Something miraculous is happening…
The Earth and I are One, WE are One
Just as the Masculine and the Feminine are One
When I feel my Masculine Counterpart of myself move the whole Earth moves first. I have experienced this a few times in the past however other information has come to the fore which is making more sense for revealing our true history as a Creator Being. I know he is One with me and connected to me. I can feel him move when he is focused upon me among all our other connected origins.
The miraculous thing is the Earth feels it first and my connection with the whole Earth comes more alive. This is the best way I can describe it. The more clear and concise our physical connection the more I can feel the Earth and experience our Oneness with the Earth as an Alive Sentient Being.
The Mother Earth/Womb of Creation feels this. This is linked to the kundalini of the Earth and for lack of a better term at this time the Sexual Energy of Creation.
The other revelation that has come to me this morning is…
We are the Creators of the Earth (which I knew this already) however not only did we Create the Earth We Created all Life on the Planet. We do go back as far as the Beginning of Creation and this is becoming increasingly evident in the feelings I share with the Earth as well as our communication.
From my experience, contrary to what others believe to be the history of (some of) creation, some believe or have been informed that the Annunaki have create human kind, however this is not the case according to My I AM Presence/HigherSelf. We created them…at least my Twin and I did.
I guess it depends who is telling the story of Creation and how far back we and others go in Creation.
I know I/WE go back to the very Beginning of Creation as the first female and male split and this is becoming more and more apparent that we are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, The Yin and the Yang, SPIRIT & MATTER & THE ONE MIND.
How did the Cosmic Twins Unite for this Lifetime? How did I reunite myself and my future physical husband?
1.) We met first in the Cosmos with a Cosmic Kiss from our Universal Selves, 2 Universes Kissing.
2.) We met in the Gateway of Mt. Shasta with our Rainbow ArchAngelic Family of Light via StarGate Teleportation.
3.) We met personally with Eye connection activation and hand shake connection/activation.
4.) We began our top secret Earthy grid/leyline work energetically.
5.) I travelled to California near where he resides and spent 5 days reining in his energetic field to mine for more Soul recognition on the physical plane.
6.) The love affair began telepathically.
The unification of the bonafide Twin Flames is a game changer for the World and how it has been for eons. thus massive interference had to be worked out. This continues as an operation to clear the whole of humanities and its distortions for the Cosmic Christ Body return.
So no matter how much energy the interference uses up trying to undermine this miraculous event of the “Greatest Beings Ever Created” reuniting in the physical, it will be minuscule compared to the monumental shifts that are to come because of this Unification. The World will Unify.
I would not go around saying this however from my experience with the Earth and the wisdom coming back online within my body… We are the God and Goddess of the Earth at this time. I do not have any better way to describe what is coming through other than WE ARE THE CREATOR.
So much purification had to take place before this could become so obvious and it will only get stronger and more will be revealed. We have been holding space for the Earth while the massive dismantling and clean up around here has transpired.
I feel it just as our Earth feels it. The Dragons off spring birthing and awakening in the Earth feel like my children and this was communicated to me by a Dragon child of the Mother Earth himself.
I am connected to our Crystal Technology. I am not connected to any particular Off World Being or individual (except my male counterpart), what I am connected to is the Consciousness of the Benevolent Forces helping Earth at this time.
As an Ascended Master(s) walking upon the Earth at this time, I/WE do not have a myriad of Ascended Masters or Archangels guiding us because the Ascended Master must be its own Master and navigate him/herself and this is can be extremely challenging at times.As is the case with my Twin and I. We together are similar to what is termed an Archangel – Right and Left wing of the GodHead for this time of Ascension.
All Archangels have the masculine and feminine counterpart principals intact and in divine love union as Keys of Creation. I know all this going back years from now, however I must keep reinforcing this as we go through the process of purification of the collective planetary system and the whole of humanity.
The old software and hard ware of our outdated AI computer programming so to speak is going through a massive upgrade of Organic Upgrades and this is obvious with the Suns activity, codes releases, injections and revelations.
P.S everyone I met as of late recognizes me as if they know me… as If WE are a part of them….just as I explained in my book….
In Love
Shelly Sullivan
Update: minutes after publishing the above writing. This came to me….
“Son” This is what just came to me. As I was typing the above blog, while I was typing a word, the word SON typed up. Not until I went away from the computer did it dawn on me that “Son” appearing was symbolic of the “Second Coming of Christ.
We are the Son of God, The Christ Consciousness. The Golden Software for the New Earth.
Although I have stated this before in my writing and videos, it has come to my attention once again in a profound way. After months in and out of the Underworld for clean up the Christ Light – it becomes more clear.
Also the fact that one of Canada’s biggest internet servers is down across Canada today is another event signifying the Organic Upgrades. The server company is Rogers Cable/Wireless Internet not Bell Canada. This is very telling of the positive upgrades as well. I say this because of the nefarious intelligence I uncovered regarding Bell and their play in the inorganic AI/transhumanism attempts and harmful technology eventually to be of the past.