Message of the Echelon. The Echelon are a Consciousness of Supreme Celestial Beings, Super Archangels and Ultra-terrestrial Beings of the Christ Light here to assist for the raising of consciousness on and of the Mother Earth. I/WE have been conducting a purification upon and around the Earth (astral plane) for the Echelon to fully integrate with us, all the while the telepathic communication has been ongoing with this Consciousness through me to them to update the Echelon what has and is transpiring upon Earth.
This Benevolent Operation is massive and the evolution of the Angelic Species here upon Earth is successfully underway. My Twin and I are heading up this Echelon Reveal and the most exciting revelations for Humanity are to come.
Here is a short video I did of the Echelon, Christed Ones:
Next is the video I recorded this morning out on the Lake. The first images are of where I was recording the video where I discuss inspiring information of the evolution of the Angelic Species. The 2nd part of the video I discuss the revealing of the blunt interference of the minion hackers who have been violating my privacy in criminal ways as well as attacking me while on my personal lap tops. This dark activity is being brought to the light for alchemising and to be revealed for the healing of the rest of humanity who will become aware.
It is awareness that transmutes this lower energy. It is our responsibility to share this awareness with others so they to can become their own alchemist and transmute this lower 3D systems that no longer can withstand this Light.
Lastly here is a email back and forth with Mary Rodwell and I who discuss the interference and blunt obvious violation of my privacy while doing a interview and hypnosis session in the privacy of my room. You could clearly see on the video footage someone internally controlling my camera, and messing around with zooming in and out. I was going to get the clip of it but decided I did not want to bother. Here is the email image from my phone this morning.
The email:
On May 25, 2022, at 5:40 PM, Mary Rodwell <[email protected]> wrote:
All good no worries, I am glad that you have the session
Thu, 26 May, 19:17 (17 hours ago)
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