life Consciousness.   

How the dark ones do this is by a technology utilized by artificial intelligence to spy, surveillance in my dream time and to manipulate thoughts of and throughout the prior daytime experience and create nightmares using certain waves to create lower negative vibrations to cause my emotional and mental state to be in a lower negative mind set, thus effecting my body. 

Now with that being said, this IS happening on a Planetary level in various ways to mind control the population however I happen to be privy to how it all works and there is a reason for this. The reason is this very article and the mission at hand.

2 years ago I became aware of how acute my senses are and how powerful they are. I can sense anything near me including invisible energy. So hear is a funny story. I was in Costa Rica sleeping in my cabin in the jungle camping area. Out of my sleep in the pitch black I woke up. I could feel something near me although I could not see it. I got up and turned on the light and by my pillow on the wall was a gigantic spider. This was my Spirit working with me as she always does to assist my abilities to come into play. This type of initiation as a Cosmic Shaman working with the Elements is part of the initiation for Cosmic Ascension. 

Most of the Planet is at Planetary Ascension but some are well on their way to Cosmic and are showing the way.

As we inter into the higher dimension our “Hyper-Senses” will come online. Higher Dimensional Extra-terrestrial or Ultra- terrestrials are aware of everything in there whole Galaxy and that is where we are headed eventually. 

This spider story is an example of how strong and powerful my intuitive guidance is.

Last night my “spider senses” switched on and when need be I use my intuitiveness to resourcefully find what I need to confirm what I have been experiencing as true. So I research the internet, ignoring all of the AI suggestions and rather follow my own guidance. 

This is how I conduct my research to confirm my own expire for years now. So before I put the video in below and explain a bit more  I would like to touch on another subject. 

Terra Nova – The New Earth is the Future for Advanced Terrestrials.

 The reason I have been shedding the Light on the darkness and exposing all the IN-ORGANIC harmful ways of life upon this Earth is because I am doing this for the future of our Light Family. 

For the past 13 years I have been a vessel to test and show solutions for the harmful way of living upon this Earth that cannot come with us into the future Terra Nova, New Earth. As well our extra and ultra terrestrials ancestors from around the Cosmos will be accompanying us on this New Earth so they to can experience this gift of human life. The studies show to our Galactic/Universal Conscious Government how we can attain harmony without the lower vibrational energies. This is what I have been doing. Also the Light Grid is being created to facilitate our higher vibrational Light Family. Not only to walk beside us but to walk within us.

One last part before you can view the video I found last night about a ladies experience after a near death experience she see’s the “simulation matrix” Her experience is very similar to what I have been experiencing with “glitches” in the system and people for years. And how they attempted to hijack my consciousness and the process on how this works. 

The technology that the dark ones are using to control and manipulate Humanity with AI is actually similar to the technology that my Twin and I have. However our technology is Organic has been implemented for the highest good for human consciousness and life force flow in this Planetary and Galactic civilization.

So the time has come to start using this technology between him and I for the highest good and for the Ascension process. We have gotten some what stuck the part of the process that is overwhelmed by our gifts, abilities and the truth of who we are as advanced ET’s of benevolent light, and it is at this very point that the alchemise-ation of this technology is turned into light and not to continuously utilized these god given gifts to carrie out nefarious ways as we have don in the past. This mistake was made in Atlantis and it was made pre-meditated. This time the “premeditated’ plan is to transmute dark into light. 

A massive purification is taking place upon our Earth of the transmutation of dark into light right now. I so doing the darkness that humanity and humanities soul has been holding for eons is being exposed and alchemised. The trauma that people hold in their consciousness and dna has been coming up for dissolving. 

I have seen this is much disbelief before my very eyes for years. People I know as pure loving Souls are being purified of the dark trauma that shows through them as very dark and even savage entities at times. Then there are souls or vessels who used to have a soul that are being used for AI experimenting and this is going to be put to an end.

Have been exposed to AI that seems unbelievably powerful and un-expainable to the human psyche and this is just artificial intelligence technology that is primitive compared to what the new technology is that is coming online. I am being shown this because I for One am a unbelievably powerful magical divine feminine who can create miracles, just as our brother Jesus, Sai-Baba and Buddha, Isis did.

I and others Masters, Gods & Goddess’s are here with New Technology that has never been here before ever and is coming along with the second coming of Christ Consciousness.  

So here is one video about one persons experience in AI simulation that I can vouch for, meaning I have experience seeing beyond the veil and I know we are in a sort of man made in-organic fear mongering assimilation at this time I am not saying her story is true but it rings very familiar and this is why I found it, I am witness to a manufactured Matrix.

The second video is from William Henry who is a leading edge investigator who helps to bring this New Earth in by exposing what we do not need for the New Earth that will be sustained by Love and Light.

In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

of Higher Service
