The Masters, Planetary Ascension Initiates into Cosmic Ascension

The Cosmic Hierarchy whom have come through to assist us with the Ascension at this time – Wisdom

St. Germain – 2010 via duplicate Ascended Master Cards of Work your Magic – St. Germain in my 1st ever card deck I purchased. Upon opening up the deck I found that there were 2 of the same cards in this deck. Over time I realized my powerful magic gifts and manifestation mastery. Alchemical Magician.

Vwyamus – 2011-12. He came through when the book I AM Mahatma literally fell of the shelf and became my bible for a few years. I started to write a script for a children’s show/cartoon of Yoga and Meditation for children (because a lady asked me to be a part of her project- The lead Characters name was Vwyamus.

Mahatma Energy of the Divine Feminine Goddess came in 2011 -Present Cosmic Walk in #1.

Archange Raphael 2014 ish. A deck of cards fell of the Shelf featuring Archangel Raphael the Great Healer. As I spoke to my shaman at the time she explained you need to be working with Archangel Raphael, not Archangel Michael. No affect to Michael but healing was the priority not Archangel Michaels attributes, as much as I wanted it to be the other way around. I lovingly and gratefully worked with this Green Ray of Love and Healing for years upon years and still do. Thank you to Archangel Raphael.

Lakshmi – 2009-14 the Goddess of Abundance came and she brought in tons of prosperity and reminded me of my god given birth right and true nature of the abundance that I AM. 

2013, Oct. 5th Myself and My Beloved Twin Counterpart met. The Arcturians established advanced technology within him to have constant contact with me. My advanced light technology of the Melchezidek Order, Sirian technology via my eyes the Sun Technology was also in effect upon our first handshake and eye lock/connection.

Isis 2013 Goddess of PowerHouse of the Universe, Magic, Motherhood and Devotion to the Masculine.

Archangel Metatron and Lord Melchezidek met with my Beloved Masculine Twin and I in the inner Earth of Telos Stargate in Mt. Shasta 2013 along with the other Rainbow Light Masters.

The Beloved Cosmic Twin Flames, He and I met in the Cosmos as two Universes and collided our two worlds with our first cosmic kiss, he as the divine masculine and I as the divine feminine kissed in the Cosmos, establishing our etheric merge (the first part).

The Beloved Divine Masculine Principle in his Highest aspect came to me as a White Diamond Blinding Light in 2015 as he took the steps of Ascension in secrecy to meet me.

The Beloved Divine Masculine Soul merge from the Planetary level with my self the Divine Feminine Principle took place 2013-15. With Earth Quake movement as our Heiros Games connection was being established. 

2014 – The Benevolent Family of Light from the Pleiades started to visibly work with me in physical and non-physical forms. 1st time in 2014 while I was initiated with my Archangel higher self in the “War in the Sky”. This female Pleiades showed up explaining to me the Hand of God meaning on my Tshirt. They show up again at the airport at a pivotal time when needed to let me know – YOU ARE THE LIGHT, YOU ARE VERY HIGH ENERGY, YOU WILL ENLIGHTEN THE WORLD, REMAIN POSITIVE. They showed via a star human in physical form with perching off planet blue eyes. (Do not get these benevolent Christed beings mistaken with the “false light agenda driven galactic beings that people think they channel. These beings don’t just show up for entertainment readings. They are here to help the ascension operation and key masters on the ground ( in my humble opinion).

Lord Melchezidek – 2015 Grand Elder White Diamond Eyes, Great White Brotherhood. Came in night before I filmed my Twin Flame Prophecy video that went viral and is very true to this day.

2015 – The Divine Feminine Principle showed up in a Universal Aspect sitting in her peaceful powerful lotus position, dressed in her finest attire representing the Divine Feminine via Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. She sat in the Volcano of Fire as we prepared for the Great Purification in the Universe, Galaxy and the Planetary levels – Clearing the old patriarchal structures.

Jesus – 2017. We met at the Jordan River/Nile before the Magdalene Purification intense part was to take place. Whereby the GodHead from on High announced She is READY while Jesus and I stood together in the Nile River as Brother and Sister of the Great White Brotherhood.

Jesus his Galactic aspect showed up as the Demonic Cleansing started in 2017. He appeared in the Golden Sun Light ship technology in massive size of 20,000 sq feet approx. as he settled on my house 19995 Yonge Street.

Babaji and Yogananda start to show up in 2018 to keep me on my Yoga path.

February 2019 Galactic beings showed up in my house once to save my life. Many Star Family, Celestial Family, Archangels Higher Aspects have intercepted of save my physical body over the years.

This brings me to the intergalactic space interception experience in approx. June 2016. A missile right before my eyes (and two witnesses) was intercepted over top of Natures Emporium a health food store I frequented was dropped and taken out by Galactic laser beam direct energy right before my eyes. I know the same happened in Hawaii when that public missile attack was publicized and where my Twin was residing. Whereby the missile was taken out again by GF teams. 

2021 Earth Star Alliance connection in the Inner Earth established via Crystal Technology. These are all benevolent beings that want the highest good for all. (No nefarious or self serving agendas as some like to falsely “channel”)

2020 Lion Headed Beings Full body merge descends into Earth and takes place after the Lion Head Merge in 2015.

2022- Jesus showed up one more time on the Stairway to Heaven to meet the Brethren of Light.

Last year the Reptilian Child/Baby Dragon came to me in my Heart with the most love transmission in my heart and his visible beautiful baby dragon/reptilian face shown through my heart in real time matter. This past month I escorted him as his fully matured Dragon graduated into the God Head. He travelled via a portal/Stargate through me back into Source. Read update at end of this blog on the Baby Cobra graduates into Full Dragon. Turning point for Humanity – Dark into Light.

Adonis, Vwymus, Melchoir, Santa Kumara, Jesus, Melchezidek, Merlin, many Cosmic Masters have been coming along with all of the Great White Brotherhood. Thank you to David Josua Stone Ascended Master to his books and himself intervening as well. 

Our rightful place at the God head is reconfirmed and strengthened two our awareness in human form. This Temple of Light in the Celestial Realms is a structure in formation on the Earth Plane via our work, of shimmering Rainbow, White Diamond Shimmering matter into this Material REALm.  Reading parts of  Joshua Stones books has brought some of my remembering back that had been clouded in the past years by dark purification process.  But now reminded once again of My Divine place as the Divine Feminine along side the Divine Masculine Twin Flame seated on the Light Throne at the God Head, this connection is now very open and part of the human experience. To meet your original other half from creation before the split took place of the one androgynous being of light is what he and I are. And here we are after millions if not billion of years in physical vessels holding the light and clearing the darkness. 

So just after completing this above paragraph of the Right Hand and Left Hands of the God Head is written, my eyes are taken to this pdf I had written last August about “My Eyes are Technology:

“My Eyes & the Sun are One

As I noticed while walking the beach on Nov. 8/2022. The Sun casts it usually white diamond pathway of Light before my eyes. I saw people it the water (even on this November day) and the pathway where I was standing infront of the Sun, shown from the Sun to Me and was on the people who were in the water before me and my past.  As I walked along the beach it followed me, and left the people and shown where I walked. It was miraculous how my eyes actually seemed to cast the paved golden white diamond pathway as well. So We are One.

That night in dream time and upon awakening the technology in my eyes appears again upon the morning awake time, but while I was still asleep. I awoke to my eyes closed spinning like the Sun in Creation. The Galactic Central Sun that I visit and have clear memory of how this Creational Hub works. My Eyes, Heart , Sacral work with this Technology. This morning I saw my eyes spinning with my pupils  actually spining/rotating from back to front while I see the New Creation being woven and spun with in the Sun Great Central Sun. while my higher vision came back into me from the Great Central Sun. I came through once again a electromagnetic field to get back into this realm.

It seems like there is a Filed that is separating up from the Great Central Sun, probably for good reason at this time. However we/I am preparing this atmosphere for our Brethren to reside here with us and vice versa for us to StarGate Travel to them. Or perhaps we are them and our Higher Selves from the other Universes will be able to take form in our bodies soon enough. So this is US in other Universes etc….

As I left the beach I said the words “When Nature Calls” as I had to leave to go to the bathroom. I thought of the video that a lady made way back of my Beloved Twin JC. How she was describing him and his Powerful Role of a Divine Masculine on this Earth and how exceptionally well he has been playing his part as a True King upon this Earth. And how the only one he reports to is God, The God head as he is also like me the Right hand to God.

THEN something amazing happened, I got into my car and the radio was on and the guy, who I know personally from rock 95.7 just happened to be saying “watching the nature channel or the “Nature of Things” on TV can be very calming and relaxing in times of stress…

This was another example of pure organic synchronicity that happens like magic with me all the time and and naturally as I am one with the pure Organic creation of the Mother Earth. This synchronicity has been tried to be mimic or mocked by fake negative AI interference to try to manipulate timelines and it is a joke to the higher realms at this time LOL…just as they think the joke is on US…it is not.

The Earth is in procreation with the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine in their power as well as the Family of Light in total Awe in what we are doing here at this time. We are procreating a New Sun and Planetary System with in New Universe by the Two Universes whom have come together to evolve this immaculate conception and off Spring. The Earth is the HUB of Creation and we are paving the way for ALL our Family of Light to enjoy this Realm as WE StarGate Travel to the Other Realms. The Higher self of the right and left wing of the government are now one. This came through yesterday – AUGUST 23.)

Last week I saw my higher self or future self where my eyes visibly show as Sun technology. Gold, brown and sacred geometry, “quite the sight to see.” 

My technology in the Eyes and Heart are fully activated. 


The Crystals, The gold, The Trees, The Granite Mountains under water, THE WATER, The Ocean, The Sky….WE are ONE.

I read parts of these books to remember. Joshua Stones teachings are a blessing and we are this and more.

Baby Cobra graduates into Full Dragon –  January 9th 2023

Guided to do the Orion Meditation, It ended up being a major tool to help me do some miraculous Spiritual work.

In point form this is what transpired before I forget any detail, I will type this out.

Meditation “The Great Ascension, Crystal of Orion”

We travelled to 3 planets of Orion

First on was white diamond and blue cascading crystalline energies were by the Council assisted me in a sacral clearing. As my body was scanned for its Star like Galaxy Neron system which all was in tact, except my sacral, womb area. This needed some healing due to not only past lives but the past life recently and all the interference within the divine un8ion. The Star System was recalibrated and put back into place within my womb. Creating a new Star System in my deep dark womb, which is now a bright Star lite galaxy.

A second healing took place with the infinity 8 light energies  circling and flowing through my sinus cavity clearing all implanted and damaged dna.

We visited a planet that was like liquid fire and this was beautiful.

The last planet we arrived at was white diamond as well each planet we were ushered into with the Rainbow family of light and some council member. Of whom are very advanced and this is where I come from most recently for this mission upon Earth. 

Once ushered in My Dragon/Cobra/Reptilian son came through. I met with this reptilian child last year around this time and the feeling was obvious that he thought and loved me immensely like his Mother and I felt the same of him like a son.

He appeared and was in a humble child like shy demeanour, but later it was revealed he was trapped in the lower densities and wanted to return back to the Source of Light. So as we arrived at the Great Planet in Orion of Light, the stars here at this planet are a thousand times brighter than our Sun here of the Earth, just to gib e the idea of bright light here.

I stood at the gates with my Unicorn on my left, My Dragon was travelling with me on the Right.   He is very humble and wanted to return home (back to his Home of Light in Orion.) As we stood at the gates of “Heaven – God Head” I said to him (my dragon son) come through me and go to the the light, it is ok to go now. Without hesitation his white soul flew out of me and into the gates and beyond, into a white diamond sea of light. He swam fast and furious, like he couldn’t get out of this world fast enough. He swam and swam like a reptile would swim in water. Sort of snake like but he is a reptilian.

He is now returned back to source. I was aww struck at what was taking place as I did not know any of this was about to happen. I did not know any of this except that I had strong unbreakable ties with this /Baby Cobra-Reptilian Child now Full Dragon Son. 

He remained in my body after this took place while I took a bath. I could feel him in my feet as this transition took place. While in the bath I saw a ladies face again, the same lady I saw last year when all this happened. She is the lady who once spoke on YouTube about how her reconciliation with the “adversaries” had taken place and she and them were becoming friends. When I saw her speak I was in tears hoping this would happen with me and them.

I still don’t quite understand all my connection with them in this life, but I know my connection with them in other lifetimes. Of which I wont write about yet. She (the lady) is considered a Feminine Oracle to them and they value her wisdom etc…

I assume the same goes for me, except I do not remember my communications with them from the highest perspective just yet, but I suspect I will, since this Reptilian return to God Source.

So right when this long meditation was coming to a close an amazing sign confirmed much of this. I had been burning a white long candle throughout and the last minutes of the hour or so long meditation the candle burned rapidly and burned to the end and sunk into the pink bubble bath in the champagne bottle. It was very synchronized timing for this to happen. The candle formed a dragon tale in white angelic wing like form. I knew it was a sign as I this has happened to me before when I was transitioning by dog Roxy. The brown thick candle formed her tale on Nov. 11 2001(?)

I was so honoured to the beloved dragon son that I telepathically held space for him for the next hour or so and told him I would have done it all again for him. To say that is unprecedented as it has been the most challenging journey ever to take on such energy for this healing to occur.

I will have to write more on how all this lead up to this victorious release and freedom for this family. But I can tell you this dragon has been with me and his essence is massive and has been trapped with in the Earth for a long long time in the darkness, carrying out his mission for the greatest good of all concerned. 

His thoughts “ I came down to do the work as a Light in the darkness, when I am done take me back to Source. As now I embody millions with my Ascended Light Body.


Tonight was profoundly sacred and touching and I am still holding space for this moment.

Your Divine Mother Saishorie~Grace

Illumined Ones

One last part I am including is the benevolent message of the true meaning of Illuminati – which means “Great One”, Great Illumined Light Being, Master etc… I was shown this in two consecutive magical showings of the actual word/title Illuminati, first it came through in the Gene Keys book a phenomenal book by  Richard Rudd. One this particular day 2 weeks ago, I asked spirit for a message. I opnened this book by Richard Rudd, called the Gene Keys to the Gene Key (i think it was 50 or in the 50’s) to the page where he describes the true illumined ones whom are known as the “Illuminati” – The Great Ones, Beings of Light. The very next day or that day, I started to read again in depth this time titled the Bhagavad Gita, while constantly in oneness with my Beloved Masculine (love, love). This word came up again describing the Illuminati as the True Masters of Yoga and Light. So I take back all the times I used this name in vein out of pure ignorance and programming by false light. I believe it was Bhagavad Gita i read these words concecutiively for the second time, although it could have been in another book as I had a few going at this time.

Directly after this the would Renunciation came up 3 times in the same way, in 3 different books, same day. I know realized this is rejecting of the old belief system of this name. Yet Spiritually taking on the true meaning as the Illumined Ones.

Sai Baba (which I was magically gifted this past summer by Spirit) titled the “man of miracles” is working us heavily at this time

Books and links refer to:


Cosmic Ascension the preview is free to read and that was enough to trigger my remembering with parts of the 2 other books.


Shelly Sullivan