The War is One


“I remember when I had the meeting in the Gateway of Mt. Shasta, where I met with the Angels of Light. We had a meeting in secrecy and I did not remember the details. I did remember being instructed how to “Be In The Now” the analogy given was be as the Dolphins are in the water. 

Then I went into spin of our electromagnetic fields of Light and spun off through the vortex, faster than Light into a  Galaxy and back into my home in Canada. I arrived into my bed and my body felt every bit of it.  Mt. Shasta is in California.

This meeting was for a mission I am a part of, my Twin Flame, the masculine is a part of this also. The Angelic Family of Light met with us, in the most spectacular frequencies of Light. He and I, my masculine counterpart and I stood in our bodies, spiritual replicas of our human bodies that is how we showed up. 

This is a mission, a battle to take back our Earth. We have agreed to all the experiences and feelings this Earth life could offer, such as romance, love, lust, joy, ecstasy, bliss, hate, anger, frustration, fear, depression and down right wanting to leave this reality. This is the spectrum of human emotion, what all human emotions and experiences encompass.

Over all, I knew right from the beginning it was a mission I was going into between my Twin and I.  A mission of Light Work. This is why I did not have any pre-conceived feelings or expectations when I was introduced to my Twin in the Ethers, in the Gateway and in the Universe as it was a mission of Light and it would be carried out.

When we met, things changed and human ego, feelings, senses and others peoples opinions came into the equation and affected the outcome of the mission. The mission went on, feeling the myriad of emotions that were extreme. One thing that never changed was the heart felt love and the truth of the mission that was always moving us forward and ahead of the game. 

In the past we humans have endured war. Families were ripped apart, lives were taken, blood was shed, people survived the wars. When the Veterans return home from a bloody war back in the day, the families had deep enough values and morals to come back into love and compassion.

The healing of the family unit would be hard and sometimes unrepairable but most would try to repair and reconcile the pain and loss even to the time of death. 

Movies I have watched of War, family members awaited their loved ones eagerly to return after the war, like a fairy tale. And did what they could to repair and recover what was lost.

Many of the battle weary came back with wounds that were deep and insurmountable and maybe even effected the daily life and the way it was, but they carried on to bring back balance. 


Nowadays its nothing compared to how the veterans return back from war back then. No, now a days they are treated as truamtized, wrecked individuals, that are falsely programmed to THINK they cannot return to HOMEOSTASIS OR EQUALIBRIUM.  

This is a program from a dark agenda whom started the war in the first place. The dark agenda want these heroes to come back and falsely believe that they are not good enough or a worthless due to crimes that they witnessed perpetuated by the dark agenda. They want the the veterans of war to believe they are incapable of healing and program these people into addiction and suicide to further their fear agenda.

So they set up these veterans to  return to a society that is so corrupt and filled with an agenda to further harm these heroes. Setting them up for addiction, guilt, sadness, depression and ultimately suicide. This is a AGENDA OF THE DARK.

 In truth any human who has battled a war will come out stronger. Strength that is beyond human strength. 

This is how  War is Won. The Warriors of Light will come forth after this War, and Win. The program of the past is now done.

However this WAR the Light is in charge and the battle that has been waged brings back the warriors of Light stronger and in there Sovereign Power more than ever. 

I ask all of you who are seeing the truth now, to look at your husband, wife, children and friends and fellow humans, enemies and ask for forgiveness for how far we had to fall into the depths of darkness in order to see the light. In all that was lost we find peace and redemption for all. 

We created this War it is time we bring it back into the Light.

The way I view it from personal experience is like this. I have felt complete betrayal from all whom I love, especially the ones I am closest to. Why do I feel that? Because they were so immeshed in the depths of this dark war they could not see the Light.

Every one is immeshed with a programming that has been deliberately designed to rip families apart, separate human unity, separate Countries and Leaders. Even the Twin Flame leaders got lost in this programming. 

So I look at it like a battle that has taken place. Just like the when the Vikings went to battle, blood was shed, betrayal took place, friends turned to the opposing side and for a time were friends no more. Hearts were broken, hearts were sliced open people died, and resurrected. 

Same as when the past wars of our lifetimes have taken place. When do you ever see a wife or husband in this modern world turning away a spouse or child for stepping up and sacrificing their life to take on a battle, when do you ever see this in the fairy tale?…never. The spouse or family member received them with love and intention to heal the wounds. 

Same goes here, just because you fellow member chooses a vaccine, or a political leader or a belief don’t let that rip your love apart. 

Where do we stand now? on the precipice of a new world. A New Earth. Not like in the past where the Kings and Queens overlooked the blood shed and perpetuated the revenge and selfishness for power and money or broken hearts…No this time we stand for Love.

Love of the One Infinite Creator, Love of ourselves and our precious lives, Love for our Mother Earth and the Nature she gives out infinitely, Love for our fellow humans.

We return from the battle to our loved ones, no matter what side they take and we remember our love and all the politics that have gotten in the way is not worth blood shed  any longer. We have grown out of this immature lower world. We have evolved.

We seek union, harmony and love. Spouses, family members and friendships start to remember why they are here. The reality of there differences are so small compared to the crimes that had just taken place. We come to know that we did not cause this, but another agenda did. The agenda of the dark, whose intention is to divide and separate. 

We rise above and take our Earth back. We must become One. We will be rehabilitated.”

How many times has this been said and unheard.

Shelly Sullivan

As above, So below
