Currency of the New Earth
The most resourceful commodity for the New Earth is Light. The potential of Light as a driving Life Force Flow can be understood once one starts to connect to their Source of Light and creates with it. This resource system replenishes itself, like the fusion of the Sun which is the Source of all that is.
The abundance of the Sun is limitless and is all giving, A Life Force knowing the Creational Process. The Sun’s Solar system is filled with Gold, and other Elements. Thus any human undergoing or whom have attained their Light Body is Golden.
This Gold is a extreme resource of Creation that will sustain the New Earth and is part of how Mother Gaia will restore her resources upon and with in Earth.
Us as Light Beings are far more powerful than we have ever imagined. Not only can we Create and WE are Creating Universes, the alchemical merge of such Light Beings/Stars can Create Gold in the cataclysmic destruction in a remote Galaxy in Solar Sun Creation. Two Neutron Stars in a dance of ultimate Destruction and inevitable Creation from a Binary System that was a Supernova before.
Each Star massively packed with neutrons that their core became Diamonds. White Double Diamonds. When this dance must evolve and when the Stars collide, this creates Elements among others such as Gold. White Diamond/Golden Sun Christos BEings of Light.
This is what some may refer to as the “Flash Event” that has been going on for years. Before blind eyes and before open eyes.
Gold refuses to share electrons with oxygen making it the most non-reactive immortal mineral. Gold is immortal a gift from the “Gods” – Suns.
What I have seen from the Creation of All That IS, is a Source of Light. All that is pouring down into the Suns showering it with quadrillion gold particles and meteorites like a water fall raining down into the Galactic Sun and into our Solar Suns and into the Sun Disc’s.
Into our Light Body and into the Earth’s Sun = Gold = Restoring Gold.
From these cataclysmic events happening in the Ethers as we speak, the flashes of Light phenomenon affecting our physical body into Light Body forming Stars, New Stars.
The Currency of the Future is Light.
Before the fall of Atlantis. We sailed through the Powder Blue Water & the Plasma Sun in Creation, greeting all of our family in mutual adoration. The experience as we approach to the Land of Our Family, we were sought out for our Light. We Are the Star Parents of Light leading the way.
Our Light was visible to the Family of Light. They welcomed the Star Parents with great Love and Adoration. This Love and Adoration was commanded because of the Great Light that was achieved by the Stars in Creation.
Masters of Manifestation, Warriors of Light, Examplars -Templars of Abundances and Creators of All that IS.
Lion Council