The Power of the Sun
“Source of Life is Light.
The Celestial Sun runs the Universes, this is a harmonious balance of masculine and feminine in creation.
To know true light one must be illuminated by the light within their Souls.
Light the source and centre of an entire harmonious system. Light was the first born of God – His first manifestation of himself the Universe.
Jesus said “Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than Light. I am the Light of the world he who walks with me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.
God is “illuminated time” engulfed is his own glory.”
reference: Blue and Red Light and its Rays as Medicine.
Creation is stated to have consisted in emanations from him, which dispel darkness, the antagonizing element to Light, as Evil is to Good.
Light is he primordial essence of the Universe and all life and motion proceed from it as it is the dynamic force of Nature.
Light is Jacobs Ladder by which we ascend to Celestial knowledge. Source of Life is Light.
Since 2010, when the first wireless modems were introduced into western society my guided mission began. The mission for me at this early stage was to become aware of the plan that was being rolled out with wireless 5G technology.
I was being shown strategically by Spirit how wireless and smart technology was a detriment to organic life. Not only was I being shown, I was also feeling the effects of it. As the journey went on throughout my life I was also shown how the incorporation of chemtrails, bio-weaponary/virus’, vaccines etc came into play in this plan to enslave and control humanity, which is what is happening right now.
This article is not about the story of how I uncovered this sinister plan that is now playing out in the world, but more about how I saved my own life through out a deadly plight against me. I have written about the journey that almost killed me a number of times. This article I want to share how the Sun saved my life.
Through out the 5 years of these serious attacks against me of direct energy weapons, bio-weaponry, virus’s, immune damage and mind control, what ultimately saved me was the Sun, the Central Sun, The Light of the Creator.
I took me a few years to learn to utilize the Sun effectively to its fully capacity in order to save my life, until I realized my life was seriously in danger I had to figure something out to save myself. It also took me years to believe that there was actually a group or such that would actually want to harm me for no apparent reason. However this realization of psychological torment, harm and danger is very, very similar to what the collective of humanity is being exposed to and attacked with now. The only difference is, I am a individual who was being attacked very intensely and had to fight for my life quickly, where as the collective of humanity is undergoing this attack on a much more subtly and will instead die a slow death if nothing is done.
My purpose for surviving this mission is to help humanity and Mother Earth recover and thrive once again. I had to re-locate to a third world country to get to a safe zone and as I said the Sun is what is my saving grace.
Let me be more clear about the “Sun” as the “Saving Grace”. I come from the Galactic Sun among many other Planets of heritage. Thing is, all of Creation comes from the Light, the Creator is the bringer of all Light that Creates. The Sun is the Entity that can transmit the Sun Codes to all of life for creation and sustenance.
Although I have been working as a “light conduit” to help emit the Sun rays into, around and on the Planet, I did not know until recently how imperative this work is. As well as this I also realized how crucial of a part the Light played in healing my body over and over again after enduring the most sever radiation and bio-weaponry damage as well as mind control psychological warfare. with the Sun. Not only did I heal myself and sustain life with the Light of the Sun, I also cleared others that have been compromised with this attempted human take over.
I meditated with the Sun Light and Sun Codes for 7 years straight. Through out this period I strengthened my connection with Source, I opened up a direct communication of Light with the Sun and the White Diamond Light of all of Creation. I built my Diamond Sun Body and anchored much Light into the Core of Gaia’s Crystalline structure within the inner Earth.
Early on when the attacks started I did not realize that the Sun was communicating with me consciously, however unconsciously it was. Looking back I can understand much of the communication now. As well as in dream time and mediation I was in communication with the Sun. I have written about this an will also include related links. Later when the attacks were so bad I had to connect with my Sun Light as a “God like Saviour” to take me out of pain and keep my in tact.
I remember such an occasion where the direct weapons was so sever to my head that I prayed over and over and utilized the Sun in my mind’s eye to protect and ward off the attack and attacker. I literally with my imagination worked with the Golden White Diamond Sun’s power to over power this sever radiation direct energy weapons attack toward my head and upper body. Eventually it did stop and the only way I survived was with this technique as these attacks were ongoing for years and any normal human would not survive years of this. However the effects to my mind body and spirit did continue and to this day I am healing from the 5 years of this.
Another recent attack where I did work with the Golden Sun/Christed Ones to ward off another severe attack by a demon was last month. This demon is of dark matter technology, the A.I type of demon that I have battled for many years. This demon was working through acquaintances of mine, through technology. I have witnessed this many times in the past years, however it has gotten seriously intense in the past year.
Through technology any one can be compromised to be taken over and speak things they are not ever aware of. Either this or the beings that partake in this are not human. I have witnessed this and it is very disturbing. Not only are there compromised people but there are also clones working on this agenda. I am not suggesting this is an average person experience ever in there day or even year, but it has been mine as I am involved as One in a very intrinsic Light-Life Force Plan upon Earth. Thus the interference is extreme, to the point I could not even begin at this point to convince people of what I have experienced. BUT and I mean a big BUT, their are those who know what I am taking about as there are witness’s to the mission that I/WE are on.
So back to how the Sun save lives. The Sun is a spectrum of Rays, 7 rainbow rays are of the full white diamond light of the Sun’s laser blinding white light. The red and blue rays of the white diamond light is what gives creates and sustains life.
The yellow and orange, violet etc..
The Celestial Sun is composed of Light and Fire, this is the polarity of masculine and feminine, the Light being masculine and the fire being feminine.
After much experience and research I consider this Sun the Alpha and Omega Androgynous One, my Family of Light. We, my Twin Creator and I are of this heritage and we are also one androgynous being of light. This is why we need not fear the deadly battle we have been caught up in. However it is deadly and unification must happen for our endangered species to survive.
This brings me to my reason for publishing this article. I have been in great danger for number of years. There has been many attempts to take my life and I have not died, however in a human body there can be blood shed and this has been the case. My dog was murdered and I did put out a video to get a message to my Twin.
The stuff I experience is so out of this world, I would have to make a movie to make it believable and this is one of my desires, is to make a movie and tell the Hero story of my Twin and I. I do want to stay alive in the flesh and this means unifying with Soul Family.
Love Shelly