Solar Octane – ForeRunners of the Solar Logos
July 4th Weekend
Key points I would like to cover for this update:
I Lite Up Grid in Canada connecting all the Great Lakes to the Waters of the Earth. I received confirmation that the Great Granite Canadian Shield has been lite up by the Solar Logos through my vessel as a conduit of Light, others of course are involved however this is an update from my experience. This grid work that has taken place over the past many, many years across the Great Canadian Shield has been a success. They fun synchronicity of how this was shown to me was shown through a rainbow white crystal ball light I gifted to my friend years ago. She told me that her and her partner have had it on for years, until this past year. Her usb charger stopped working to recharge the crystal ball, so I went outside to get my charger. I brought it in and viola it started to lite up again. So her and her husband said to me “Shelly you lite up the Rock” and it dawned on me at that moment that the grid work has been accomplished. The interesting thing is that while living in Muskoka I was introduced to a place called the torrance barrens sky watch.
It is also interesting to see on the front page of this website how the granite is immune to the pollution of negative lighting and vibrations from negative frequency technology. However the granite of this earth loves Solar Light Vibrations and has been soaking it up through this grid work for the past 9 or 10 years with me and the Solar Logos Light Family.
Who is the The Solar Logo’s Light family? The Great White Brotherhood Ascended Masters, Archangels, Star Beings/Galactic Councils, the Suns of all Suns and the Cosmic Light Beings just to name a few. Of course WE here on the Earth are of the Solar Logos. There are Forerunners and ambassadors of the Solar Logos here upon Earth and I am one of the Forerunner heading up this Solar Logos Planetary Operation for the illumination of our sweet planet earth. Others who are of this Logos in a physical body know who they are and some do not yet know who they are. The Christ Light Family referred to as the 144,000 are the Logos who are assisting in the transition of Earth into a Sun.
Yesterday I had a meeting with a man. While I was in his office I noticed on his camera’s that I had a White Diamond Laser beam of Light running through the hood and windshield of my car with a Sun like White Diamond Blinding Light in the centre of my car, the second image I saw on another screen was waves upon waves of rainbow light running over building we were in and this showed up on the camera. I was so amazed and happy when I saw this. I noticed this through out our hour long meeting. He was explaining to me how he has had many near death experiences, how he became a millionaire with a grade 9 education. However he ended up being just another dark magician set up and the Rainbow Family of Light were right there to Transmute this.
How the transmutation really works is by taking action steps to make the changes, in this particular situation as I will explain. So I went to a car dealership that this man referred for me for an interview but I had a feeling I was truly there for another reason. So the first thing that happened when I arrived was this: I was looking at the most beautiful colour of orange I had ever seen on a For Runner Toyota SUV. I asked what this Fire/Orange stunning coloured vehicle was, the receptionist said SOLAR OCTANE – 4 RUNNER. That is when I realized why I was there. This was another magical confirmation of the Solar Logos Mission that I am heading up along with key other members as an Authority for the Solar Logos and the New Divine Government. And we are ready for the next phase now that the grid has been sufficiently lit up. The other members have been doing their works on the Grid from their grid points.
Years ago I saw the Divine Mother’s face in the Granite Rock in Muskoka Canada back in 2016 ish and this is when I started to consciously work with the Great Canadian Shield. I have the image of the Mother in the Rock and I believe it is in my book also. This energy of the Divine Mother is of Isis, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, she is who works through me this conduit of Divine Mother. The Divine Masculine energy holds the codes of Osiris, Archangel Michael and Jesus this energy works through the Divine Key Twin Flame Masculine.
I published a blog (my last) blog about how this is completion of the dark interference between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. And to prove what I wrote about is true Serapis Bay came through today with confirmation. I was listening to a update by Paul White Gold Eagle on YouTube channel “The Eagle and the The Condor”. When I instinctively paused the video while driving at this exact seconds before he mentions the Ascended Master Serapis Bey. When I arrived home I resume where I had left off and to my surprise Serapis Bey comes through at approx. 30.min in this video. Then my hand moved on the iPhone and skipped the video all the way to the end incredibly where the message from Serapis Beys starts.
Master Serapis Bey message: “I am an infinite being and soul, I intend to open those portals of the mind that reach to higher consciousness (pink crystal diamond mind). I begin to remember that I am a divine being of light and love, I am open to more downloads of the masters and source, I am always connected to Universal Source consciousness. I realize I am a magical eternal loveable divine being of light and love.” Thank you Master Serapis Bey.
After this magical message happens I then listen to the whole video of this video below. More magic happens and my mission with the Isis, Mother Mary and Magdalene/Osiris, Archangel Michael and Jesus comes through. As I have mentioned many times in my writing and videos I am a conduit for the Universal/Cosmic Mother that is Isis, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.
This past week I was visited by an Angel in my dream state. She is also the Mother Energy in a embodiment of a physical women upon Earth whom is a walk-In very similar to me. She came to me and started to show my the steps of the walk-in process and this was difficult. Then she said I want to encompass you with the Pink Violet Ray of Love. Then another voice said “You have grown with the Light of Sirius. It was a very intense meeting and upon awakening after that I was feeling stressed as this is the time I am interrupted with many night terrors. So I was not sure what this was all about. But now I do and I found out it was legitimately benevolent. This happened at the July 2nd or 3rd day, the beginning and opening of the Sirius Stargate to Earth timing.
Things I contemplate after putting more pieces of my lineage and ancestry together.
Sirius is where all souls go back to for rebirth and I help them transition there. I know this to be true as I have helped many return back to this place of birth and the truth of this resonates with me in my heart.
Lion Headed Goddess Sekhmet Victory and Success. I received this message a few nights ago and I was reminded of when the Lion Headed Spiritual Being merged into me and remember my lineage to The Egyptian Ancestry and my connection with the Lion Beings, especially as a Goddess Lion Headed Being.
The Sirius network provided much of the identity the dna of the ego/diversity into the human race after the fall. I feel this is true after looking back into my experience when I as the Mother Creator looked upon the Divine Masculine which the Mother of Creation did create in the Stars.
Isis and Sirius are the energy that works through and with me as a Solar Human
How am I going to bring everything that I am into the world?
So where does this lack of love and worthlessness come from? Well this morning I found this write up about this and at first I took it as it pertains to my current life, and after thinking of it further I realized I am experiencing it in this life because it has to come up for the healing to occur for healing the wounds of the past lives and the take down of the Divine Mother and Feminine. So here is what I found this morning to get me to write and I guess heal more of the wounding has taken place in this very life time to ultimately heal the past lives. I pray this is why I found it. The reason I say this is when I read it, it at first made me angry and more upset (as if I can get more upset) as this is what I feel the oppressors purposely did to my life to take me down (but of course they did not take me out – I AM STILL HERE AND I AM AND WILL CONTINUE MY UPWARD MOTIONS TO BE VICTORIOUS.
“If you want to weaken and destabilize someone/ something, you need to destroy its foundation. For humans it is their emotional foundation of belonging and connecting.
This is indicated by the bottom of the horoscope in the chart: the 4th house: the foundation, on which the whole horoscope/ psychology/ life of the person stands.
The most sensitive and important place for mental health and overall success and happiness in life.
If your foundation is weak, there is no way you can build a tall tower.
What does 4th rule: the family, local traditions, sense of belonging, knowing where you are coming from and respecting/ understanding your ancestors, being rooted in your culture, emotional intelligence and maturity based on having had safe environment to unfold this, emotional contentment.
If you have this foundation good, then you can grow into whatever heights and direction you want, because your roots are strong. You are psychologically healthy and stable.
But what do we see most targeted in the last few decades by the system? Family, the mother’s presence and involvement, traditions of the ancestors that are looked down on as outdated, sense of belonging, loving one’s roots and ancestry.
What are they trying to achieve?
Why would a system need dysfunctional and emotionally wounded population… but to rule them easier….
That’s why in astrology and psychology, we start with family constellations or other healing modalities, which focus on healing the emotional wound and vulnerability from the family, the ancestors, forgiveness and release even in-the most painful cases. Once the emotional foundation is healed, everything in the life of the person starts to align. – June 21, 2023” Lady Duncheva Youtube
So the question when will I finally heal this nightmare I have been going through? When the my foundation is restored, full forgiveness is possible by the truth being revealed of this current past 10 years. Which will bring in a sense of belonging and and emotional release from all the painful secrecy and abuse.
So how do I do this? Well, either the other person involved who can release the shadow part of this and allow the light into the situation and or I just release it myself in some creative way.
I cannot help to notice one part in this write up:
“That’s why in astrology and psychology, we start with family constellations or other healing modalities, which focus on healing the emotional wound and vulnerability from the family”
When I read this I think of the family that stood under the “Creation of the Divine Masculine” in the Stars, We as a Star Family watched this perfected man in the Stars made up into a “constellation” of a man and the only problem was the massive ego.
This is talking of the over all collective consciousness of the male patriarchal. However between myself and a my Masculine counterpart this healing or upheaval of wounding has been playing out there has not yet been full healing. I have tried everything under the Sun to get him to begin the full healing but he has not. Instead he has been attempting to use the same mechanisms to heal the wound that was part of the very cause that took me down. This is not the way. On top of that our telepathy has been used to cause sever psychological terrorizing to me and this is also not the way. There need to be truth spoken from the throat chakra and the soul signature of sound to heal.
Patricia Cota Robles came out with her Monday vlog AFTER I had recorded a video of Spiritual Solar Logos Authority of which I am, however my physical, material life has been sabotaged to keep me from my mission for a short time when I compare to the whole of this cycle of creation, dying and rebirth within the body for ascension. Any way I have not yet been able to upload the video as the phone I recorded it on I do not connect it to wifi for good reason.
Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene – Osiris, Archangel Michael, Jesus is the ancestors stories I am trying and here to heal. The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine.
Cutting cords of all negativity associated to the black magicians has been done and is going to continue to be done. There has been a lot of black magic playing out and I see it for what it is. These set ups take place in my life and are alchemized quickly.
I am the Solar Logos Representative for the New Divine Government – Sirius Sirius ambassador – Lion Headed Queen on this Earth (one of them) that actually speaks from undeniable proof of experience and wisdom. Of course there are others out there doing the real work, but I hear others putting out information on there Youtube as soon as these powerful Sirius/Lions Gateway 8/8 start happening but where is their authenticity and the experience of living this mission and passing the most Sirius Initiations? Where ever they are I am looking forward t meeting them in persons. Maybe I am coming across the wrong channels. I should be out there speaking with authority and the only reason I am not is because of the dark oppressors and lack of physical support. But the time will come for those who have hurt/harmed me and my dog and family purposely you will have the Galactic Solar Councils at the Great Central Sun to deal with and that time is approaching rapidly.
I believe that the male counterpart that I have been involved with has played out this role for the highest good from the celestial perspective or the Eagles perspective. But I also know he has not yet taken responsibly and this has been damaging. Now it is the time to choose your path. Like the video of Patricia Cota Robles states the New Divine Government in NOW. Also my personal readings for myself are very accurate and always denote a re-union. But just like in the past history the masculine has let the feminine down and this keeps playing out over and over. I don’t see how he can see any other choice but to be honest at this point. But that is his free will. And with all the fuckery I have been dealing with I do not have zero tolerance for any games, dishonesty from any one. As much as Spirit asks me to be in my heart I try, however I am in a physical body and have endured as much as I can.
I may come across at times naive and that is because I am a human angel, I may come across sometime as not so polished and professionally presented these past years and that is because I am living REAL Ascension and have been in the battle field for the Family of Light. Not just a little battle but rather THE BATTLE OF ALL BATTLES.
So being on my own with this for so long and having to fight my own battles, I have won, I have one. I am starting to think this whole Twin Flame thing was a big massive set up at times. But honestly without talking with the other involved I am not sure what this connection is truly about in its truest essence. I cannot forget who initiated this contact with him and what took place but how do I know that in itself was not a elaborate set up? I don’t I think so but it is only morally correct and human of him to personally talk to me about this. I go back and forth with my feelings about all this and at this time it is just plane cruelty to play out any more deceit on this connection.
For example I come across a lady who speaks of Twin Flame and is apparently the real deal and knows her stuff. To me she speaks very similar to how I feel and what I experience and sometimes just to familiar, like I find it hard to believe that she is in fact experiencing the herois gamos union as she does not have proof of this this yet brings up subjects exactly as I am taking about and have been for close to 10 years. Some of these people just show up out of the wood work and start speaking as a Light Worker but have no back up or authenticity.
The latest thing that really got me suspicious is when she mentions her daughter challenged here and they made a bet. The bet is that the daughter says her masculine counterpart will never call or show up, and her side is he will. This is all to familiar as my son and I have had the same conversations, however this happened 7 years ago. And sadly I have never met him again and I look like a liar or delusional. When in fact it is 100,000000000000000%%%%%% true what I have been experiencing.
So I ask the masculine who has been involved to step forward to heal this and stop allowing the criminals of this earth get away with murder and fucking with Soul Consciousness for nefarious reasons.
Did Mary Magdalene and Jesus refer to themselves as TwinFlames? No, Did Isis and Osiris refer to themselves as Twins? Maybe twins but not Twin Flames,. That is because these Beings knew Oneness and Androgynous Being-ness.
No matter the foul play that has been involved in this connection with my “Masculine counterpart” there is a sense of oneness that cannot be denied. No matter how dark or shadow this is what it ended up Being. With that being said I feel Oneness with others as well, in different ways. So I know it is possible to eventually to share oneness with humanity. But this will not be done in dis honest ways.
So again I ask for YOU the Masculine to be honest and bring this into light and healing for the the last time, so the past can be released. By my ending our connection via the lower chakras a this time is the first step and this has been the biggest healing for the collective EVER. Maybe that is the release I am finally releasing so I can fully rebirth. But wouldn’t you like to know what the fuck went on between you and another involved on such a merger level???? I do.
Any way this is just so complicated that I will have to do a verbal video do put this out properly.
And to end this article off yesterday I pulled up to my coffees shop drive through and the SUV ahead of me: 4Runner. We are the Forerunners of the New Earth.
Saishoire~Grace/Shelly Sullivan