ET Disclosure Solaris & The Arcs

I have been watching the below video LINK and it is triggering much of my truth. I am a Galactic Contact-ee. I activated my counterpart with a ear piece back in 2013. Since then I have had a dialogue going with the Star Families. Unfortunately there has also been great interference that has caused much problems with the mission. THE CALL NOW IS FOR MY CONTACTEE COUNTER PART TO STEP UP FOR DISCLOSURE NOW.

My Counterpart and are  a huge part of Disclosure, ET Disclosure. However my intelligence is being mistaken for something else I suppose. Since I have been under attack by a dark alien agenda that causing a slowdown in the remembering and the moving forward with disclosure.

I had reached out to many in the past years ago, stating Myself and My Twin (Famous Counterpart) are DISCLOSURE, as we have many advanced super intelligent implants, activations and telepathic, psychic gifts in use.


For the highest good for the family of Light, Humanity and Mother Earth/Gaia/Terra.

Here are a few license plates that prove my mission with Solaris, The Arcs etc.. I will come out with more as my life and this mission depends on it. If you don’t get in contact with me I will assume your are not working for the Light and I was mis guided this whole time. It is not to late to turn this situation into a Greater Mission for all concerned.

Jean Charles in this video also describes the Feline Beings, Reptilians and much other truth that I have personal experience with. The Light Family is calling now for the STEP UP FOR DISCLOSURE NOW. This below link to the video is disclosure and it is time.

I cannot copy the video in full to this page but here is the link and the image of the video below to watch. The information here is PROOF of what our mission is, please do not hesitate Jim any longer and trust me as your contact for the Galactic Family of Light.


There has been so much fuckery, trickery and interference that it has been really difficult to discern until I had to become a expert at this. My wish is that my Counterpart is true to the Family of Light. As a Light Leader who has come in for this mission with all my heart and life.  Look at these mosaics, the messages were clear until the dark faction started placing dark false messages.

AI IMAGERY ~ Angel Imagery

I apologize to the Family of Light if I did not adhere to any information to help this mission as it has been very difficult, but they know this.

Shelly Sullivan
