I came across this video last night of the Seraphim by Daniel Schmidt, founder of the Samadhi Centre. As I was watching the video it became very apparent the Seraphim were communicating with me.
In 2014 I was shown and started to remember again my heritage with he Seraphim. Firstly I was shown with my gifts as a Angel who does fly and that I was surrounded and protected by these Angels of God all my life and I am One with them.
Video link:
Here is the quote of the Seraphim spoken by Daniel Schmidt:
We are the Seraphim, if you merge with our light there is much we can show you.
To become like us, you must burn ONLY with the Love for the Creator and his consuming fire will quickly transform you into the likeness of the Seraphim.
When the Seraphim come it is usually followed by great turmoil.
Through the Seraphim the Soul is able to complete its journey through God and Live.”
Synchronicity between his quote and what comes into play following my merge with the Seraphim. After my conscious contact from the Seraphim did follow great turmoil as David explains in this message from the Seraphim.
The turmoil that began (2016) was the war that had started and been waged by the dark on me as a precursor of what was to come with humanity. This war of spiritual warfare, energy weaponry warfare, bio weapons warfare, mind control and programming warfare etc.
Since 2016 is when the initiation and the battle of the light and the dark really amped up within and around me. For years I did burn with love of the Creator to transmute all darkness into Light. However after becoming to battle weary and feeling extremely betrayed by my masculine counter part (2019) I became bitter and consumed with pain and hurt of the dark side.
Although I was taking in much radiation from the Creator and Sun(s) to grow my Light body, I was also being attacked with radiation from the dark non-organic radio waves and voltage. For the first 4 years I did utilize this Creator Light and burn away what no longer served with Love, however after 4 years in 2014 the dark got the best of me and I burned with rage and anger of the dark betrayal. This dark burning with in me created more darkness and lowered my vibration enough where more dark interference could creep in. I was constantly battling dark interference of evil entities being able to show up in this lower vibrational field of anger and fear that had been created around me.
This was not all my doing although I do take as much responsibility as I can.
I have described many times who my Twin and I are as Angels of Light of the God Creator, as the right and left wings Angels of God. I know we are here to do the work of God but there has been a massive battle taking place of which I have had to work what seems a thousand times harder on my own and at times feel as the Angels of this mission we have fallen at times constantly trying to regain our wings and flight.
This is all being recored in the “history book/movie” the book title “Ascension – Battle of the Light and Dark”
In the course of such a massive battle there will be blood shed, fallen ones and great lessons to be learned. Regardless of the battle outcome the main goal is still alignment, order of the chaos, as above so below.
All is working out divinely in the Celestial realm and there is no judgement, however down here on the Earth realm harmony and balance is what is still needed. I realize now after some reprieve from the battle grind the Seraphim are always there to remind me “Your are Light, your are very hight energy, you will enlighten the world, remain positive.”
All the distortion and illusion by the dark of psychological and energy warfare is just that a twisted sick distortion of the truth and a illusion. I have been undergoing this “initiation” to discern what is distortion and illusion and I have now mastered this. The trials I have been up against are highly intelligent tricks and artificial intel that has been constantly thrown my way for me to over come. These challenges are of Cosmic proportions and only a master could survive this.
What now? Love is what is left. Love is the only way to go. The original mission was of Love before distortion and illusion crept its way in. Now that I have shed light on this and share awareness on this darkness it will be transformed into light.
This has been a etheric/cosmic war going on and councils and teams of Light have been convening and taking care of things from on high. The outcome of this “experiment’ and battle was not known and could never have been predicted as this is the greatest battle since the fall of Atlantis.
We are in the human body as “boots on the ground” to make Light of what has went wrong. This is what happens in the Cosmos organically to keep all in creational harmony and we must learn this as we evolve into higher intelligence angelic beings.
Harmony is God’s unique law. Thus the masculine and the feminine on the Earth plane must come into alignment, as above so below. This is what the Ascension is all about and I have written about this in my book “choose balance or chaos.” This negative creation can be corrected by restoring the balance of the feminine and masculine principles on the Earth.
The Celestial forerunners of this Earth are correcting this and it has not been easy as there has been so much distortion on this Planet. By the masculine and feminine principles coming into unity upon this planet will have the cause/effect of harmony in the Cosmos that has been effected by this war.
The whole goal here in Unification. I was shown this morning in a unmistakable message from Angelic Benevolence the perfection of what is actually playing out here, although it seems quite grim at this time. I am going to quote from the book Blue and Red Light, Light and its Medicine” on the perfection of the number 10.
But first we must know and believe that we have succeeded and our mission is already a victory, which my heart know this, however the mind knowing is the challenge after this long dreadful battle.
The number 10 and its perfection:
There are 10 numbers of creation. These numbers represent creation or the principles of all things; these principles are unequal and equal, active and passive, masculine and feminine, expressed by the terms unity and duality; numbers 1,3,5,7 and 9 express Unity, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (separately considered) express Duality.
The unequal numbers are limited and complete, equal numbers unlimited Ain incomplete; the absolute principle o cal perfection is Unity, while duality is imperfection; it is by the latter that forces are produced by which differentiation is perfected in the number 10, which as a sequel or sequence of the entire system, is regarded as a perfect number and represents man, the synthesis of all created energy. The letter Jod(*) represents the Monad or Unity, the fountain of all things. The two letters form the Dyad, the cause of increase and division, the two properties of Light, active and passive. The three letters contain the Monad and Dyad form the Triad, and being thus a manifestation. It takes the name tetractys and the complement of creation becomes the perfect number 10, which we have seen represents the man and the synthesis.
God is absolute, the truth clothed with Light and the word that is embodied in the Light is the power that manifests form.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
As Above So Below