This excerpt taken from Georgi Stankov’s Book: New Gnosis, Evolutionary Leap of Mankind describes more of what I have accomplished with my Light Body Process. However my LBP which started lightly in 2006 amped up in 2014 and continued to 2021. I believe it was near finalization in 2017 – 18 but was prolonged due to the interference, thus it was stretched out for another 3 yrs. Keep in mind this was written in 2001 and we are now in 2021, the Light quotient has risen immensely within humans souls thus the ability to withstand such an Ascended Soul within the presence of others is much easier now as they too are integrating Light Body Process at their pace.
Energetic Aspects of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
Based on this discussion on the effects of the chakras and their importance in shaping the individual psyche and personality, I will illuminate at the end relevant aspects of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of mankind.
The first process represents an increase in the frequencies of the physical body to match the frequencies of the astral body, which allows a transition of the physical carbon-based body into crystalline light body and vice versa. At the same time the personality acquires the energetic and intellectual abilities of the soul and becomes a multidimensional personality that can exist in many realities at the same time. These abilities include: Telepathy, teleportation, bilocation, telekinesis, spontaneous recognition, universal awareness, for example, of new higher dimensional technologies that will be introduced on the earth, total recall of all past incarnations, immediate creation, etc. This sounds very simple and wonderful, but it is really much more complicated and difficult than the innocent reader suspects at first glance. The process is, especially in mental, psychological and physical terms, extremely stressful and challenging. During the Light Body Process, the person involved experiences the purgatory on earth. Why? I already anticipated the answer to this question in part in my previous discussion. I will summarize it here again.
Human being, and his personality, is not a fixed, predetermined magnitude, but an energy system that is in constant change. The current psychological and mental structure of man is a product of his historical evolution and the selection of his soul matrix in the astral worlds. Both psyche and mind have developed slowly in several millennia, until they have reached the present level. And now they have to evolve in a few years so radically in order to achieve the perfect awareness of the soul, at least in some areas, before man can ascend in his light body.
This Evolutionary Leap takes place under the condition of severe amnesia and the restrictions of physicality. The Light Body Process is thus a powerful, time-compressed program that only old souls can handle at the end of their incarnation cycle. They must experience how their old behavior patterns, which they have acquired in their long cycle of incarnations, including the last incarnation, are coming up. These behavior patterns dominate the actual personality for a short period of time and must be overcome with the help of the will and a loving psyche. These are low frequency, destructive, fear-based patterns, which can take different gestalt, depending on the individual. By being recognized as energetic epiphenomena that do not belong to the essence of the personality, they are eliminated (cleansed) by human Spirit in constructive interference with the psyche by harmonizing all human emotions.
In practice, the mind rationally deals with these fear patterns and recognizes their illusory nature. This inner dynamic is certainly not easy because the patterns are laden with very strong deep-seated fears and 178 the temptation of the mind to succumb to their internal pressure is often unbearable.
The personality does not have to do anything at all. During this time she must try to be her soul – for soul is Being and not doing – and in a society based on doing, the biggest challenge of all is the conscious Non-Doing. Instead, she must think and re-think a lot about herself and All-That-Is. In this way, the incarnated personality frees herself from all socially, family and historically grafted opinions, beliefs and behavior patterns that have imbued her character. She is thus cleansed.
Specifically, this process is felt as if one goes through the purgatory and renews himself like the famous phoenix in ancient Egyptian mythology, which arises from the ashes. It is the proverbial Resurrection, which all Christian theologians so profoundly misunderstand. However, this is not a solitary act, as there are numerous energy waves, which occur over many years, each time increasing in intensity and representing a unique hurdle for the person. At the end of the Light Body process, the person develops an unconditional love for nature and all living creatures that he has never known before. At the same time, he dissolves all ties with the material world that have put shackles on him. From an entangled personality, he now becomes a loving observer, who is able to express a dispassionate understanding for even the most deviant behavior observed on this toxic planet.
This distanced comprehension should not be confused in any way with the Buddhist, Stoic indifference towards all ills of this world. Rather, one must imagine the Light Body Process as if one weaves his psyche and his mind anew by ultimately shoveling the inner spiritual core of his personality from the dung of worldly experience. However, the person experiences at the beginning of the process a firework of unpleasant events that put him into a state of total helplessness. From this he learns to surrender the free will of his ego completely to the soul and to voluntarily go into the care of the soul and Universal Spirit. From this point onward, the soul determines the fate of the earthly personality.
This severing of the umbilical cord to the last illusion regarding the self-sufficiency of human existence is very painful and requires the surmounting of existential fears, about which a young soul has no clue. At the same time, the person in the Light Body Process must allow his soul to transform his physical vessel, he must willingly affirm it and stoically endure and actively support it during the long period of this exhausting process.
The transformation of the physical body is massive and unimaginably exhaustive, not least, because in present-day society one has not yet developed a concept of this process, and the person in the Light Body Process has to endure the lack of understanding and consideration by the environment. Rather, he is exposed to the many irrational acts of hostility and aggression by the young souls, which he must endure in addition to the physical and mental tortures of the Light Body Process. The thought of death is a constant companion during that time. The biochemical and energetic aspects of this transformation cannot be discussed here.
Externally, the Light Body process takes the form of a serious chronic disease that occurs in waves. The total physical and mental exhaustion is accompanied by many symptoms that are known from various degenerative diseases of the CNS and muscle-skeletal apparatus.
Read here: How to Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process
Since the organism is rejuvenated in the course of the Light Body Process in order to achieve immortality at the end, the outer appearance of the person is in blatant contradiction to the subjective persistent feeling of psycho-mental depression and to the objectively reduced efficiency of the body (an oxymoron).
The mind is largely eliminated in this process; it must watch helplessly how the body is controlled by higher forces and still boldly affirm and promote this painful process. In the later stages, when the mind is capable to cope better with it, it can give valuable clues to the soul. If the intensity of the waves of light body transformation is too strong or too long a period, then one can ask for a break and the soul will give it to him whenever possible (However, this does not occur very often, as the soul has her own agenda how to proceed with the Light Body Process.).
The light body process is, as the reader can already surmise from this short expose, the greatest and most daring challenge, which an embodied soul can currently undertake on earth. One must endure with every cell of his body, with every thought of his mind and with every feeling of his psyche the mighty power of the faulty collective beliefs and behavior patterns in order to realize the grandest vision of himself on earth – achieve a cosmic ascension and become a transliminal soul.
He cannot hope of any help from the society or family, for no man, who himself is not in the Light Body Process, can understand and empathize with what he is going through. The current society has no experience with such processes and what people do not know, they also do not accept. The rejection, which a person in the LBP experiences from his environment, can be extreme indeed, all the more as the people are not aware of their rejection consciously – they simply reject his formidable higher frequency fields that make them feel uncomfortable in their deep-seated, unprocessed fears, which are exposed as soon as they come in contact with the energies of the person in the LBP. In his light body transformation marathon, the enlightened man builds a solitary pair with his soul and must encapsulate himself from society and family, at least temporarily. This behavior is often misunderstood, and the exhausted person faces multiple fear-laden prejudices from the immediate surroundings, which he cannot refute at this stage.
At the end of the Light Body Process, the frequencies and the energy intensity augment to such an extent that the power of the aura that such a person radiates is unbearable for others. In particular, young and immature souls, but also mature, non-centered souls, feel very uncomfortable in the presence of a person standing at the end of the process. They do not know what to do with him because their low frequency fields no longer correlate with his high frequency unified energy field.
The united, cleansed chakra of a person at the end of his transformation does not allow any interactions with the blocked lower chakras of ordinary people who vibrate with the frequencies of fear. Since all human relationships come about through such astral interference, most people unconsciously feel that they cannot handle such a person. They develop, depending on the individual and situation, strong aggression, rejection or anger against him, or simply feel fear and discomfort. As they do not comprehend that they are the actual source of these negative feelings, they may react extremely irrationally and blame him by projecting their aggression onto him. The high energy of a person at the end of the Light Body Process reinforces the dishar- mony in immature souls, and since they are not in a position to recognize the cause in themselves, they tend too quickly to demonize such a light gestalt.
One must learn to live with this human rejection for the rest of his life as the LBP does not end, but constantly increases in frequencies, so that the energetic incompatibility with other human beings also grows. This was also the fate of Jesus, as this is vividly depicted in the Bible. Since the individual in LBP is in a very close contact with his soul, it usually does not bother him to be left on his own. In addition, his mind is more open to other parallel realities, so that he is barely susceptible to everyday stimuli. Since he is no longer truly involved in earthly life, he can look down upon the bustle around him with calmness and detached comprehension.
Nevertheless, the person in Light Body Process must still linger for a while on earth and he cannot avoid switching on and off into the general atmosphere of fear in everyday life. This process is then perceived as particularly painful: One feels the insatiable longing to leave this world full of disgust and interpersonal atrocities as soon as possible (footnote 3).
At least this is the current situation at this moment (2001). In the foreseeable future, the public attitude towards such persons must definitely change. The people will have to learn to deal with such evolved human beings with more understanding than is the case today: People will soon realize that they will be dependent on each ascended masters to survive.
(Note: I wrote these lines 2 years after I entered the final most intense phase of the LBP in 1999 and one year after I first ascended to 5D in July 2000. Now I urge the reader to imagine the scope of my suffering in the following almost two decades, while my frequencies were constantly rising, so that a higher version of myself could ascend on January 12th, 2019 to the 9th dimension, which is now potentially opened to me as well, although I dwell most of the time in the 7th dimension. This has never been achieved before by an individual soul that is still incarnated in 3D in the entire multiverse and I remember the jubilant celebration which the souls in 9D organized for me – it stirred me to tears as I ascended in full consciousness. This ascension was then confirmed by the Elohim in a message. We are talking here about energetic experiences and modalities, for which human language does not have any proper words and concepts, and humanity as a whole has no clue.
This highlights the impending total collective confusion when I will ascend and show up.).
These old souls, who have given their consent to go through with the Light Body Process, embody the heroic myth of All-That-Is, whose true scope and importance they will discover in full only after their cosmic ascension. At the moment of Ascension, they will enter a state of incredible serenity, full contentment and blissful fulfillment that will compensate for all the hardships of their long and tedious reincarnation cycle and can only be described as ecstasy. I know what I am talking about as I experienced it consciously as a higher version of myself when I ascended to 9D.
The individuals (such as the members of the PAT), who will successfully complete this process, will be an example for the rest of humanity that is still in the middle or the last third of their reincarnation cycle. They will embody what is in principle possible for all incarnated souls and can be achieved at the end of the cycle of reincarnation.
When this shift in awareness occurs, the earth will be energetically completely renewed. Many processes that previously required centuries to come to fruition, will be realized much faster now. Also, the karma of the past will change fundamentally. Humanity will no longer be the same species. Instead of today’s materialistic principles, spiritual principles will be adopted. The horizontal human consciousness will expand its knowledge in the vertical astral dimension and will throw overboard today’s limited ideas. However, life on earth will continue to provide some challenges of physicality for the majority of the incarnated souls. This time they will though enjoy a much wider range of opportunities and resources to create their earthly existence more comfortably and spiritually than is the case today.
The ascended multidimensional personalities (such as the members of the PAT) will establish the connection to the higher astral dimensions and other planets and realities that are inhabited by incarnated souls. The terrestrial civilization will evolve as a result of the Evolutionary Leap and the Light Body Process to a transgalactic civilisation of loving souls. This will take some time. This vision, which some readers will experience still in this incarnation, will be so magnificent that it can hardly be put into words. Hence, I will stop at this place.
Gratitude to Georgi Stankov for his teachings.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
I AM Saishorie~Grace